Just like that 5 years passed along with 600,000gold and still Damon was without an ability or unique magic. He was also the only child that had zero aptitude for any magic element despite weekly trips to check his magic aptitude nothing changed, it always shines bright indicating a high mana compatibility but with zero elemental aptitude. Despite being unable to awaken an ability or use any form of magic he was never bullied by the orphanage kids infact when the kids from town came and bullied Damon the kids at the orphanage always protected him like he was their younger brother this made him never feel left out or unwanted. Despite never feeling alone one day Damon had gone to the orphanage directors office and asked a question they had been unsure of how to answer "so umm why don't I have any cool magic, or glowing marks like the other kids?" The director looked at him and gave a slight smile as she spoke "honey, it's not that you don't have the potential for it its just we haven't found the correct object yet maybe one day soon we will find that somthing for you".
As the director picked up Damon and started walking towards the courtyard she continued explaining. "In this world there are still many things we don't know, for starters despite the amount of people awakend to abilitys and unique magic we still don't understand how or why they awaken to the objects that fuse with them. Take for example James over there he held a golden spoon that then burst into flames and fused with his right hand leaving a pink spot the shape of a leaf, So knowing that what do you think his ability might be?" The director asked, Damon looked for a second and thought before responding "oh umm if I had to guess I would say somthing to do with fire or plants" Damon responded with a smile sounding confident in his answer. "Nope, incorrect he actually can make his left hand turn invisible thats all, nothing else." Damon stared at the director and looked over at James like he was expecting that to be a joke.
"Damon my boy, as you can see the object thats you are awakend by or the shape of your mark has nothing to do with the type of ability you awaken too. To take it another step further I can use a fire that will burn hot enough to melt human skin before healing them back to perfect condition that is my unique magic that I awakend too after receiving a pet dog on my 6th birthday. As you can guess I was very happy I awakend a unique magic and not an ability, just the thought of Ruben dying because of me would have torn me apart" she said while laughing and placing Damon down on the ground with 3 other kids around his age to play and before walking back inside she shouted to him "oh Damon 6am tomorrow go to the town hall the mayor is going to start your training course".
Later that night Damon was on his way to the dining hall to have dinner with his friends when a staff member approached him and called him into a different room. "What can I help you with miss Martha I was just about to have tea with the other kids as I am quite hungry" Damon said as his stomach made a gargling sound. "Oh I won't keep you long I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday for yesterday and give this to you as a gift" Martha said as she reached into her coat and pulled out a wooden dagger 5 inches long "now before you take it this is not a test for ability to awaken just a gift for you to use in your training that starts tomorrow now apart from that you are free to go eat" she said with a smile as she gave Damon a quick hug before sending him on has way. "Thank you Martha I will take good care of it" Damon said as he ran to the dinning hall to eat before it got to late.
The next day Damon was awoken at 5am by miss Martha so that he can get ready to go to his class with the mayor, he quickly got dressed into a grey long sleeve shirt and cotton pants before eating breakfast and brushing his teeth and hair. When he was ready he was escorted to the mayors house by Martha as they approached the house it was still only 5:45am so they knocked on the door and the mayor happily greeted Martha and told Damon to go around the house into the back courtyard, Damon did just that and sat down waiting for the mayor to arrive. After a few minutes of waiting the mayor finally came around the corner with a beaming smile on his face.
"Damon my boy, we are about to start your combat and body strength training but before we start I need you to promise that anything I teach you will stay between us and you will not share this information with anyone unless I give you the okay first do I make myself clear?" Rufus asked with a serious expression looking Damon straight in the eyes. "Yes sir, mayor sir understood" Damon replied with a small slaught as he chuckled. He wasn't chuckling for long though as he felt a growing pressure of fear and impending doom as he look up and could see the mayor with a red glow around him "Damon, this is no laughing matter you take this seriously or I send you home and I won't teach you untill your 10 now make your decision".
Damon was terrified and confused he wanted to ask so many questions but was to scared so he did the only thing he could think and that was to agree with the mayor. Swallowing a mouthfull of saliva Damon slowly nodded his head "yes master mayor I will keep it as a secret" he looked up in fear at the mayor who now could be seen with only beaming smiles. Rufus then walked over to Damon and placed his hand on his head as he explained. "Good now before we start let me just check your mana capacity". As Rufus finished talking with one hand on Damon's head the other hand he used to hold a small device that showed numbers it was rapidly flicking through the numbers untill it stopped on a number "gosh damn Damon for someone your age to have this amount of mana... you really need to train more".