"Damon, you may have a high compatibility with mana but your mana pool is to low to do anything useful with, at the moment you have 10mana points but to get the most out of this training you need at least double that. And after that your mana will continue to grow at a steady pace." Rufus explained "But master mayor why do I need more mana if I can't use magic due to my lack of affinity with any element?" Damon asked with a look of confusion. Rufus then took a few steps back away from Damon and rubbed his head thinking "okay, haaa how best to explain this, umm oh yea so while you don't have an affinity with any element you have a high mana compatibility meaning you can channel pure mana through your body making you stronger" Rufus said hoping to have git the point across.
"Mayor sir, I don't think I quite understand, what's the difference between compatibility and affinity?" Damon asked with a look of great confusion on his face. "you don't need to know that for now let's just start your training and up first is mana training, I will place my hand on your back and flow my mana into your body then you can attempt to recreate that feeling by yourself can you do that?" Rufus asked making sure me wasn't taking things too fast.
"Yes sir let's do this I wanna be strong like my friends at the orphanage when can we start?" He responded. "How about right now, sit there legs crossed and hands on your knees". Rufus then placed his hand on to Damons back and started to slowly pass his mana into damons mana core and spread in all around his body. "How do you feel kid?" "Umm kinda funny like there are thousands of tiny bugs and needless flowing under my skin mostly starting from my chest area down to my toes" Damon tried to explain as best he could what he was feeling when all of a sudden the feeling receeded and all that was left was the memory of what had happened.
"Good now try and replicate that feeling right now, and once you can recreate that feeling you can go back home for the day" Rufus gave Damon his first assignment. "Yes sir I will try my best" Damon proceeded to close his eyes and focus deep on his chest. He was searching for that energy he felt, the strange yet soothing feeling, yet try as he might he couldn't replicate the feeling or find the source of the power instead all he found was a bright colourless ball of light that just floated there so he tried to move that instead and while he could move it with ease he couldn't make it feel the same as when his master passed the energy through him so instead he asked his master for another demonstration as he needed to know the feeling again so over the course of the next 6hours Damon was given 4 demonstrations but couldn't recreate the feeling, his master told him to go home for the night telling him its normal to have trouble sencing mana for the first time.
"Damon if you want take the next two days off at home and practice there if you still can't grasp the feeling come back to me and I will teach you a trick to it okay?" Damon just nodded in response to his master and ran home to have a shower and dinner.
3 days passed and Damon still couldn't grasp the feeling so he went back to the mayors home to ask for more help. "Master i still can't seem to get it i don't know what's wrong i can't find my mana core and I can't replicate the feeling". Rufus just smiled and laughed, "its okay boy it's a hard thing to learn without unique magic even i took almost a month to be able to feel the mana inside me and another month to move it how I wish so dont stress we have plenty of time". hearing this calmed Damon down a little knowing its a difficult thing to grasp, Rufus noticed this and placed his hand on Damons head. "Okay now like I promised i will make things a little easier for you" after saying that Damon felt a rush of energy into his head it was crimson red and hot, but also green and cool like a winter breeze then the tingling sensation started again before it quickly receded again. The whole experience only lasted a little more than 5 seconds but to Damon it felt like almost 10 minutes. "What, what was that it felt soothing but cold" he asked huffing and panting. "Yes boy I just shot more of my mana into you than I did the other day and used it to drain your mana core."
Damon straight away sat down to try to replicate that feeling and find the source of his mana finally now that he knows what colours to look for but after searching for awhile he couldn't find anything not even that strange colourless light ball. Damon slowly opend his eyes confused and Rufus noticed this, "hahaha what a silly boy, I just told you I drained your mana so you will have to let it replenish before you can try again but to speed things up here have this soup it is made with magic rich plants and animals so it should be enough to replenish your small amounts of mana."
Damon devoured the soup and with each mouthful he got the rich flavours of the soup base and the tenderness of the meat that almost melted in his mouth. But most addicting of all is the rush of energy he felt through his body he felt it all run to one place his chest so without wasting time he went to try and find this energy source, he saw the last wisp of energy he gained from the soup and followed it to the colourless light confusing him because he thought that this light had disappeared but it had comeback and it had gotten slightly bigger.
Unsure of what this meant he tried moving it again and to see what would happen he spun it around in his body at high speeds he could feel it spinning and as it spun it got smaller and smaller untill it was the size of his thumb nail when the original size was that of a baseball with that he decided to ask the mayor to check his mana again saying he still couldn't find it and wanted to know if it was just to small so he did. "Now Damon after I depleted your mana and you replenished it it did grow in capacity by 2points now normally it should increase anywhere from 3 to 4 points if you regenerate it naturally so take another month off at home and try again okay? after a month come back and we will try somthing else if you still can't get it".
So just like that Damon spent the next month locked up in his room only coming out to eat and bathe, while in his room he was always in a deep meditation looking for a coloured ball but could never find it so he focused on the only energy ball he could find still not sure what it was.