Chereads / Royally Tangled / Chapter 7 - Father against son

Chapter 7 - Father against son




10.25 PM

It was a pretty cold night. Everywhere was calm and cool. Most occupants of the magnificent palace of King Alexander Henry had gone to bed.

"Hello, my son! Can I come in?" Asked King Alexander Henry as he stood at the entrance of Prince Brandon room.

"Dad! Your Majesty, what happened? Why are you here at this hour? I hope all is well?" Asked the worried Prince Brandon as he opened his door.

"My son, all is well but we need to talk". King Alexander responded.

"And that cannot wait till tomorrow?" Prince Brandon inquired.

"Yes, my charming son. It is an important issue, we should not be distracted when on it. I guess this is the best for us to discuss". Said King Alexander.

"Alright your Majesty. Why are you here?" Said Prince Brandon as they both sat on the couch in his luxurious room.

''Son! You are not getting younger. You are the only hope of this kingdom and my throne. I am worried. I want to see your heir before my departure. You have not shown a genuine interest in marriage". Said the King.

"Dad! I knew it. Is that the reason why you came into my room at this hour when you ought to be on your bed sleeping?" Inquired the furious Prince Brandon.

"Oh yes! My son at your age I was already a father. I have gotten your Sister and your elder brother of blessed memory". Said the concerned King Alexander.

"Your Majesty, I have said it several time that marriage is not something I can just dive into. This is a lifetime journey we are talking about here". Prince Brandon responded in a cool tone.

"Yes my son, you might be right but I need to be happy and be a fulfilled man before my demise. I want assurance that the throne of my forefathers is secured even after my exit". King Alexander responded in a worried tone.

"Alright Dad! Your concern is well understood but I won't rush to marriage because I want to be happy all through my marital journey". Said Prince Brandon.

"Well, I am happy to inform you that I have gotten not just a spouse for you but a worthy mate that matches your social status. She is educated, classic and from a well respected royal family". King Alexander said.

"WHAT! Dad, oh no. What are you saying? Arranging a marriage for me? Who exactly are you talking about your Majesty?" Asked the furious Prince as he stood up beside his father.

"My son! Very soon you will get married to your betrothed wife. Princess Terra of Mustard kingdom, the land of Grain". Said the King.

"Princess Terra?" Prince Brandon inquired in a confused tone.

"Yes, my son, you heard me right. Princess Terra, the daughter of my childhood friend and King of Mustard kingdom. You met her during our visit to Griain kingdom sometimes ago during their annual festival". King Alexander said.

"NO! I won't marry him. She's not the woman for me. Your Majesty I guess I have my absolute right to choose who to marry. I don't believe in arranged marriage and I dislike this betrothed wife of a thing. Those practices are now history in this century". Prince Brandon responded on top of his voice.

"Son! You will marry Princess Terra. I have discussed it with her father the last time we visited their Kingdom and we have both agreed to be inlaws". King Alexander insisted.

"Your Majesty with due respect sir, I am not going to marry the daughter of your childhood Friend". Said Prince Brandon in a strong tone.

"You will, my son. I have discussed this with your mum and she loved the arrangement too. We both want the best for you and always want to see you happy. Princess Terra will be a good wife for you". Said King Alexander.

"No, I won't marry her, your Majesty. I barely know her. How on earth will I marry somebody I knew nothing about? No Dad, this will not see the light of the day. Dead on arrival". Said the hesitant Prince Brandon.

"Son, listen to me, we have a lot to gain from this marriage. Your marriage to Princess Terra will further make our great Kingdom stronger and famous. It will further strengthen the cordial long age relationship between our Kingdom and that of the Mustard kingdom". King Alexander explained.

"Oh! I see. It's all about the kingdom, right? Do you even consider my happiness in this arrangement? Do I even have a say at all? No! I don't think so". Prince Brandon said in an angry tone.

"THAT'S ENOUGH! Either you like it or not you will marry Princess Terra. We aren't ordinary, we are royal. We have our own ways of doing things, not minding whatever anyone will think or say. In everything we do we must put the kingdom first. My son, I can assure you that you won't regret this arrangement. In Fact you will be happy that we made this decision for you even long after our departure". King Alexander insisted.

"Alright, Dad. But the question still begging for an answer is won't I have the right to choose whom to marry?" Prince Brandon asked in an angry voice.

"Well, we are not denying you that right but this is not all about you. It's deeper than what you think. The fact still remains that you can't just marry any woman. Your wife must be classic and suit your royal and social status". Said King Alexander in his fatherly voice.

"Really? Your Majesty, if I may ask, which one is paramount to you between my happiness and the kingdom?" Asked the inquisitive Prince Brandon.

"Both are paramount because they compliment each other. Will you ever be happy if your kingdom is in disarray?" King Alexander inquired.

"I don't think so, your Majesty, it's my joy first before every other thing. How can I be a noble and respected King if I am not happy in my marriage?" Said Prince Brandon.

"My Son, you need not worry. With time you will get to love your betrothed wife and get used to each other. Companionship is the key to friendship and happiness in marriage. You will get to love Princess Terra as you both navigate through your marital adventure". King Alexander explained.

"Your Majesty! I have to set the record straight, I won't marry Princess Terra. I don't know her, I don't love her and I don't think I will ever do. Dad, please let's forget about this issue. It won't work". Said the hesitant Prince Brandon.

"My son, you will marry her". Said King Alexander.

"No, I won't". Prince Brandon insisted.

Their argument went on and on for the night but no compromise and none of them was ready to shift ground.

"You will….."

" I won't ....."

"I insisted, you will….. "

" No way, your Majesty. I won't....."

"Your Majesty! Your attention is needed right away". 

A shaky feminine voice said at the entrance to Prince Brandon room.

What could that be at that late hour?