It had been 20 minutes since Damon acted as bait luring the bull away and Sven was starting to worry he had spoken to some of the stronger looking people asking for their help in saving Damon, but they all responded in a similar way either with 'if we go help him we will just die to' or 'go fuck yourself he's already dead and if you wanna join him go ahead but leave us out of it'.
Sven didn't really know what he was expecting they were all strangers at the end of the day including him and Damon but he couldn't help but feel somehow close to him like they where similar but different and how Damon had sacrificed himself to save them all he wouldn't just abandon him. So after fortifying his resolve Sven scripted his ability and broke his hand by punching a nearby wall as it healed he broke both his legs before long they too had healed and he had taken off and speeds surpassing what his short fat body should be capable of taking off down the hall toward where Damon was.
Before long he had arrived and when he did he say Damon passed out missing one of his feet as he looked around he noticed the bull was gone and so was any signs of damons foot the only thing that could be seen was Damon and a few piles of ash. Thinking about it Sven decided to nat waste anymore time he quickly broke both his legs and arms doing this 4 times before going over to Damon "man I hope i have enough stored up to do this completely or its gonna be hella awkward" Sven said with a nervous laugh he placed his hand on damons leg and slowly damons foot grew back as Sven's foot slowly turned to ash 'so that's what happened to your foot' he thought.
Slowly Sven watched as his own foot grew back from the stump left behind he could feel himself growing weak "damn this is gonna be close i should have broken a few more bones" he said to himself through the pain of feeling all the bones of his foot reform. As the green glow of Sven's ability mark started to fade so did the speed of which his foot healed. Untill the glowing stopped and so did the healing, Sven looked down and couldn't help but have his heart beat increase as he looked down at his foot that hadn't finished healing before his ability cut out.
'Well I guess dad was right, there are somethings we just can't heal' these where the last thoughts of Sven before he too passed out from exhaustion.
A few hours passed and Damon was slowly started awake he jolted up and looked at his body he seemed fine but just to be sure he started meditating and checking his status board. Upon checking he was welcomed by a notification screen.
Health 1000/1000
Level 3 (50/400)
Soul level 2 (100/200)
All stats +2
Mana +10
Stat points available- 4
Reading the notification Damon knew now that his body was physically fine and he had gained a few levels having him stronger. Seeing that he now had 4 stat points he decided to put them all into recovery bringing it up to 30, as he did this Damon could feel his body become slightly stronger he broke his finger and waited he watched his health decrease by 1 and around 10 minutes later it had gone back up and his finger was fine again. he then broke his finger again this time he sent mana into it and used it to put the bones back together and he noticed his health went back to full in a matter of second. 'I made the right choice to increase my recovery after all' he thought to himself.
Closing his status screen Damon got up and searched the ash pile of the bull for his spear and climbing spike he then turned them back into his wrist cuffs and put them back into his storage at the same time from the storage he grabbed a spare set of clothes just a plain black shirt and sweat pants. As he was making his was to the door he looked over and saw Sven laying there and upon closer inspection he noticed that Sven's foot was half gone not cut off just gone it looked like he was born without it it was nothing but a stump with no toes his foot was only a heel and arch no ball meaning it will be hard to walk.
After seeing that Damon looked at his own foot. "Sven you asshole you, your ability you healed my foot but lost yours in the process didn't you im sorry I will make it upto you somehow" he promised before picking up his fat friend and carrying him out the room and down the long corridor untill he arrived at a group of people in a large circular room. Their was more than 1000 people gathered a lot more than what was in the room with him.
At that moment he heard yelling and voices looking over he noticed all along the walls there where more corridors all with a letter above and the one he had just come from was labelled G. 'So they have taken people from the other training halls too Damon thought as he felt Sven start to stir awake.
Placing Sven on the ground he was bombarding him with questions the moment he opend his eyes. "Sven are you alright, your not hurt? OMG your foot you idiot why did you do that and just what the hell is your ability"
Sven was confused for a second before looking down at his foot "ahhh so it really didn't finnish healing oh well nothing that can be done now" Sven sighed "and to answer your questions. Yes I'm fine for the most part, im not hurt but walking and fighting is gonna be more difficult now, yes my foot but having a stumpy half a foot for me is better than you having no foot and bleeding to death and my ability is complicated"
"Complicated my ass Sven just tell me" Damon demanded giving Sven a light smack up the side of the head.
"Oww alright alright I get it, so first my ability is kinda like the more damage intake the stronger I get but that is more of a side effect what it really excels at is when I take damage I heal almost instantly the more damage done the faster I heal. But if I have enough energy stored in me from damage done I can heal others by taking their injury as my own and healing myself" Sven then pauses and smiled "but when I healed you i didn't have enough damage stored up to completely regrow my foot"
Damon sat there listening and thinking about everything he just said "so basically your telling me your actually extremely strong but only if you get your ass beat first". He joked as he gave Sven a light punch on the shoulder.