She fed her friend and helped her shower and later tucked her to sleep. By the time she was done, it was half past eleven in the late evening. She hurriedly ate and rushed to her room to sleep. Half an hour as she lay in bed she received a text. She has had insomnia for a very long time that's why she always prefers pin drop silence to eventually fall asleep. It was actually an email and it was from john. He informed that they were going into full force targeting Luvuno and as he had put it, she would be collateral damage if she kept on being by her side. He advised her to stay away from her .Bahati was adamant and refused to leave her friend on her most vulnerable situation. Then john advised her not to go back to her workplace as he couldn't guarantee that her safety wouldn't be compromised. He then promised to hide their residential for a period of six months during which they would have to find a faraway place. This time john wasn't intent on getting payment and he truly felt sympathetic towards them and also admired their friendship. Bahati didn't expect things to turn chaotic pretty fasts. She was grateful to have hired john. She decided to start using her savings to keep things afloat for a period of time. She didn't even submit a resignation letter and became a homebody by taking care of her friend. This went on for four months straight and one day after an check up on the development of the baby. Doctor Tamara offered to take them home. Bahati had confided in her as she had been overwhelmed all by herself. She told Bahati that she would stop by the nearby mosque to pray and they could just wait for her in the car. She claimed it was zuhr time the noon prayer. Bahati was fine with that but as for Luvuno, well it was safe to just assume she didn't care. Her belly had now protruded and even though she wasn't missing her meals, she still looked emaciated. I guess it was true when the philosophers argued that a peace of mind was the body's nutrients.
Just five minutes after Doctor Tamara left, the adhan was heard. It was a call of Prayer for the Muslims. Luvuno started trembling vigorously, Bahati was scared out of her wits.
"Was Luvuno not going to hold on this world anymore?"
This thoughts started swirling in her mind like a tornado and she wept bitterly. This caused quite a scene and then almost immediately, Luvuno dashed in the direction Doctor Tamara left. Bahati followed suit worried about her friend, but she was now more puzzled. Luvuno apparently rushed in the mosque. The women at that particular time were on prostration and Luvuno made a prostration too. She then wept. She cried till her voice turned hoarse. Bahati was stupefied, you must remember that for the past four months, Luvuno had never made any reaction. The other Muslim women had finished praying long ago and had quietly surrounded her. They were all quietly listening as Luvuno lamented her woes. Some even shed tears and Doctor Tamara was among them. After what seemed like an hour, she started mumbling in a low tone making repeated statements.
"Can I be a Muslim?"
Then the older women took her and guided her to take a bath, ablution and finally said the most auspicious words of conversion to Islam. She was given a buibui which is a popular outfit of Muslim women. It is commonly black in color and ensures the body is covered well. Bahati also converted. She was in tears as she claimed that she would worship the lord who cured her friend. After calming down, Luvuno explained how she was guided by the adhan to wake up from stupor. In her wording was that it was the most beautiful sound she ever came across. She said it was a source of light in her world of darkness. She also felt gratified by the support that Bahati gave her. Standing by her side when she felt utterly lost and her lowest. She told Bahati, she knew her struggles and they both teared up. She wished she could wake up from her stupor but she was unable to.
They were served a dish of biryani free of charge and said this was her way of consoling them. She operated a food stall and this was all she could offer. The duo ate ravenously and wiped their plates clean. Bahati had also lost a lot of weight and Doctor Tamara was glad she was a means for the duo conversion to her religion. Luvuno given name was Sumeyya and Bahati was Imrana.
Doctor Tamara gave them essentials of Islam and told them to text or even call her if they have any queries. She drove them to their apartment and left to go back to the hospital. Luvuno and Bahati settled in couch and took a deep breath. Just then, she received a mail from john and he informed them he received a particular Intel that can be used to force Priscilla to give away the ownership rights of the partnerships. Indeed blessings come in abundance.
Since they couldn't openly come out n confrontation with them, they could look for a trustworthy party who could get the ownership rights and later transfer it to them. Almost immediately, a figure popped in the minds of the duo. Doctor Tamara was the most suitable person for this role and she knew their situation very well.
"Thank God, I was worried my savings wouldn't hold on for this long"
"I'm suggesting having a joint account, what do you think? I really feel we've gone through a lot and I would rather much have it with you than anyone else."
"You don't have to feel indebted, I know you would do the same for me."
"Please agree to my request, you've sacrificed a lot for me and I really think we are very fit for that"
Bahati later acquiesced and would set out tomorrow for this operation. Doctor Tamara had informed them to visit her tomorrow and she had already set an appointment. She had to do another checkup after coming out of stupor .the duo planned to also inform her tomorrow for the issue regarding her help. They figured it would be impolite to just send a text or only call about it.