Bahati was overtaken by the turn of events. She was stumps for ten seconds on end. Everyone on the scene was shocked. Bahati rushed to Luvuno's side trying to wake her up. She was grief stricken and was distraught. She kept on shaking Luvuno, pleading with her to wake up. A few minutes later, an ambulance had arrived. The personnel immediately carried Luvuno on a stretcher and left pretty quickly. Bahati left with them as she was the closest person to the victim. The ride to the hospital was torturous and it would be lifelong trauma for Bahati, Luvuno kept on bleeding and even convulsing at the mouth. Her belly was hit pretty badly and everyone wasn't positive about the chances of the baby. In no time, they arrived at the hospital. The Doctors were already waiting. Luvuno was immediately taken to the ICU and Bahati waited in the lounge. She informed Doctor Tamara and kelvin as well as john. She instructed john to investigate this as it was very clear to all and sundry at the scene of accident that the motive of the rider was to hit her. Doctor Tamara arrived and joined in the panel of Doctors discussing her case. The baby was surprisingly alive but in a precarious condition though. It was really tenacious. Bahati called Kwekwe to inform her of the tragedy. Just then, a Doctor came with a document with highlighting the procedures and most importantly choose on who will get the priority of saving life. The risks associated with saving both of them were immense and thus the Doctors had prepared the consent form. Bahati would have wanted to save Luvuno but after being informed of the status of the baby, she chose to save them both. She wanted to take a leap of faith and believe. The mother and child were really tenacious and she believed they would come out through of this one. She didn't inform Kwekwe as it was a cruel choice to make for the old lady and she doubted she could shoulder the consequences of the consent form. She had decided if anything untoward were to happen she would take the blame. Luvuno had lost a lot of blood and she needed an urgent transfusion. The situation of the hospital had become chaotic as another accident of a bus and a truck had occurred at another road leading out of the city. Victims of the accident were being brought it with some missing limbs and others being corpses. It was a gruesome scene. It took a full two hours before a blood match was found. After was seemed like an eternity, the doors to the ICU were blasted open. Good news was at hand. Both the mother and the baby had been saved. It was a girl. Bahati had wanted to visit Luvuno but was denied access. She was informed that the patient needed rest. She visited the newborn but she was still in an incubator. The child had borne some setbacks but it was now sleeping peacefully.
She felt gratified that she didn't give up on any of them. She texted kelvin to inform him on the success of the surgery. Kelvin was waiting for Kwekwe on the station of Dokata city and since the city was the capital of Kilimangodo Nation, it was very busy and Kwekwe might get lost. Bahati waited in the lounge till the early morning when Luvuno regained consciousness. She checked on her.
"How is my child, Bahati?"
"She is safe, she is still recuperating in the incubator because she was born before her due date."
She reassured Luvuno and urged her to take plenty of rest.
"I know you didn't sleep, don't tire yourself because I won't be at ease knowing you won't be well. Have no worries I'm feeling great and stress my dear."
They chatted shortly before the sedatives kicked in for Luvuno as a nurse had inserted in the iv drip. Bahati left afterwards and went to the apartment to take a nap and change clothes. Before she knew it, she slept for six hours on end. She found Kelvin on the sofa. He told her that Kwekwe had prepared a dish for her and she should rest as she had performed wonderfully in the form matter .Kwekwe had gone to see her daughter at noon and would be back by evening. Doctor Tamara would hail her a cab and inform us to expect her. Bahati started weeping as she had been so afraid of losing her best friend and she had witnessed it firsthand. Kelvin comforted her and reassured her that everyone was safe. Kelvin vowed silently to treasure her as he didn't want her to be in sorrow anymore. She went to take a shower and later ate the packed dish that Kwekwe had cooked from Makina. it was filled with natural spices and ingredients. The dish was ponded yam and broth, which was very nutritious.
She ate with relish as she hadn't eaten for a whole day. She washed the dishes and as if on cue, john sent a detailed mail of everything that transpired. The husband to Doctor Tamara had conspired with Priscilla as he was greedy to keep on making money on the business. His idea was to scare both of them but Priscilla had a personal vendetta and wanted to kill Luvuno and the baby after she learned she was pregnant. The husband to Tamara had snooped had snooped his wife's confidential documents and that's where he got their identities and even learned of Luvuno pregnancy. He then divulged the information and even when Luvuno came back to Dokata city from Makina this time to both Daniel and Priscilla.
Daniel had hooked up with Priscilla as he felt that Luvuno couldn't sire children. He helped her as he was firmly convinced by Priscilla that she would get pregnant by his child. Since the time Daniel learnt that Luvuno was pregnant with his child, he stopped indulging Priscilla and this made her desperate. The rider was actually a young boy who was forced by circumstance to commit the crime and acquiesce to it , only then will his mother's hospital bills be cleared and be scheduled for an operation. The evidence incriminating Priscilla was sent to the police.
Bahati was shocked with the amount of information. Priscilla is posted as a wanted criminal and she is on the run. The kind of twists and complexness of the situation was too much. John also informed her that he had sent the evidence of atrocities by Daniel's family to some higher ups in an anonymous manner and it was only time before an arrest warrant was issued of the whole family. He told her that he did this , since Daniel would pester Luvuno on child custody and she would definitely lose as he had influence and power. This could be surmised as a befitting ending for them. Bahati was brimming with excitement and she couldn't wait to share this excitement with Luvuno. She informed kelvin who was happy for them. She decided to go to the hospital. She met Doctor Tamara who apologized for what her husband caused to them indirectly. She felt so ashamed and had already filed for a divorce.