"School? In another country, your sending me away because I've become a failure?" Damon questioned Rufus.
"No, it was a promise made to your parents that once you awaken your ability you will attend a school of your choosing. Once you complete your 5years of education there you can become an adventurer and hunt monsters." Rufus answered with little delay.
He went on to explain about the different schools and what they have to offer. First is the royal academy only available to nobals and royals, next is the magic academy they focus on magic and making your magic stronger they also have a branch school of battle mage they are a school for people that like to use magic in close combat. We then progress to the military academy focusing on the physical body with a branch school of using magic to strengthen there body's temporarily. Now it doesn't matter what school you choose as even though you can't use magic your mana compatibility, control and quantity will allow you to get in and become an academic or scholar as opposed to a real mage.
"you want me to pick and choose right now no, I can't right now may I have some time to think about it?" Damon asked hoping he would get a positive response.
"Of course Damon just don't take too long as we will need to set out next week to make it to a school in time for the entrance exams" Rufus replied and he patted Damons back with a warm smile before leaving the room.
'Hmmm, what school do I think would be best i can become a magic scholar but I much prefer the excitement of becoming strong. So I guess I might go military academy but do I go to the branch or the main school, that's what I need to figure out' Damon though to himself.
A week went by and Damon was on his way to the military academy entrance exams. He was riding with Rufus on a gryphon that Rufus burrowed from a friend. While travelling like this they arrived to the exam site within two days. As Damon walked up to the registration line he couldn't help but be nervous, he didn't know what was on the exam or how hard the tests would be he wasn't even sure if he was strong enough to pass.
2hours pass with nothing major happening untill it was finally damons turn. "Name, age, race" the old man behind the counter said in a monotonous voice.
"Damon Lux, 10years and I'm a halfbreed sir" he responded with a straight back and pride in his voice.
"Sector G number 776, its to your left then walk untill you see the map and no we have no public toilets and your welcome" the Oldman rambled on before Damon even had a chance to thank him he was pushed from behind by a short chubby blond guy.
Damon ignored him and walked in the direction he was pointed in. After a while he found a large board with a birdseye view map of the exam grounds, Sector G was further up ahead inside a large building that had a dragons head painted on the side of it. He could also feel large amounts of magic coming from every building he assumed was Shields to protect from any potential damage to the property.
After entering training hall G Damon went to a corner and stood waiting quietly untill he heard somone call out from the side and he looked up to see who it was. "Oh you damn halfbreed, hey how dare you ignore me do you know who I am?" Screamed the short blode guy from earlier.
"Hi I'm sorry I don't know who you are, but can you please leave me alone i wanna be in the correct mindset for the examination" Damon responded before resting his back against the wall and looking at his hands he still had the black wrist cuffs on and was wondering if weapons where allowed in the testing phase.
"Country bumpkin, you are in the presence of one of if not the most powerful contestant this exam has ever seen, for it is I Sven Stile Steven the Seventh, and I will get into the S class after passing this exam phase with the highest ever marks" he proclaimed making alot of the other people around him stare at him with anger burning in their eyes.
"I'm Damon and I don't know you but you shouldn't rile up the other students like that as there could be another dark horse other than you" Damon was polite and gave him a word of warning.
"You think I need you to give me advice I have a ability mark that crosses every part of my body thats not my face putting me in the top 10% of strongest abilitys in the country, I doubt there could be anyone else here that can say the same"
Sven continued to ramble on about himself to Damon never missing a chance to talk himself up and even offered to show Damon his ability and mark a couple times which he was quick to deny stating that revealing your ability can put him at a disadvantage if people know what to expect. Sven at some point started to become less aragant trying to find out more about this person who just seemed to not care about him or anything he was saying.
"Damon just who are you whats your ability how big is your mark and why do you not care about the sort of strength and influence I have in this country? I understand me being short and plump doesn't scream strong dangerous warrior but appearances are deceiving"
Damon looked down at Sven and smiled. "I'm just an orphan from a small town bordering a dark forrest in one of the neighbouring kingdoms, im not gonna say im weak but im recovering from a an accident with my mana thats made me weaker than I once was" he didn't know why he told Sven all this maybe he just wanted to talk or maybe he was hoping he could make a friend before school started so he wouldn't be as lonley.
As Sven and Damon laughed and chatted away an hour later and the last person walked into the hall followed by the door slaming shut. The room began to fill with smoke and Damon watched Sven fall to the ground and not long after he followed the last thing he saw a man wearing all black walking down the stage.