Chereads / Moon Lovers: Craving For My Fake Vampire Mate / Chapter 15 - She killed Clara in front of Everyone

Chapter 15 - She killed Clara in front of Everyone

Indeed… despite how beautiful, and elegant, she was… no one would like her for her past things.

A few people clicked their tongues at her beauty. Few gossiped about her 'sinful' deeds. Many claimed her as a greedy bitch. Zaros felt bad to hear them but he knew she had heard them shamelessly thrown in her face almost every day for the past two years.

He looked at Lenora who was standing in the middle as she received praises, jealous glares, curses. She looked unbothered. Her smile looked too professional like it had been practiced. She must have gotten used to this kind of smile. Would she be behaving like this all the time? Hmm… interesting.

Zaros knew this was what he wanted her to do. The real her was a sheer perfectionist. A simple mistake… she would make their lives miserable. But now, she wasn't like this. She was becoming more and more desperate for people to serve her and treat her with respect. He had to admit that she was now calmer, a thinker, doing things in a way that brings peace. But there was still an animalistic side to her side… which made her behave as though she had no control over herself. She almost bit a servant to her death drinking her blood.

As for the provided reason, Lenora bit the neck of the maid, he was shocked. Some people wanted to kill her in his name. He knew that the maid revealed his name to her to kill Lenora, but she didn't take action against him. He was wondering what kind of play she was going to play. After two years of self-isolation… Lenora started using her brain more than acting impulsively. But then she accidentally revealed that Victoria was killed by someone with a big plot.

What exactly happened at that time?

His eyes drifted towards Lenora. He rubbed his eyes and looked again to confirm whether what he saw was real or not. But indeed it was real. A gasp almost left his mouth but he covered it immediately. His eyes bulged out in shock.


She turned into a daring woman! If not, why would she pull that kind of stunt at this moment?


When Lenora was standing in the middle of the hall. Zaros let the bellman read out the announcement out loud. When the town crier was reading the announcement… a woman in a white gown suddenly rushed forward at an inhuman speed. Even the royal vampires take years of time to attain that speed.

Lenora's reflexes were faster than anyone expected them to be. She raised her hand and caught her throat in a split second.

Lenora felt something was wrong at the time that Azazel came. She confirmed that he especially came here for her. But why she was there was a mystery for her. She dared to look at him straight into his eyes which no one dared to do.

Just then she noticed him smirking at her slightly. Alarm bells started ringing in her brain at his action. She gave a bright smile to him for which he showed a shocked expression for a split second. Her gaze went to his hands, she saw him signaling someone.

Lenora suddenly felt danger coming in her way. She turned her head and saw a woman coming in her way. She could smell Boswellia from that woman. When she saw her face a slight smirk formed on her. The same compelled Clara was now coming to kill. In a split second, she raised her hand and caught her neck with ease. She turned her head to look at Azazel. His face was void of any emotions. But his eyes held amusement at her actions. But it disappeared again in a split second.

Lenora averted her gaze back to Clara. She could see Zaros waving his hand at guards asking them to catch Clara. She looked at Clara for a split second and deduced that she was compelled again. Who in the hell could compel a Vampire maid? Only royals… Eudora won't do it. Zaros won't do it. And her father… isn't capable of doing that. There was a mystery lying in this palace.

Lenora saw that the guards were rushing towards her at a vampire speed. But she was faster than them. She looked at Zaros who was looking at her from the moment he adorned his throne. She gave a challenging smirk before snapping Clara's neck.

Lenora dropped Clara's dead body to the ground. Everyone was stunned for a moment. Her every action happened in slow motion to them. The onlookers' jaws dropped to the ground. The Vampire guards slowed down their pace. Few court officials stood up from their seats in shock. Slowly… Clara's body dropped to the ground lifelessly.

Green veins started appearing on her body. Her face turned paler than usual. Lenora raised her left hand in the air and snapped her fingers as she looked around. Soon fire started burning in her hand, she bent down as she looked at the further shocked expressions of the people around her. She touched Clara with her burning hand and set her body on fire not before taking the knife from her hands. The flames turned brighter and burned with great vigor. The flames rose two feet high making Lenora take two steps back. Crossing her hands, she watched Clara's body burn into ashes.

Soon, nothing was left but ashes were left from Clara's body.

"Lady Lenora Serafina Velorine, Would you explain what you did just now?" Eudora's voice could be heard in the hall.