"Sion, there is only 1 month left untill the baby is due to be born have all the preparations been made?" Cordelia questioned the soon to be mother. "Only 1 month i thought im supposed to be pregnant for 10 months right, I.. I thought we had more time to get the ceremony ready" Sion replied with worry in her voice.
"If this was a normal pregnancy then yes, being a half-elf would mean half the normal pregnancy that an elf would have. But due to your child's unique nature and uncertain race that has caused you to lose one month off your pregnancy but don't worry your child will be completely healthy." Cordelia explained to the soon to be parents as she could see Arthur pacing up and down the side of the bed that his wife was laying on.
"Now Cordelia are you 100% certain that doing this ceremony will save the child from the need to consume life force to keep his soul intact?" He stopped and looked her dead in the eyes with a serious expression on his face hiding the fear he was feeling. "No, while im 99% sure i can't be 100%. As it all depends on what and how many gods bless him at birth as that will be the deciding factor into which this ceremony will be a success or failure"
28 days later march 1st year 799
"AHHHHH! FUUUUUUUCK! DEAR GAIA PLEASE, PLEASE LET THIS CHILD BE BORN HEALTHY." screamed Sion as she prayed to the earth goddess to help her child be born without issue. "That's it push, push common Sion just one more big push and we can start the ceremony to help your baby live a long life" after Cordelia had finished encouraging her, Sion had finally pushed the baby out far enough that Cordelia was able to finnish the rest. {ᛒᛚᛖᛋᛋᛖᛞ ᛗᛟᛏᚺᛖᚱ ᛟᚠ ᛚᛁᚠᛖ ᚨᚾᛞ ᛞᛖᚨᛏᚺ ᚨᛁᛞ ᛏᚺᛁᛋ ᚾᛖᚹ ᛋᛟᚢᛚ ᛁᚾᛏᛟ ᛏᚺᛁᛋ ᛒᛖᚨᚢᛏᛁᚠᚢᛚ ᚹᛟᚱᛚᛞ} Cordelia chanted and afterwards a bright gold and silver light surrounded Sion and her child it only lasted little more than 2seconds but as it faded one could see a mother happily holding her new born child that looks to have already been cleaned of the amniotic fluid.
"Arthur, Sion, Congratulations on your first born son hes very beautiful" Cordelia said as she raised her hand towards the baby's head as she did a pink glow surrounded her palm and shot towards his brow as it made contact a holographic screen was projected above him showing his status.
Name: None
Age: 0
Race: unknown (inspect level too low)
Level: 0
Soul level: 0
Blessings : 1 (unknown god)
Upon seeing his status page Sion looked at Arthur and he nodded his head, at her husbands confirmation she spoke with clear determination. "Damon, okay from today on your name is Damon Lux" after speaking a bright smile appeared on her face. "Now that you have met and named him its time that we move on with this ceremony" the three adults moved out of the house and into the dark forest carrying baby Damon, They walked for 10minutes capturing any animal or beast stupid enough to attack them on their travels.
Once they reached a clearing in the dark woods with only a single tree growing in the middle of it they approached it. Sion placed her hand on the tree and spoke "Dear earth mother Gaia open up your heart and lend us your power so that we may bring strength to this child" upon finishing her prayer the tree started to glow in a green hue as it started to twist and grow it grew untill it reached 100meters tall and 10meters wide it was twisted up its trunk with glowing green cracks forming all over it and its leaves where glowing blue making them look almost transparent, but this wasn't the only changes to the tree in the trunk where Sion has placed her hand was a small hole and on either side of it was two bigger holes one being 2meters tall the other being 1.6meter tall.
"Okay Cordelia, I hope this works and if it doesn't work...". "Sion don't worry it will, with only a 1% failure rate it so small especially since both you and Arthur have the God of luck blessing you" Cordelia interrupted her and assured her it would work. Sion and Arthur nodded and walked towards the tree with Damon in hand the both of them kissed his forehead and placed him into the small hole in the tree as they did that he opened his eyes for the first time and smiled making his parents both feel a warmth in their hearts as they smile and looked back at Cordelia with hope in their eyes. Arthur then walked into the bigger hole in the tree and stood inside and Sion stood in the smaller one once all three where inside Sion started another prayer.
"Dear Gaia mother of earth and goddess of life please take from the parents and give to the child what he needs to survive give him our blessings." Not a second passed that the prayer finished when the ground started to shake as glowing green and blue tendrils emerged from the tree. they dug into the arms, legs and backs of Sion and Arthur while blood was dripping from every wound none of them made a sound after the tendrils finished digging into the parents more started to emerge around Damon and slowly dug into the bottom of his feet and the palms of his hands with one going into his chest and digging into his heart and lungs. Once the family of three was connected through the tree, Arthur and Sion began to feel weak and disconnect from the gods and goddesses that blessed them, at the same time they could feel that the power they got from their blessings where disappearing at a rapid pace then they could feel the power drain slowing down as the tendrils started to remove from there body's and their wounds heal.
It was at this point they thought it would be over but then Damon started to cry and all the tendrils that had left Arthur and Sion all aimed back at them and at high speed embedded into the backs of their heads, before they came out their mouthes as their bodys slumped to the ground the tree raised them up and started to absorb there body's and souls untill their corpses where nowhere to be seen. "Nooooooo!" Cordelia dropped to her knees screaming "what have I done this was not how It was supposed to go, this is all wrong how 1% failure rate how did we get so unlucky that we are that 1%".
While Cordelia was having her mental breakdown on the ground, she didn't notice the tendrils on the floor making their way towards her. By the time she realised she was to slow to do anything but move her head dodging one of the tendrils. But that was all she needed as behind her was all the animals and beast that they captured on the way to the clearing all stuck in a cage. That's when it clicked in her head the tree is looking for more soul energy to feed into baby Damon so she grabbed the cage and threw it at the tree, as she did all the tendrils attacked the cage sucking all the animals and beasts dry absorbing their body's into its self and leaving behind all the mana cores and crystals.
After absorbing the animals the tendrils sent the energy they ate into the tree but as this happened from the bottom up all the green and blue glowing cracks slowly became red and purple untill it reached the leaves at which point they went from the almost translucent blue to a black hue. once the last leaf turned black the tree vibrated, all the light from the bottom of the tree blasted to the top at high speeds once at the top it took all the light from the leaves untill only one single leaf was black with red and purple veins with only one blue green vein in the centre, before long a loud pop was heard and all the energy from that single leaf was blasted down the center of the tree into the tendril connecting to Damons heart and lungs.
Once this was done the hole Damon was in opened to be 2meters tall and 1.5 meters wide with a depth of 5meters. The holes that Arthur and Sion where in closed leaving only small scars in the trunk. Damon was laying in the bottom of his hole sleeping with a tired look on his face. Cordelia approached him and picked him up with tears running down her face. "I'm sorry Damon, I'm so sorry that I failed you its my fault your parents died. if not for me they would be alive and this ceremony wouldn't have been a failure." She apologised to him and used her inspect skill on him again revealing his status.
Name: Damon Lux
Age: 0
Race: unknown
Level: 0
Soul level: unknown
Blessings: unknown
After reading his status Cordelia looked even more horrified "its worse than I thought im sorry but it appears that your parents have died for nothing."