Chereads / Cursed to be Low-Level / Chapter 18 - The Giant, The Elf and The RedHead

Chapter 18 - The Giant, The Elf and The RedHead

As Sven and Damon where laughing and chatting away trying to distract themselves from what they had just experienced they where approached by a group of three, two girls and one guy, the guy was around 6foot tall almost 2 feet taller than Damon and Sven, he was also bulging with muscles and he had a ability mark on his left middle finger in the shape of a star.

He walked up to both Damon and Sven he held out his hand introducing himself as Kevin before introducing the girl on his left Kendra, she was 5 feet tall with short pointed ears long blonde hair that was tied into a ponytail that reached halfway down her back she had a delicate looking face with bright red eyes. The girl to his right was named Rikki she was 4 foot tall with short red hair that barley covered her ears she had fierce black eyes and a beauty spot above her left eye brow.

Damon looked up at the group of three acknowledging their presence when he noticed Kevin still holding out his hand, Damon stood up and grabbed his hand shaking it with a smile. "Its a pleasure to meet you Kevin, Kendra, Rikki my name is Damon and the little tub with the missing foot is Sven" introducing himself with a smile.

After hearing his response Kevin nodded and started talking again "So Damon, what do you think this place is? Do you think its part of the entrance exams?" He inquired.

Damon looked at him and turned his head to look at Sven for conformation not believing what he just hear 'what an idiot ofcourse its not the exam people have died' Damon thought to himself. He rubbed his head and spoke to Kevin "hmm I don't think this is the exam I'm almost 100% sure we have been kidnapped, but where we are or why they have taken us i wouldn't know but what I can say is not everyone from the exam sites where taken or if they where they aren't all here".

"But then that begs the question, if we where the only people taken from such large groups then why us, what made them chose us over the other kids? What makes us different" he asked Kevin and the two girls. While Kevin scratched his head thinking Damon looked at Kendra who had her hand raised.

"Umm could we have been taken due to our backgrounds? Maybe they want to use us for ransom" She asked with a quiet voice and a meek expression.

"That could make sense for some of you, but not me im only an orphan with no redeeming features. And Sven is a low rank noble whoes family is broke to the point that they are about to lose their nobal tittle" Damon responded and Sven agreed before speaking up himself.

"Now that I'm thinking about it, we might have been selected due to our ability marks and magic. It's the only thing that really makes sense" he told the group his theory.

Damon looked at Sven then at himself 'so they took people with large ability marks and high mana capacity, tho its a theory it makes sense and the mana beasts would be to get rid of the weaker ones from the group' Damon thought to himself "but if that's the case why do they want us for, what are they gonna do?"


Damons conversation with the group was cut short by a loud noise that sounded like part of the room had caved in. Looking over to where the sound had come from Damon saw a cloud of dust and large chunks of rubble with blood and crushed bodied beneath. He focused and looked trying to see what happend but all he saw was a large hole in the ceiling around 20meters wide and a group of 5 men dressed in all black and masks standibg among the rubble.

Damon quickly turned around and picked up Sven before telling Kevin and CO to run before sprinting as far and as fast as he could as Damon and any remaining child ran for the corridors they came from earlier. They started to close with the floor coming up and sealing off and hopes of escape they had. As Damon turned around to find another way he was greeted with the smile of a beautiful woman.

But as fast as he had seen the smile he was just as fast finding himself falling face first onto the floor unclear of what happend. He was unable to move, his nose touching the floor he could hear screaming and fighting happening around him but was unable to retaliate.

Sven was being carried in the arms of Damon when suddenly he was dropped and looking why he could see Damon stiff as a board face in the ground but when looking around he could see noone. well noone within striking range anyway. "Damon get up we have to get out of here" he shook Damon trying to wake him.

After trying for a few minutes Sven decided to give up on running and just fight instead he stood up and attempted to get into his usual stance but dropped to the floor 'damn you bloody moron thats right my foot Ofcourse i can't fight like normal' Sven was inwardly cursing himself. "Fuck how am I supposed to keep Damon safe if I can't even stand properly, what the fuck! You fucking creeps why have you brought us here, whay are you doing this to us!!!!!" Sven screamed as he attempted to stand again.

As Sven was finally able to grasp his footing he began feeling weak and dizzy as ne noticed the room begin to fill with gas. His vision blurred and the last thing he saw was Damon turn his head and smile before he feel asleep.

"Now then what do you guys plan on doing" Damon managed to speak through gritted teeth struggling to move his head while his ability mark began to glow bright.

Seeing this Serina felt uneasy 'this kid hes so young yet he has managed to not only stay awake through the gas but has also moved despite the paralysis poison' not wanting to take any chances she grabbed the dagger from her belt and charged at Damon.