"Honey!" the sweet sound of a young woman's voice echoed through the cozy cottage. "There's somthing i need to tell you." She continued brushing her amber coloured hair behind her ear.
"I'll be right there my queen" a tall man responded with a hoarse voice as he entered the room to find his wife sitting on the sofa in front of the hearth blowing on her discoloured fingers in an attempt to stay warm. "What is so important that you called me in here from making dinner Sion" the man asked with a look of concern on his face.
"Arthur" sion paused for a second before continuing. "I'm pregnant" she said looking at her husband in the eyes before giving him the most angelic smile he had every seen. But before Arthur could respond she started crying. "Why, what's wrong is everything alright this is great news after 5 years we finally managed to get pregnant" he said excitement apparent in his voice as he embraced his wife who was now sobbing in his chest.
"Y..yeas" Sion snuffled "I'm happy but there's somthing I need to tell you Arthur and it will affect the us for the rest of our lives...its about the baby its..its not human"
"The baby's not human?" Arthur stared blankly into Sions face for what felt like hours just staring and saying nothing, before he finally let out a loud laugh. "Hahaha well of course he's not human look at us Sion, we're not exactly human ourselves now are we" Arthur wiped a tear from his eye as he finished laughing.
Sion glared back up at him and yelled "shut up! you idiot I didn't mean not human in the same way as us, it's.... different" she hesitated "it's more than you and me he's not of the dwavern, giant, human or elven blood the aura he emits even as a fetus its more primal almost like that of a beast."
"Wait, hold up a second, how is that even possible it should be at least partly one of those races I mean that's what we are, our blood runs strong through it" he looked at her for answers but she just looked at him and shook her head in defeat "well let's not worry about it for now.. okay you just rest and I will call an old doctor friend to come have a look at you when they are free I mean we still have another 10 months till your ready for birthing any way"
3 months later
On the door of a small cottage that was situated on the outskirts of a dense forest. A short woman with ocean blue hair and a suit case was banging on the door, just as the sun was rising from behind the distant mountains. "What do you want you old hag! its too early for this kind of wake up call" Arthur yelled as he pulled the door open with such great force that he was thrown of ballence when the suit case the young woman was holding suddenly found itself planted firmly between his eyes.
"I'm doing you a favour you ungrateful bratt" the young woman said as she walked over Arthur's body as he lay on the ground in great pain. "Now take me to see your wife and child, oh and bring my bag and be careful its fragile" she finished talking not even looking back to see if Arthur was complying with her order.
"Yes Master Xi, right away mistress Cordelia" Arthur stood and spoke while knealing in respect to his elder before grabbing her bag and chasing behind her, guiding Cordelia to the room his wife was sleeping in.
"Right this way Master Xi" Arthur gestured Cordelia through the door at the end of a hall to see a half elf woman sleeping soudly on a king sized bed. "Well, well what have we hear a sleeping beauty and a beast within" Cordelia chuckled to herself, before a ball of light was blasted at her face causing it to sear and crack before healing within seconds. "I don't wanna hear you calling anyone a beast especially not my child do you understand me Xi?" Sion threatend the young woman.
"Alright, alright I get it the vampire is not to call a child a beast, I understand but I only came here to help and it looks like I made it on time, if I had arrived any later you would have died to that thing in your stomach". she gestured towards Sions baby bump. "And before you ask no I don't know what it is yet although soon I will find out, but first I need all your beast cores and magic stones rank 4 and above only I need to make somethings before that child drains Sion of her life force"
Later that night after Arthur had given his 'master' all there ranks 4 and above magic stones and beast cores both him and his wife were still sitting on the sofa waiting for Xi to come out of the crafting room. And when she finally did it was almost midnight. "phew that was fun i haven't enjoyed myself that much in almost two centuries" she laughed as she handed a small purple alloy ring and wrist cuff to Sion prompting her to put it on.
"Now im sure you both want to know what it is I just made well its a life force bank, the wrist cuff will support your baby's needs untill it is born another 6 months till he pops out after that it will break". Cordelia stopped for a second to ensure the husband and wife pair were still paying attention before continuing. "Now for after it is born from all i can gather is it will look and act mostly human and it will feed on mama Sions breast milk as per normal and it will live a normal life untill around 10 years old, at that point you must give it that purple alloy ring it is made of high class conductive material that will absorb the life force of anything he kills and pump it into his body sustaining his life" both sion and Arthur looked shocked "what do you mean sustain life, life force what does that mean?" Arthur asked with concern in his voice.
"Exactly as it sounds this child is something unholy but not exactly evil his body needs food as nutrients but his soul needs to feed on life force or he will grow weak and die now there is an exeption" she said with a smile. As she explained to them the other steps that they can take to keep the child alive as best as they can.