"Well Damon your mana is rated at 250 points I myself am rated at 10,000 points and the top mage of the kingdom is rated at 100,000 points". Rufus explained to him, "Wow so does that mean your strong or weak?" Damon asked with a mischievous smirk on his face. "Strength isn't all about your mana its also about your physical strength and combat experience. The top mage of the kingdom can be easily defeated if he is hit by a strong physical attack if he is not prepared." he took a deep breath "but yes I am quite strong for someone without unique magic or ability".
"You don't have an ability or unique magic master? But I thought you needed then to become strong". Damon asked with a look of pure confusion on his face. "Well my boy im strong because of my mana compatibility and my dual elemental affinity of fire and life magic. You see mana compatibility is inate something your born with and cannot be changed, much like element affinity and when your compatibility is high enough you can use mana in your body breaking it down and rebuilding it making your body stronger, faster and more resilient. And starting today your mana training ends and your physical training starts."
To start this training it is first needed to improve your physical strength and defence, or there is a high chance that you can tear your body apart from the inside due to the high mana capacity you have for your age. But don't worry if you take care and do it daily and under my supervision your high mana will allow us to speed up your training by 10fold. Allowing you by the time you're 20 to match the strength of someone with a mid-level strength enhancement ability.
This body training will be broken up into sections for intervals of one year you will focus solely on strength building, then one year on defence, one year on speed and finally one year of strengthening your heart and lungs. So that by the time your 9 you should be confident enough to use the last year combining all 4 and doing it everyday as log as your mana lasts and starting again once your mana regenerates. So when your 10 we will spar at that point if you can hit me you pass and can be considered graduated.
Now please note this order of doing things is very important as if you deviate it can cause great pain and harm to your fragile human child body. While normally the training would go defence then strengthening the body followed by heart, lungs with speed last your body will fall apart before you complete your first year. As Rufus finished explaining the training plan for the next five years he looked down to see Damon with his hand help high above his head ready to ask a question, after giving the okay he stood up and started talking "so your saying the most effective way is to work on defence before strength? But why is that, wouldn't strength be better as it allows you to fight more effectively". To this Rufus only had a quick response "if you want to be a glass cannon, then yes don't worry about defence and that's exactly what your doing for the next year. so dont think about fighting while you could fight the chances of hurting yourself is extremely high as your body can't handle the extreme force that strength will put on you now quiet and listen to how the training works".
First is increasing your bodys strength, to do this you need to pour your mana into every muscle in your body tearing the fibres apart and then piecing them back together, while also condensing them as much as possible to have their strength increase but also to stay lean and flexible. You will do this everyday starting from the muscles in your feet and legs then working up to your torso and lastly arms and hands. Doing it this will help with your overall strength and slightly increase your movement speed.
Next is defence training, this will consist of infusing your skin bones and organs with your mana, just enough that a slight pain is felt in the body. while doing this you are to defend against any hits thrown at you by myself this increases the speed that your vitality rises working off the principal of the more damage you take the stronger the defence becomes thus meaning stronger hits are needed to increase the defence again.
After that is heart and lungs, this will allow you to survive in environments with less oxygen and hold your breath for longer in the progress this will greatly improve your stamina and energy consumption. Meaning you can survive with little air for longer periods of time after this is your heart. to do this start by infusing mana into the heart untill it can't hold any more and as it beats slowly empty the mana from your heart into the blood stream, once your heart is low on mana send more into it. Repeat untill your body and blood is burning from the high mana concentration in your blood and veins, you will then empty any mana left in the heart out of your body before slowly absorbing mana from your blood stream back into the heart as it passes through if your heart is at its limits of mana storage stop increasing it and hold it in untill it becomes unbearable, then release a little back into blood and try again doing this untill blood is empty of mana. And with the lungs start by filling the lung tissue with mana and contract the mana forcing the lungs to become smaller making it harder to breath always start with a small lung compression keeping constant untill you can breath fine slowly working to crushing lungs with mana and inhaling with ease once that point is reached your lungs and breathing will be as good as a child dragon.
next will be speed, this is done similar to strength and defence in a way that while running supply mana to your legs. Use that mana you will repair any damage done while also controlling your mana to help move your legs faster. doing this will strengthen that specific muscle group more than the rest allowing for you to become faster still.
Continue this training for one year each and after 5 years you will be the strongest abilityless child. But don't be cocky as children with enhancement abilitys or magic will still beat you. As this training can only increase the human body to its limit based on age so naturally as you get older with the training you can become stronger but there is a limit to how strong the human body can get.