Luvuno was at a crossroads, she wanted more time to think about it. Furthermore she didn't want to go back home anytime soon. She also didn't want to implicate her mother with her complicated matters. She decided to seek advice from Bahati since they were now on the same boat. Bahati was of the opinion that she go back home. She even proposed accompanying her for a few weeks and alter will return to look for something else or hunt for another job. The duo discussed deeply with Bahati convincing her friend to go back home and relax as her little one has been through a lot of stress. Luvuno eventually gave in and called her mother that she would come back in the following week. Kwekwe was thrilled and she regretted she didn't think of this sooner. She informed her that the younger siblings would be around and their schools had closed for the holidays. That had been enrolled in a boarding school.
Luvuno planned to shop for her younger siblings and she was so excited that she immediately made a list. She also had to inform Doctor Tamara and come with a plan on how to proceed the checkups when she would be away. The day passed by and Luvuno went to meet up with Doctor Tamara. They discussed at length and wrote a series of prescriptions and even informed her that she should be updated on the checkups she would take in the clinic nearby when she is back to her hometown.
She bade farewell to her and went for a round of shopping. She also wanted to purchase some decent outfits that would appeal to her religion. She walked in the shopping mall for an hour on end. She took a couple of breaks. She didn't want to miss anyone's favorite. Kwekwe had given birth to seven children. Luvuno had three older brothers and she was the eldest sister in her homestead. This was also considering her other stepmothers' children. She had a younger brother from her mom's side followed by twin sisters. She also figured to buy other stuffs for her stepsiblings since she had a good relationship with them. She came out of the mall and had some staff assist her in hailing a cab. They loaded her stuff in the cab. She reached home very famished. The security guard helped her in bringing her shopping's. She tipped him in appreciation. She had done the outfit shopping for both of them as Bahati had some prior arrangements and she wasn't home yet. She cooked some light meal and alter prayed after eating. She immediately fell asleep and woke up when Bahati arrived. She had even missed the asr prayer.
Bahati exclaimed at the big wraps of shopping. She immediately regretted letting Luvuno shop on her own. She checked the outfits Luvuno had chosen for her and she was satisfied. Days flew by and finally the awaited day arrived. They woke up and prepare themselves as Luvuno's hometown was very far away. Luckily a train station was available and had been recently constructed. It had thus saved them some few hours. They were in their cabin in their train very early. They informed john of their departure as Bahati as you've have guessed it had already informed kelvin.
Kelvin was also pondering a change in religion as he had been scared shitless when Bahati refused dating. He though he would never have her in his life. It wasn't until he received solace when he heard all could be negotiated once he converted to Islam and was ready to marry her. Bahati is an orphan and she had been raised in an orphanage. She had befriended Luvuno for her kindness and till then their friendship is still strong. Kelvin is an orphan too as his father had died when he was very young and he had been raised by his mother alone till three years ago when she succumbed to cervical cancer. He wasn't very close with his relatives as they had never lent a hand for the medical fees and let the young student kelvin to devise ways to pay the bill.
The travel on the train was smooth with no unexpected twists on the way. They arrived at around three o'clock in the afternoon. They had to order two riders for motorbikes, with one for luggage and the either for themselves. She just mentioned Mrondo's homestead and they immediately knew. In fact one of the riders was her classmate when she was in primary school.
It took ten minutes and Hussein, her younger brother, saw her fast. He rushed to hug her and even helped carrying the luggage. He had grown tall and was dark skinned. His voice had deepened had his face had an awful lot of pimples. Luvuno remarked that he had become much disciplined as she had left him being a very notorious and mischievous kid.
The other kids saw them and some informed the folks of their arrival. Most of them were surprised by Bahati as she was a new face to them. They still warmly greeted her. Bahati was amazed with how many children there were in the homestead. She couldn't believe that they all shared one father.
Luvuno found her room cleaned and she knew Kwekwe must have done it personally. The folks at home were also surprised to see her dressed in a buibui and a hijab to cover her head. She alter in the evening explained her conversion to Islam that required covering oneself from indecent exposure. She urged everyone to call her by her given name, Sumeyya. Her mother frowned on that but she acquiesced since her daughter was an adult and she couldn't impose her wishes on her. Nevertheless , she liked this new her more .Mrondo was more interested in this religion that advocated for such manners but you can say more so on the up to a maximum four wives for marriage.
"My daughter don't dwell on the marriage subject and inform us more on other interesting things. You might put some ideas into this old man's head"
This was a jab thrown at Mrondo and the other step wives looked sideways not wanting to be associated with him. It was truly a comical scene