Chereads / Moon Lovers: Craving For My Fake Vampire Mate / Chapter 21 - Grabbing Serene's Attention

Chapter 21 - Grabbing Serene's Attention


Lenora walked ahead and sat in her seat at the main table which was reserved for both royal families.

Just then she saw a graceful woman walking into the crowd which erupted the beastly howls, and roars from the werewolves. Just then she realized they were howling for a woman.

She looked like she was in her thirties. But Lenora knew better women like them were aged but they look older than they look.

Serene wore a blue-colored long gown that reached her feet. It was embroidered with silver thread work resembling the design of the starry sky decorated with silvery stars. Her square neck revealed her flawless wheatish skin, which was adorned with a pearl necklace. Her hair swayed to the night breeze stealing the hearts of the men present there. If she was a man even she would die to bed her, at least steal a kiss from her in her lifetime. She was outrightly a beauty. No wonder the tales of Adira Elisaveta's beauty travel across the kingdoms.

Now she was curious to look at her sister-in-law. She wondered if she was as beautiful as the stories claim. Or even as beautiful as her brother.

She waited patiently for her arrival.

Meanwhile, Serene Adolphine walked and sat with them on the table. She wondered why she wasn't given the name Elisaveta. According to the werewolves rules even though the women were addressed with their maiden name yet their name will be changed into the male's surname. Yet Serene's name never changed. She wondered what's the mystery with the name. Yet she decided not to dwell on it.

Serene saw Lenora. Lenora looked beautiful, smart and decent. Unlike any other Vampire, she looked different. She wasn't that pale white as them. She just looked like a human yet beautiful. She could feel the heat radiating from her body. Serene narrowed her eyes at her yet she said nothing. She can't doubt her like that.

How could a vampire be hot? Maybe she was different because she was a royal vampire.

"You look beautiful, my dear," Serene praised her.

"Thank you, Lady Elisaveta. You look pretty too," Lenora complimented her back.

"Did you rest well?" Serene asked.

"Yes, My Lady. The bed was very comfy. I slept the moment my head hit the pillow," Lenora said.

"I am glad to hear that," Serene said.

"They said there was a beautiful garden which looks beautiful at the night. I would like to visit that," Lenora said prolonging the conversation.

"You like flowers?" she asked.

"Yes," Lenora said.

"I will pluck them and send some to your chambers," Serene said.

"No!" Lenora almost yelled.

"I thought you liked flowers," she said.

"I do. But I like them being with flowers. I live with dead people almost every day. I don't like dead things. Maybe a potted plant would be good for me," Lenora said.

"You are right," Serene said with a smile.

As she spoke with Lenora she felt like this particular woman was a strange vampire compared to others. Vampires were generally deceptive, and manipulative in nature. She didn't look like that. But she couldn't come to a decision just yet. Who knows what happens in the future. For this woman was good with her. It doesn't mean she will let her guard down against her. But it doesn't mean she would let her down or mistreat her. Serene was the kind of woman who would support the right and clash with wrong. If Lenora was right then she would support her.

Lenora got a general idea about Serene. This woman was kind. But far she is kind was the question. She doesn't trust people easily that's what she understood till now. And she doesn't hide her suspicion. Also, she was kind of cute.

When she was in her thoughts suddenly she heard a few gasps not from werewolves but from Vampires. Then howls, roars, and shouts could be heard louder and stronger than when Serene arrived.

"What's wrong?" she mumbled but was heard by Serene.

"My son and daughter arrived," Serene said as she tried to observe Lenora.

For some reason, Lenora blushed when she heard Serene saying, my son. She badly wanted to see him but she couldn't. Her delicate lashes trembled as the shouts became louder and louder. It only made her feel further scared. Her hands trembled, a drop of sweat formed on her forehead. She could feel her heart thudding against her ribcage. Thankfully that lich emperor sent her an elixir that made vampires unable to hear her heartbeat.

'Just calm down, My dear heart. You have to be strong in front of him. If not he will think bad about you,' she said to herself. She tried hard to calm her down. When she was done, she took a deep breath and looked ahead.

Beside her, Serene was shocked to hear Lenora's heartbeat. She indeed had a heartbeat. But again she was a vampire. This was a shocking thing. She doesn't know what happened to her. But she was a special case. Maybe she needs to ask someone about this with a witch.

Also, she noticed how she blushed, how she trembled when she heard the word 'my son'. These were the signs of a werewolf female when she was about to meet her mate. But a Vampire doesn't have a mate. What's with this?

Lenora Serafina Velorine was some special existence for sure.

And a mysterious puzzle to solve.

Just like that Lenora grabbed her mother's in law's attention successfully without her knowledge.

Finally, after calming down, Lenora raised her head and looked ahead. Just then she saw her fiance raising his head before he passed a death glare at his people. And soon the Venue turned silent. The faces of werewolves resembled the bullied child. She wanted to laugh at them but she held it back. Looks like her future husband was a tyrant.