As the blinding light receeded from his view what greeted Damon was a blue transparent screen with his status writen on it. He was so exited he almost yelped finally he will be able to see the results of 5 years of hard work how could be not be happy.
HEALTH- (1,000/1,000)
NAME- Damon Lux
AGE- 10
RACE- Unknown (locked)
LEVEL- Unknown
Strength- 50
Speed- 50
Stamina- 50
Agility- 50
Vitality- 50
Recovery- 50
Mana- 1,500
Magic attack- N/A
Magic recovery- N/A
Mana compatibility- 30%
Magic affinity- N/A
Intelligence- 1,500
Luck- 100
Running- lvl 4
Swimming- lvl 2
Jumping- lvl 2
Kicking- lvl 3
Throwing- lvl 5
MMA- lvl 1
After looking over his status page for a while Damon couldn't help but feel disappointed 5years and all his stats stopped at 50, That was his bodys current limits. Seeing this he couldn't help but be a little depressed and why, why can he not see his race or level and his blessing where hidden too what was the meaning of his strange status. He wasn't sure so Damon tried to ask the priest to check his stat page to see if he knew why, It was weird but the priest insisted on not looking. Saying something about only the eyes of the gods and the owner of the stat page can see it and if he did it would be counted as a sin.
So on the way back to Damon's own village with the mayor he asked any questions about his board and why some things where hidden. In response his master came clean about Damon's past who his parents are what halpend to them and about how noone knows what Damon is but it has become clear that her is not human as if he was he wouldn't have a stat for soul level and his health would only be 100 or 200 max not 1,000. with Damon's health being so high it would only be at 1,000 for a level 5 human and given the fact that Damon has not killed any magic beasts its impossible for that to be the case. the only possible option is that he really isn't human, and that he received some throw back gene from his parents making him somthing noone knows about. It would also explain why Damon has such high stats all being in the 50s the mayor thought to himself.
"Damon when we get back to town go to the abandoned cabin at the edge of the dark forest it was your parents house there should be something left behind there for you" Rufus told Damon who responded with a nod of his head before jumping off his horse and running in the direction of the village, he was fast enough that he cut the 4 hour trip down to only 2 and he quickly made his way to the abandoned house where his parents once lived. He slowly opened the front door to hear a loud creek coming from the rusted hinge.
As he walked through the entire house and inside a room at the end of the hall was a baby's cot inside it was a letter under a pair of wrist cuffs. The cuffs where half an inch thick and black in colour he put them to the side and read the letter. 'Dear Damon, while i may not be your mother or father, I am writing this for you as I was the one who trained them how to fight and I also helped deliver you into this world. however I'm also the reason your parents died, it's my fault my calculations where wrong and I'm sorry, they knew the risks but still died for you so you can live a happy life. Attacked to this letter is a map to the place that they died and there you will find somthing that may be of help to you. P.S. the wrist cuffs stored with this letter will be a great peice of weapon or armour when you supply them with mana. Kind regards Cordelia'.
He then turned over the letter and saw the map and it lead about 10km into the dark forest. Without hesitation Damon grabbed the wrist cuffs and placed them on before running into the woods, after around 5 minutes he had reached the place marked on the map it was a 100meters tall 10meter thick tree that looked almost dead its grey trunk and black leaves it look unnatural. As he was approaching the tree he noticed a large hole in the front of it and saw a small glint coming from inside as he went to check it out he saw a small purple ring embedded in the back wall of the hole.
Intrigued he reached for it as his hand got close though a single tendril shot out from the tree and dug into his chest while the ring started glowing and turing into a purple glowing liquid that travelled through the tendril into his body, the liquid travelled from his chest to his legs then both his arms before running up his back on his neck and into his eyes. After this was done the tendril released from his chest and shrunk back into the tree.
Damon noticed that he now felt different he couldn't put his finger on it but he felt whole he felt more alive so he sat down to meditate to find why he had a new sense of vigour. And in doing so he felt his body warm up starting from his chest following the same path the purple liquid followed stopping at his neck. The feeling was soothing and as he opend his eyes he noticed he had the markings of an ability user on him and they were glowing. But he also noticed that as he lost concentration the glowing would stop so he closed his eyes and began his meditation this time focusing more on the warm energy flowing through his body.
After we a while he heard a beep and looked up to see the same holographic screen as earlier but this time it was slightly different as now he could see his race, level and ability.
HEALTH- (1,000/1,000)
NAME- Damon Lux
AGE- 10
RACE- Chimera (cub) Sub-race- (locked)
BLESSING(S)- 5 (ability level too low)
Strength- 50
Speed- 50
Stamina- 50
Agility- 50
Vitality- 50
Recovery- 50
Mana- 1,500
Magic attack- 0
Magic recovery- 1,000
Mana compatibility- 30%
Intelligence- 1,500
Luck- 100
Temple system (LVL- 1) - allows host to check current status level up and distribute status points without the need to visit a temple.(growth type)
Genetic absorption- allows host to acquire sub races by ingesting genetic material from the desired race or species.(can only have 1 subrace at a time)
Genetic modification- (locked)
Genetic coding- (locked)
"what the hell does this mean, whats a chimera, and a cub at that?" Damon asked himself while sitting in the hole of the tree wondering what his race means, also wondering what else he can do with this Temple system?