Chereads / Royally Tangled / Chapter 12 - The battle line 

Chapter 12 - The battle line 


 The news of possible banishment of Olivia from the Kent kingdom spread like wildfire with divergent opinions.

23 PM.

The Queen looked concerned and furious at the same time as she entered the living room where King Alexander was relaxing with a bottle of red wine to cool off the pressure from the council meeting.

"What is this that is spreading like a virus in the public? You banished Olivia from the entire Kent kingdom and she must never return till after 30 thirty years?". The unhappy Queen asked.

"My love kindly have your seat". The King said.

"No, I won't until you tell me why you took such action against an innocent lady". The hesitant Queen responded.

"I asked you to sit, do have your seat and stop bothering yourself over non issue". King Alexander said.

The unhappy Queen refused to sit, she was really hurt and disappointed about King's harsh decision against Olivia.

"My love, truth must be told, you went too far on this matter and action was too early. Why are you in a hurry? She asked.

"I was never in haste in my decision. I took the right step at the right time". The King answered in a deep voice. 

"Delay is dangerous".

"What else I would've done? I have tried all I could to pacify both Brandon and Olivia to go separate ways but all my efforts yielded no result".

"The only way I can stop this never meant to be union is to take Olivia out of this kingdom".

"I made a vow to my good friend, it will be an act of betrayal if Brandon does not marry Princess Terra as I promised".

"Besides the fact that cannot be denied, Brandon and Olivia are not compatible. They won't make a good couple".

"My lord, do you even care at all about what people will say about your actions?". The Queen asked.

"Oh! That's fine. People must always talk. I have made my decision and I have no apology for anyone that is not happy with my decision". He answered.

 "My love, I doubt if you can deny the fact that Olivia is a good lady?". She inquired.

"Well, I never said she is not a good lady. Have I? The King responded.

"But why did you hate her that much?". The Queen asked.

"I don't hate her. All that I want for my son is the best". He answered.

"Princess Terra will be a perfect wife for my son".

"Perfect wife? There is no perfect wife anywhere, it is an illusion, such doesn't exist".

"Honestly, I am highly disappointed with your actions. You would have waited and see how this issue would have naturally solved itself".

"No, my dear. Things will never change if we don't take action".

"I am happy with my actions and decisions. Of course it is a right step in the right direction. King Alexander said.

"Alright! How will you feel if the eventual decision by the Wise men did not go your way? The thoughtful Queen asked.

There was a deep loud masculine voice from a distance. Who else could it be?

"Mum! Mum! Mum!" 

"Dad! Dad! Dad!" 

"What have you done?" Brandon asked.

"You were inconsiderate in your actions. Dad, I am highly disappointed".

"You went too far in this matter"

"Your actions are nothing but pure acts of wickedness".

"I have said it several times and nothing in this world will change it. Olivia is going to be my wife".

"You pronounced the banishment of Olivia from this Kingdom in the council meeting but unfortunately, you don't have absolute power".

"I am very certain that you are going to be disappointed at the end when the The Wise men will be making the final decision".

"Surely, you have lost the battle".

"No right thinking person will support your inhuman actions".

"My son, you aren't going to marry Olivia. Princess Terra will be your wife".

"No way, I won't marry her".

"You will, either you like it or not".

The conversations between King Alexander and his son Brandon are getting hotter and the situation is tense.

"Brandon, that's okay. Please calm down". The Queen said.

"My son, why can't you listen to your Dad. Don't let this issue escalate more than this. We can settle this amicably".

"We are Royal, we ought to be a good role model to many".

"We must be one united and undivided family hence we will lose our value and respect in our Kingdom".

"Mum, I am not changing my mind. It is either Olivia or nobody". Brandon responded.

"She's my love, my heartbeat, my joy and my dream come through".

"I love her so much, and my admiration for her cannot be quantified".

"I do feel fulfilled and complete whenever I have her around me".

"Her smile brightens my days".

"I love her so much and I can never trade her for anything in this world".

"I am ready to take a bullet for her sake".

"I am ready to fight for her with the last drop of blood in my vein and with my last breath"

"My son, so, you have made up your mind to bring my Kingdom into disrepute and drag my throne into mud". King Alexander said.

"You ought to be making this throne stronger and not weaker".

"If you are not ready to listen to my voice of wisdom then I myself will never hesitate to disgrace your never meant to be lover".

"The battle line has been drawn, I am very certain that you are going to lose. I am your father, I am a King and the master of the game. I will win, son, you will lose".

"Alright, let's wait and see who's going to have the last laugh. They say " he who laughs last laugh best".

"I will surely defeat you, I have never lost a battle. I am going to be victorious. I am a winner. You are going to be defeated".

"You will lose". King said.

"No, I will win". Brandon responded.

"You are going to be heavily defeated".

King Alexander insisted.

"No way, I will surely have the last laugh. Brandon answered.

The tense conversations went on and on between the King and the Prince. It seems unending till the Queen intervenes.

"My lord, my son, that's enough". The Queen said.

"Since neither of you is ready to shift ground, the only option we are left with is to wait till the next seven days when the Wise men will be making their final decision known to the public".

"So, let's get our fingers crossed".

The Queen's few words were able to calm the tense atmosphere but the big question in the minds of both sides still remains, am I going to win?