Chereads / Royally Tangled / Chapter 11 - Olivia must go

Chapter 11 - Olivia must go


11.02 AM

It was a sunny Thursday morning at King Alexander magnificent palace. King Alexander called The Seven Wise men into an impromptu meeting.

"Long reign the King".

"Long reign Your Majesty".

Chorused by the Wise men as King Alexander entered the council chamber for deliberations.

"Elders of our land, Wise men of our great Kingdom. I sincerely welcome you all to this emergency council meeting. Please do have your seats". King Alexander said.

"Your Majesty, we the Wise men of Great Kent kingdom are here in respect to emmency council meeting you called us for. Now that we are all here, can we know the reason for this impromptu meeting?". Wise man Harry inquired.

"Thanks, Harry. I welcome you all once again to this emergency council meeting. I invited you to address an important issue which needs urgent attention".

"It is about my son, Prince Brandon and his choice of life partner". King Alexander said.

"Oh! That's great. Finally, he wanted to marry. This is good news we have been waiting for. At least for the survival of your throne and for the future of our Kingdom". Wise man Robert said.

"Yes, it is. You were right, Robert. The entire Kent kingdom will be happy about this cheering news". Wise man Jackson responded.

"Your Majesty, we the Wise men of this Great land will like to know who the lady is and which kingdom she comes from". Wise man Trump inquired.

"Hmmmm! That's exactly my concern. She is from the Bronze Kingdom". King Alexander said.

"Good, she is from a good and great Kingdom. We have no issue with them" Wise man Terry said.

"Oh yes! The land of fortune, it is a Great Kingdom indeed". Wise man Duke responded.

"Your Majesty, congratulations. When are they going to tie the knot?". Wise man Kennedy asked.

"Tie the knot? Not when I am still alive. I will never allow my son to marry her, NEVER". The furious King Alexander responded.

"Your Majesty, what happened and which part do you want us to play in this matter, if there is any?". Wise man Harry asked.

"Ordinarily I wouldn't have involved you in this issue but all efforts to stop Brandon from his choice of love proved abortive". Said the King.

"Me and the Queen tried all we could to stop him but he refused to listen. He insisted he must marry the lady".

"Your Majesty, who exactly is this lady and why are you against their union?". Wise man Trump asked.

"She is Olivia by name and she is one of my maids in this palace". King Alexander responded.

"A maid? Your Majesty, you mean of all the beautiful and glamorous ladies in this kingdom and beyond, your son found none worthy to be his wife except Olivia, a maid in his father's palace?". Wise man Duke asked.

"Oh my goodness! If I may ask why not the maid? I believe blood runs in her veins too?". Wise man Kennedy responded.

"Oh yes! Kennedy, you are right. Either she is a maid or not does not matter, for as long they both love each other". Wise man Jackson said.

"No, no, no. I stand to be corrected, I don't think an ordinary maid is good enough to be next Queen of this noble Kingdom". Wise man Harry inquired.

"Wise man Harry, that's exactly my concern. How will I allow my son, the only surviving heir to my throne, to marry just a commoner?". The unhappy King Alexander asked.

"I can't even imagine such a terrible blunder that my son is about to make. We are Royals , we are affluent and not ordinary".

"I want my Kingdom to be stronger and famous. My son must marry a worthy wife and a lady that matches with her social status".

"I will never allow them to marry each other, it won't happen. Not when I am still breathing".

"Your Majesty, I think your priority in this matter should be your son's happiness, not the background of the lady in question". Wise man Kennedy said.

"No, you are wrong, Wise man Kennedy. So, you don't think the social status and the background of the next Queen of this respected land matters?". Are you kidding me?". Wise man Trump inquired.

"Well, I think both the love and compatibility of the intending couples matters but one supersedes the other. I think love conquers all. If the lady in question is below the social status of the Prince, she can be helped and be remodelled to fit in into royalty. Wise man Trump, don't you think so?". Wise man Robert inquired.

"No, I don't think so. The issue here is not remodelling but the background. If Brandon succeeded in remodeling her, can he change her background?". "The background matters, it is like a shadow, she can't run away from it". Wise man Trump responded.

Truly, it was a hot council meeting and the Wise men were divided on the issue brought to them for deliberations by King Alexander who already made his mind never to allow his only son to marry a maid from his palace. So, what could it be?

"The Great Wise men of Kent kingdom, the custodians of our culture and tradition. I appreciate you all for your concerns and contributions. What wonderful deliberations we had". Said King Alexander.

At this junction, all that was in the mind of the seven Wise men was what the decision of the King would be on the matter he brought to the council meeting.

"Without any doubt in my mind,my son, Prince Brandon has decided to drag my throne to the mud by his choice of mate but trust me I won't allow that to happen". King Alexander said as he stood up. 

"I have no choice than to use the last option left for me to separate them and make my son marry the worthy mate I have found for him from the Mustard Kingdom". 

"Your Majesty, the last option you said, which is?". Wise man Duke inquired.

"Yes, the last option . I have to make use of my authority as the King of Great Kent kingdom". King Alexander responded.

"Okay, we are all ears. Make your decision known. Your Majesty, you have the floor". Wise man Terry inquired.

There was an uncommon silence and attention from the seven Wise men when waiting to hear the King's eventual decision on the issue at hand.

They all set their gaze on the royal throne where King Alexander was sitting.

"By the power vested in me as the paramount King of this Great kingdom, I hereby banished Olivia Cole from this Kingdom and she shouldn't return nor be seen in this land for the next thirty years". King Alexander decreed.

"Long reign the King".

All the seven Wise men said.

"Well, it is a good thing as you have made your decision known in this matter but as we all know your decision on any matter in this land is not final". Wise man Trump stated.

"Yes, that's right. We, as the custodians of our culture and representatives of the good people of Kent kingdom, have the final say on any matter". Wise man Harry responded.

"We hereby subject the King's decision on Olivia Cole to our reviews". Wise man Jackson said.

"Oh yes! Your Majesty, by the power vested in us by the culture and tradition of our land, we hereby subject your decision to our reviews and your order remains suspended till our eventual final decision in the next seven days". Wise man Robert said.

"I rise". King Alexander said as he stood up from his throne and left the council chamber unsatisfied. 

Now that the battle line is drawn, the only question begging for an answer is who will get the simple majority votes from the Wise men, will it be King Alexander or Olivia?. Well, only time will tell