Chapter 16 - Crowned

"She is compelled to kill me. If she fails or succeeds in the task she would have to kill herself. so, I did the favor to her by killing her with my own hands," Lenora said carelessly.

Before Eudora could say something, she turned her head to look at Azazel.

"Thanks for the gift, My Lord," Lenora said, bowing her head.

"What do you mean by that?" a Vampire Official said.

"My Lord knows it well," Lenora said.

"You are smarter than Eudora, Lady Velorine," Azazel commented.

"I am honored by your compliment. Also… I am feeling proud of my skills being tested by you," Lenora said.

For some reason, she felt that he knew the changes in her body. And he might have heard her heartbeat which gave a point of suspicion to her. If he has heard her heartbeat it means… he knew about her powers. If he did, he wants to check them. That was the reason for his move. And Lenora was right about it.

"You are too smart for your own good, Lady Valorine," he said as he smiled. In return, Lenora smiled at him. Azazel was indirectly implying that being too smart can get her killed.

"Thanks for your concern, My Lord," Lenora said with a bright smile.

Everyone around her was shocked to their core at their conversation. Many people thought that they were talking formally and Azazel just tested her. But only very few smart people could understand the meaning underlying the words they spoke.

"Zaros… don't you think you are losing a gem by marrying her off?" Azazel asked, looking at Lenora with a challenge in his eyes.

"My Lord, I am too grateful for your concern. I wish to stay here too. Why don't you talk to them?" Lenora asked with a bright smile playing along with him.

Azazel quirked a brow at her. "The pact is made, My Lord. Breaching of the pact makes things worse," Zaros said.

Zaros and Eudora knew Lenora was playing with fire. But they wanted to see how long she could hold on with Azazel. But she was doing pretty well compared to what they had imagined. If it was her previous self, then she would have maintained her silence. But now she was doing good to the point that she was making Azazel speechless. This was their first time seeing someone challenge Azazel other than Eudora.

"Eudora, she is just like you. But not as smart as you," Azazel said to Eudora as he continued to look at Lenora.

Lenora gave him a huge smile without shunning away from his smile.

"Let the crowning start," Azazel announced.

Lenora visibly shivered at his words; she took a few seconds before she composed herself. Azazel smirked at her condition. Despite her strong front, she was still fragile. But she acted like a hedgehog ready to attack others who were coming at her.

Soon, the crowning started. Lenora made vows saying that she would do her best in protecting their race and their empire. She performed a ritual in front of the very first vampire of their race.

It was said that the very first vampire was a female. Many say it was a man but many also said it was a woman. No one knew the clear history of the original vampire. Because the very first Vampire was hiding in most of her or his life.

Lenora cut her finger and dropped a drop of blood in a wooden bowl that was already filled with Racemosus herb extracts which were spelled in front of her by Azazel. The moment she dropped her blood, it turned into a frozen drop and settled itself at the bottom. Next, she saw her blood drop start diffusing slowly as it started creeping from the bottom to the top. When it was done diffusing, it started turning into a blue to red color. Then it turned black again. Lenora was supposed to drop another drop of blood into the bowl at this point again. And she bit her finger with her fangs and dropped a blood drop. Her finger healed in seconds. The black liquid now started turning red again. But this time, it just didn't look like a mere liquid but like real blood.

Lenora was supposed to drink the liquid. And she did. After she was done performing the ritual, she walked ahead to the king's throne led by her only lady in waiting and Eudora's lady in waiting. Lenora kneeled in the center of the hall in front of every vampire in her kingdom. Zaros as the king took the princess's crown and walked towards her with all the courtesans behind him. Slowly he placed the crown on her head.

When she was done, a huge round of applause could be heard. Lenora knew they were not genuine. But what can she do? She has to maintain a huge smile. After her crowning was done, she got up and gave a bow to the king, followed by her parents, then Azazel, and finally to the crowd. After she was done, a huge luncheon took place. But Lenora wasn't in the mood to entertain anyone. She finished her food and called her maids to take her back. Eudora and Zaros said nothing before they gave their approval for her disappearance.

"Don't forget the ball tonight," Eudora said to her. Lenora nodded and went to her wing.

She was feeling odd. The blood thing… that was a new segment for her. She wanted to raise her questions at that time… but seeing Eudora's and Zaros's expressions she stopped. She didn't do this segment before. And now… this made her doubt.

She needed to ask Celine. So that she could send some people and would find out more about this thing.

"My Lady, what happened?" Celine asked, seeing Lenora rushing to her chamber in a hurry.

"What was that for?" Lenora asked.

"They are binding you," came Celine's answer.

"Why?" Lenora asked.

"You are hell-bent on rejecting the marriage. They are binding you to the brotherhood. Your marriage would save the race. And for that even if you like it or not… you should marry. Emperor Azazel Laroch bound you to the word," Celine explained.

"I should have seen this coming," Lenora muttered. "It's not like I would run away!"

Lenora was so frustrated to the point that she wanted to kill someone. How dare they? Tampering with the segments in the name of rituals.

Lenora was so frustrated that she missed the reason for the extra added ritual.

"Help me remove these things," Lenora said to Celine.

Celine felt worried about Lenora. Now she or anyone has no chance of stopping this marriage. She was worried. She needs to tell this her mother. Maybe she could do something.

Celine started wiping away Lenora's make-up without giving away any scope of suspicion to her.

"Lady Celine, This is not about marriage or pact right?" Lenora asked suddenly.

No matter how or which way she sees it. The reason doesn't seem to fit in any way.

She has a wild guess of what could be the reason. But she doesn't want to be rash by saying her thoughts out.

"My Lady…." Celine wanted to say something but stopped.

"I only want the truth," Lenora said, raising her voice a bit.

"Your guess is right, My Lady," she said

"Everyone! Leave!" Lenora said.

"Lady Celine, please make sure no one enters this wing till it's time for me to get ready for the ball," Lenora said before dismissing everyone.