As Damon felt his vision going black and seeing people around him drop to the floor he used his last fee second awake to send his wrist cuffs into his storage space for safety. After the last student fell unconscious the man wearing all black spoke. "Gather all the students with high mana compatibility and those with large ability marks. They will be the most promising candidates"
After giving the order a group of around 200 men and women came from back stage and started measuring the mana of the kids. When a woman in her early 20s came to Damon she was baffled. "Sir this child, his mana compatibility is extremely high but his mana capacity is only 30 at most, and his ability mark is very faint even though it covers most his body almost like a scar" she explained to the man standing in the stage.
"Does it look like I give a damn, if his mana compatibility is high who cares about capacity we don't need that it can be trained and his ability even if the mark is faint its bound to be strong bring him along and that fatty next to him aswell. His mana is strange"
The woman bowed her head "yes sir, right away" she said before running back to the two boys and throwing them into the waiting carriage but not before tagging them both with the number 0. Once that was done she ran back to the hall to find more kids.
"Serina" the man in black yelled "those two boys you will be in charge of getting them ready, and having them presentable. You will have 2 years". After hearing this the woman stopped and turned to look at Damon and Sven she had a look of pity on her face before responding. "As you command my lord"
After 3hours of the 800 people gathered in the hall 200 where taken. Once the group had all the children they wanted 8 carriages left all holding 50 people 25 kids with 25 of the kidnappers. As the carriages pulled out the training hall it could be seen that coming out of every other hall was more carriages some had less people and some had more. But what stayed consistent was every child that was taken was the most promising that each training hall had.
Later that night all the kids that where taken where waking up and that includes Damon and Sven. Looking around Damon could see that he was in a large dark room with only one light crystal on the roof almost 50meters high. Damon observed his surroundings looking for a way out or where they were he could see no windows and only a door, or what looked like a door on the far side of the room.
Just as he was adjusting more to the lack of light he heard a loud yell. "Its a door look guys its a door we can get out!" the person being loud was one of the people that where giving death glares ar Sven earlier in the exam hall. He was almost 6 feet tall and covered in muscles. He had woken up earlier then the rest due to his ability it passively nullify poisons and toxins while when active allows him to produce poisons from his body. But upon waking up he was doing nothing but crying and rocking back and forward in a fatal position.
Damon looked at him having screamed in joy with tears covering his face just from finding a door that wasn't that well hidden. Upon hearing this one person speaking out a group of around 20 people looked where he was pointed and they to burst into tears they all got up and ran to the door joined by a few others by the time they reached about 10 meters from the door Damon felt somthing was wrong and pulled Sven and ran in the opposite direction of the door and hid in a corner.
As the group opend the door and pushed though it they immediately knew they screwed up as 10 of them where hit and sent flying backwards into the room they had just left and hit the floor with an audible crack as their skulls caved in killing them. As the eyes of almost 200 people looked at the 10 dead on the floor they where all frozen in fear.
Screaming was heard coming from the direction of the door and when Damon looked he saw another 3 body with large holes in there chests and a bull with crimson fur and glowing red horns that looked to be on fire. 'Oh fuck it's a magic bull of flame attribute what are we gonna do, are we just gonna die, if it was the old me I'm sure I could have run but now I'm weak I can't do it' Damon thought to himself fear taking over as he could feel his heart beating almost like it was trying to rip itself from his chest.
"Damon, Damon come on snap out of it man we have to get out of here. If we stay any longer and that thing gets inside we will all die, now im not saying we have to save everyone but we should save ourselves and maybe help some people along the way" Sven said shaking Damons shoulders. "I know you don't want to die and nor do I, so let's get through this alive" he finished before he got out from behind Damon and ran for the door.
Hesitant Damon looked at his back for a second "your right we might not survive but if we die trying its a lot better than dying while cowering in a corner" Damon mumbled to himself and took off after Sven.
By this point almost 70 people had died to the flame bull and more where dying by the minute the bull also showed no signs of slowing down as they got closer Damon noticed just how big this monster was, standing almost 2meters tall with a wide frame full of muscles. He gulped down his saliva as he felt the heat radiating from the bull. A heat similar to that he experienced when he lost control of his mana he looked at his arm and saw his skin start to bubble and blister.
Up ahead Sven seemed unaffected by the heat as a green glow was seen through his clothes covering his whole back and lines going down his legs. 'He wasn't lying his mark is huge probably bigger than mine' Damon thought to himself. But that's when he saw it Sven turned his head and his face was covered in blisters that would heal and reform while at the same time Sven was getting faster and seemingly stronger as the ground started to crack whenever he would push off it.
Damon was confused did Sven have two abilitys how can he heal if he is getting faster and stronger. As they got closer and Damon was less than 2meters from the bull it turned its attention to him and swung its giant horn down on his head.