She applied her ointments and wore her outfit for the day. She wore a pair of well-fitting , dark wash straight –leg jeans with a crisp light green button down shirt of silk material theta was tucked neatly into the jeans. As she was a fashionista, she believed elegance was her charm and thus a delicate gold chain necklace with a small pendant was adorned and it rested gracefully at the collarbone. Her earrings were gold hooped ones and occasionally had a subtle sparkle. According to the weather forecast on her phone, it stated that it would be a bit windy and with that, she carried a soft, cashmere cream- colored cardigan that was a gift from Daniel. She wouldn't be as stupid to throw away an expensive gift on a mere basis of break up, she vowed to not waste anything. She strode out of the room to find Bahati dressed in a slim fit gown that accentuated her curves. They made a quick breakfast and proceeded to begin a schedule of activities for the day. Bahati was to meet up with the private investigator and lawyer friend together so they can collaborate and maybe somehow help each other respectively. They figured the detective might find something that can be used by the lawyer friend, whom till now Bahati had refused to divulge his name. She would immediately turn red when describing him on another context.
Luvuno on the other hand will focus on the moving out procedure. After half an hour, Bahati left and Luvuno called the residence manager to inform him on her moving out and ask for the required documents to sign.
"Hello, can you email me the moving out documents?"
"Oh, who is this?"
"Luvuno apartment Simba court D4"
"Luvuno! Why do you want to move out? Is there anything that we have fail to provide?"
"Ah…..just going through some stuff and would like to go near my workplace for convenience."
Luvuno was surprised with the tone of the residence manger that suggested familiarity even though they have not spoken since she moved here. She found a simple excuse and couldn't help but feel he was intrusive kind of like prying for information. Maybe she was being a bit sensitive so she dismissed the thought immediately.
"Plus I'm a bit low on my finances and would love to move to an affordable place."
"That's not a big deal, we can work something out. No need to move out, okay."
Luvuno was now getting a bit irritated with him.
"Excuse me, this decision does not make me happy either but life is tough and we have to make do. I've already paid a month's rent already and will be living with my friend. I would not want to cause any inconvenience by simply backing out now. I would highly appreciate if you send m the required documents to my email in the form details as soon as possible, thank you."
Luvuno hang up and ten minutes later, she received the documents and began filing in the details. She had called in the moving out agency and they were on their way. She called the residence manager of Miritini estate and informed him of her moving in during the day. He informed her that the keys to her apartment were going to be handed over to the gate keeper.
The Move Easy Company called and were already at the gate and needed her to clear with the guard to be allowed in. she called the guard and informed him to allow them to pass. The men promptly moved in and started to immediately wrap everything up and placing them in boxes for the fragile items. This lasted for two hours and by then it was noon. They took a short break and started loading her household d items in the truck. They started to move items in batches and Luvuno went with them on the first trip. It was quite a distance from the sunrise estate that she lived in. she was relieved even though she had already considered it before choosing. She reached Miritini estate and confirmed her identity and took the key to her apartment. Coincidentally she had been assigned to Simba court D4 like her previous residence in sunrise estate. The men from Move Easy Company stated their work and she had to go back and forth to supervise and to ensure nothing was left behind. She personally planned the basic style of her apartment and ensure room for future changes. By evening is when everything was done. Luvuno made the payment to Move Easy Company since she felt they had done a fantastic job. She had been prepared for some of her glassware to break during transit but everything was the same. She admired their professionalism. The apartment was already cleaned before moving in but Luvuno called the residence manger to assign her any staff to do some basic cleaning because many people had entered her apartment. As a neat freak as she was she had to ensure some basic cleaning was done. She left the key to the caretaker of the apartment who apparently lived downstairs and had left for some duties outside that is why he wants present during the day. She went to a nearby restaurant to eat since she was famished for the day plus she was dog-tired. She ordered for a simple dish with lots of veggies and later went for a pedicure. She returned to her apartment later on to find her place being spic and span.
Bahati had not yet come back or rather she had been silent for the day. She didn't want to disturb her and gave her some space. She took a shower and went to living room and started scrolling through her phone. She had wanted to leave the sunrise residence chat group since she wasn't a resident anymore but she was in for a surprise. She had become the focus of gossip with many commenting on her current financial struggles that she couldn't afford her apartment. Many claiming she was leaching on her boyfriend but now that they broke up, she was left with now. She was termed a 'gold-digger'. She figured this was the so called retaliation by the residence manager by spreading out her dirty linen in public and smearing her reputations. She found the guy weir but she brushed it off. She figured she would never have anything to do with him again. She left the group in a huff.
She alter got a call from Bahati stating she would go back to her apartment and will update her tomorrow since she was also very tired and her day was not any less busy.