Damon got up and ran back to the mayors house, he had spend so long in the forest that it was now starting to get dark. As he approached the front door he could hear the mayor talking to someone so he decided to just wait outside untill the person left. To his surprise he didn't have to wait long as not even 10minutes passed since he sat down that he saw a girl who looked no older than 18 walk out the house and greet him. He just smiled and nodded in response while rubbing the back of his head.
Damon then stood up and made his way into the living room to greet his master. And tell him the good news, "Master, I have something to tell you".
"Not yet, Damon I need to tell you. It's your 10th birthday and I'm sorry but since you haven't got your ability or magic yet the chances of you ever getting one are very slim". Rufus had a small tear welling up in his eye threatinging to fall.
"But master, that's what I came to tell you. Just a few hours ago I awakend my ability. I know its hard to see the marking in this dim light but I can activate my ability if you want".
"Haha, my boy thats great news come, come show us what your ability can do" just like that the tear that was about to fall was sucked back in never to be seen.
Damon did just as asked he sat down and meditated and just like before the warmth in his chest spread untill the marks where glowing. "Damon, what beautiful markings you have, they cover almost every limb of your body. This has to be an amazingly strong ability and the vibrant purple glow they have is like nothing I've ever seen before. Truly a sight to behold" Rufus couldn't hide the pride he felt in his student finally awaking.
"But what does your ability do. You activated it but haven't shown me what you can do, wait if its strong or dangerous please come outside and show me I don't want you destroying my house" but while Rufus was worrying Damon got up from his spot and the glowing stopped.
"Sorry master I actually don't know all that much about my ability other than when I am giving it my full concentration i am able to see my status and level up and distribute status points without the need to visit a temple". Damon told his master all that he knew about his ability, everything other thank his race and subrace status bars, he just told him that it still read unknown, and Rufus just believed it not pushing the subject further.
"Alright, im gonna head home now master its getting late see you tomorrow." Damon then ran back to the orphanage and got ready for bed, but not before getting an earful from the staff for coming home at suck a late hour. After he managed to free himself from the constant screeching of the staff he went to bed and circulated mana through the same path he feels when he activates his ability at first it didn't do much but after around 30minutes he noticed that it was starting to warm up and in the next second his whole body felt like it was set on fire with the path he was circulating mana through being the epicentre of it.
"AAAAÀAGGGGGH, STOP PLEASEEEE STOPPP!" Damon screamed at the top of his lungs. Not long after the orphanage director ran into the room to see Damon sprawled out on the floor before he once again started screaming and thrashing around. His skin was red almost glowing and everytime his skin touched the ground his flesh would peel away. The director had to choices she started chanting and a bright blue fire appeared infront of her before she threw it at Damon.
After the fire made contact Damon could feel his already hot body getting hotter, his flesh that was peeling off the bone earlier was now burning too, he felt like his skin and bones would begin to melt any second now. But just as fast as his body started melting did it start healing at such a speed he could feel his skin and flesh solidify again untill his body was back in one piece.
As everyone in the room heaved a sigh of relief the unimaginable happend, Damon looked back down at his hands and grabbed his chest, "dear Gaia no, Director its happening again, im gonna die please just get my master I need help" Damon started crying as his body once again began to turn red just a a testament of how hot he was his tears where turning to steam as they left his eyes.
For the next hour untill Martha had arrived back with Rufus. Damon and Sophie the director where in constant battle of life and death as Damon continued to burn up from the inside out Sophie was forced to set him ablaze from the outside to heal him and she was starting to run out if mana.
Just then the door to damons room was thrown open and Rufus rushed in, he ran up to Damon who had just finished being healed for the 15th time. "Boy what's happend what did you do" as Rufus questioned him he could feel damons temperature rising he started healing him the best he could but he continued getting hotter. "Answer me boy or I can't help you".
"M-m-my mana" was the only words Damon could get out before he closed his eyes and fell to the floor limp.
"That damned brat, Sophie keep healing him i will help but your magic if stronger than mine. We have to hold out untill his body is excused all its stored mana" Rufus handed Sophie a bag of mana potions. "I don't know how long this will take but with his body like this it won't be able to naturally recover mana... I hope" the last part was quiet but Sophie who was right next to him head it.
"Rufus, I can't say it'll be okay but Damon he's strong you trained him he will not die from this" Sophie said as she threw another fire ball at damons body. This continued for another hour untill Damon opend his eyes again but this time his eyes weren't their usual blue they where now almost all black in colour. But the fight of healing him wasn't over and over the next 10 days Sophie had to stay as close to Damon as possible as at random times he would once again begin burning up and on the tenth day while he was burning something changed about it as even after throwing her flames on him he still kept getting worse and it seemed like their was nothing she could do.