Damon was stunned there was no warning no hesitation, nothing as soon as the formality where done Rufus rushed in head first his cain rushing for Damons head and what made it worse was there was no opemings for a counter attack so he did the only thing me could he pushed mana out of his chest down his legs and blew it out is feet blasting him back landing roughly on the ground 10 meters away allowing for him to think of a plan.
He quickly got into position fists infront of his head and standing with a wide stance on the balls of his feet, waiting and any time Rufus got close Damon would doge or block the blows. Untill Rufus shot magic from the end of his cane as it made contact with Damon's left arm the impact along with the power or the magic had snapped Damon's forearm this caused Rufus to hesitate for a second. Damon ignoring the pain in his arm took the opportunity to land a right hook to the side of his master head while the attack was blocked at the last possible second what Rufus wasn't expecting was the small wooden dagger that hit him in his diaphragm winding him.
"Ha,ha I guess it's my win old man" Damon laughed in victory. "But but how dis your arm heal so fast I saw it i snapped the bone you shouldn't be able to use it" Rufus asked in confusion. "Well you see asoon as it broke i realised I want able to use mana to heal it fast enough to instead I just covered the bond in mana then filled my arm with mana and controlled the mana in such a way that I could use my dagger to get a hit on you."
Rufus couldn't help but be baffled by the way his pupil used his mana in the battle, first using it to propell himself through the air and to use is mangles arm as a puppet and the mana as the strings. 'What a strange pupil I have' is all he could think at that time before walking over to Damon and healing his arm [൱ኑ ኳ൱ኲኑᖊ൩ ኑኚᥔᕂᖊᕂҶ ᕴኒᖊኴኴ ኲኑᕂኴ ꔎኑᕂኒᘉ የየᕂኲኑ ኚ൱የ൩ ɱ൱የየᖊ൩ Ҷኡᘉ ኑᖊҶኒ ኑᕂኴ የየ൱የኡᘉኴ, ኑᕂᥔኑ ኑᖊҶኒ]. After the chant a cool green light enveloped Damons whole body and by the time it faded his arm and any other minor injury was healed with no trace it had ever happend.
"Master, that was so cool High Heal is that like a super strong spell?" Beaming eyes were staring into Rufus awaiting an answer, "while yes it can be considered above average it is not anywhere near the strongest healing the spell" Rufus told his disciple the different levels of magic and abilitys. For starters magic has 9 Ranks Novice, beginner, intermediate, advanced, wizard, king, saint, god, transcendent. Each stage broken up into 3 stages, low, mid, high. Abilitys are also broken up into 9 Ranks Novice, beginner, intermediate, advanced, knight, paladin, king God, transcendent. With the same 3 stages.
"The healing spell I just used on you while it was a spell of high stage it was only a rank 4 spell or a advanced spell". "So what's the highest rank spell you can use master?" He questioned with great interest shining in his eyes "well I can only use a low stage wizard rank spell and it uses all my 10,000 points of mana so I don't use it much, anyway go home and get some rest you have a big day tomorrow" listening to his masters words Damon took off running at full speed to the orphanage arriving in a few short minutes before bathing and having an early tea before heading to bed early to wake up wake and ready for tomorrow.
The next day at 5am Damon woke up and got ready for the day greeting Miss Martha as he left the dinning after finishing breakfast. He then went on his was to his masters house so that they can go to the temple together. Upon arriving he saw his master standing ready to leaving holding 2 horses by the reigns. "Are we going by horse back master? Is it not faster to run there?" He questioned as he neared the house. "No need to be in such a rush boy, the temple doesn't open their doors untill 8:30am and your ceremony isn't untill 10:00am and with there horses we will get there just on time, also its not good to visit the temple for the first time tired". After listening to that long winded explanation he was wishing he never asked in the first place.
Rolling his eyes at his master as he climbed onto the horses back he was readying himself to depart when all of a sudden the horse had thrown him off its back and made a noise that sounded almost like a laugh before he apologised to both his master and the horse. After that ordeal he was allowed to ride the horse to the closest temple that was 2 towns away roughly a 4 hour ride.
As Damon rode into the 2nd town of the day he heard the 10am bell ring and looked over at his master scared he was going to miss his ceremony. So both him and his master got off the horses and ran to the large temple in the center of town. Upon arriving Damon saw the large double doors elegantly decorated with gold, silver and some kind of glowing blue metal. But he only had a second to look before rushing inside once inside he made his way to a priest and gave them his name. Damon was directed to follow the priest to one of the baptism rooms out the back to perform the ceremony.
"So how does this work?" Damon asked the priest who was the only other person allowed in the baptism room while the ceremony took place. "Quite simple young child of the divines, you simply sit on that mat over in the middle of the room place your hands on the God script infront of the mat and read it out loud. After that you should see a God screen or more commonly referred to as status screen. You can use it to check you level skills abilitys and also increase your status points after leveling up. Although when you level up and to check your level progress you will need to visit a temple again. Think of the temple as the place you come to get stronger."
Damon then proceeded to do as instructed sitting touching the stone plate with the god script on it and repeated the words carved in it [൱ኑ ᥔ൩ᖊҶኲ ᘉᕂየᕂኡᖊኴ ᕴኒᖊኴኴ ኲኑᕂኴ ꔎኑᕂኒᘉ ൱ꔒ ኚ൱የ൩ኴ የየᕂኲኑ Ҷ ᕴ൱ᘉኚ Ҷኡᘉ ኴ൱የኒ ኲኑҶኲ ጦኡ൱የየኴ ኡ൱ ᕴ൱የኡᘉ ɱኒᖊҶኴᖊ Ҷኒኒ൱የየ ኳᖊ ኲ൱ ꔒ൱൩ᖊየᖊ൩ ᥔᖊኲ ኴኲ൩൱ኡᥔᖊ൩ ኴ൱ ኲኑҶኲ ᕂ ኳҶኚ ጦᖊᖊɱ ኴҶꔒᖊ ኲኑ൱ኴᖊ ኲኑҶኲ ᕂ ኑ൱ኒᘉ ኴɱᖊꔎᕂҶኒ ᕂኡ ኳኚ ኑᖊҶ൩ኲ።]
After reciting the script a blinding light filled Damons vision.