Bahati started her normal routine of cleaning the house and doing other types of chores. She had been at it for four months and never for once had she been able to just rest and watch a drama. Luvuno teared up just thinking of those moment. She also got up wanting to help but Bahati told her she was pregnant and had to take care of her. Luvuno argued that she had to exercise as she hadn't done so in the past four months. She also promised not to strain herself, it was only then that Bahati agreed. Luvuno washed the dishes and took their dirty clothes to the laundry since they didn't have to be frugal anymore. Bahati had been handwashing the clothes by herself for the past four months. She also paid for the rent that was due for next the time, they were done, it was already four o'clock past midday. They prayed asr prayer and proceeded to watch a drama together after a very long time. No sooner had they started watching than Bahati fell asleep almost instantly. Luvuno sighed as her friend was really on pins and needles this past couple of months. She took a sheet from her bed and tucked her friend in the sofa. She proceeded to the kitchen to make her favorite dishes. Luvuno busied herself in the kitchen and occasional ate some slices of fruits. She was being a bit of a foody and jokingly guessed it's a retaliation of her little one wanting to taste everything after not being fully satisfied for the past four months. She was at it for two hours when finally Bahati woke up a few minutes to maghrib time. The duo took ablution and prayed together. They then went to freshen up and prepare for dinner. Bahati was surprised by the assortment of dishes and all were her favorites. Luvuno ate with gusto which was unlike her Bahati figured it was the effect of the pregnancy. She then however followed suit.
It was as if there was a silent agreement. No one talked during the whole meal time. They then proceeded to clean the dishes and watched the evening news. Afterwards, they prayed the isha prayer. The constant prayers had already been embedded in their routine and they complied. They both slept pretty early and even Bahati who had insomnia fell asleep immediately.
Luvuno woke up early to take their clothes from the laundry. She came back to found breakfast ready. They soon left for Doctor Tamara's appointment. Doctor Tamara exclaimed that the baby was already on a rapid development and encouraged an even more balanced diet. Luvuno informed her on her huge appetite and she was reassured that nothing was wrong.
"We need your help on a rather tricky matter."
"What is it, I'm all ears?"
They then proceeded to explain the whole issue regarding their predicament and their current way to achieve respite. Doctor Tamara was happy to help and even proposed to draft a contract that the ownership rights will be transferred to them a later date. Their identities were however kept a secret and for the meantime, half of the profits would be sent to them. Everything though would ensure confidentiality of their identities. The duo didn't want to make it formal but Doctor Tamara insisted.
"This partnership business is earning lots of money bordering millions, this will ensure that certain risks can be eliminated as the future is uncertain. We need to plan thoroughly as 'failing to plan is planning to fail'"
The duo finally acquiesced and drafted a rough document and mailed it to kelvin. Kelvin made a formal one and then sent it back. They each signed left only the space to fill in their new joint account. They left Doctor Tamara's office and proceeded to the nearest bank. Their account was finalized in no time and eventually finished filling in the contract. They sent it to kelvin who assured them he would handle the rest.
"You should have him close, he's a keeper." Luvuno joked
Bahati immediately blushed but also fell into a serious consideration. Kelvin had helped out a lot during this four months and he didn't waver at all in courting her. Bahati figured she would consider it. Kelvin informed them that everything would be done in a week. He later called to congratulate Luvuno on her recovery and urged her to take care of herself well as Bahati would be worried about her. The duo decided to take a stroll as this was the first time as they only took cabs when outside. The walk was therapeutic to both of them and they finally hailed a cab when they Luvuno felt her legs becoming sore. They reached in her apartment and Luvuno decided to call her mother. Kwekwe was exasperated when she answered the call.
"What happened my daughter, I've been restless this couple of months"
What a terrifying mother's intuition!
Luvuno proceeded to tell her everything that occurred and Kwekwe listened in keen silence nicer responding until Luvuno doubted the call had ended. She confirmed otherwise and when she was done, Kwekwe responded.
"My daughter, come back home please."
Luvuno was taken aback. She wasn't expecting such a response. She was at loss on how to respond .
"I'm giving you till tomorrow to consider or I will come by myself to you."