Chereads / Royally Tangled / Chapter 13 - King's desperation 1

Chapter 13 - King's desperation 1


Now that the battle line has been drawn between King Alexander and Prince Brandon, their main agenda now is how to outsmart each other in the eventual decision of The Seven Wise men about the banishment of Olivia from the Kent kingdom. The question is who will win?

5.45 PM.

"Oh my goodness! Your Majesty, what an unscheduled visit. You are welcome to my humble abode". Said Wise man Terry, the oldest of the Wise men.

"Thanks a lot, Elder Terry. It's my pleasure to be here". King Alexander responded.

"Your Majesty, what a great privilege to host the nobel King of Kent kingdom in my house. What a rare privilege". The surprised Terry said.

"Well, you deserve the honour, my Elder, the Great Wise man of our land". King Alexander answered.

"Thanks so much Your Majesty. If I may ask, why are you here? Wise man Terry inquired?

"Terry, in the next six days the fate of Olivia will be made known before the entire people of Kent kingdom". The concerned King said.

"Yes, you are right, Your Majesty. Six more days to go". Wise man Terry responded.

"I want to win in this matter. Olivia must go, I don't want to see her anywhere in my Kingdom. She has to be banished from this land. She has overstayed, she must be sent parking".

The furious King stated.

"Your Majesty, well, that will be determined by the simple majority decisions of the Wise men. The decision is not mine". The unfazed Terry responded.

"Of course I know, the decision will be determined by the eventual decision of the simple majority. For me to win I must get at least four votes out of seven". The curious King Alexander answered in a deep voice.

"Alright, Your Majesty. What exactly do you want me to do for you in this matter?". Wise man Terry asked.

"Good, Terry. I want you to vote in my favour. I must win, I must not be disappointed".

"WHAT! Are you trying to influence my sense of judgement?". Wise man Terry hastily asked.

"No, no no, Terry. I am trying to do what I think is the best for our Kingdom. I want you to know that whatever I am doing regarding this matter at hand, I am doing it for the good of our Kingdom". The King explained.

"Oh! Really? That's fine. Terry asked.

"Yes, it is my Elder. King Alexander answered.

"If that is the case, then you need not to worry or disturb yourself on this matter. We are going to do justice to it at the appropriate hour. Cool headed Wise man Terry said.

"I want you to know that my interest in this matter is never a personal one but I am doing it for the future of our land". The King said.

"Okay, your Majesty. Our land is great already and I am sure it will always be getting greater". The wise man Terry responded.

"All I want is a stronger and better Kingdom. My son marrying a commoner will jeopardise that. He must marry a worthy and classic wife that will make our Kingdom stronger and more famous".  The King said.

"Your Majesty, your position is well understood but vote alone cannot guarantee you victory in this matter". The hesitant Wise man Terry declared. 

"Hmmmm! Terry, I know but you have a role to play. King Alexander insisted.

"Your Majesty, a role, which role, please?". Terry asked.

"Yes, your position is pivotal. You are the eldest Wise man in this land, right?". The King inquired.

"Yes, you are right. I am. What will that have to do with the eventual outcome of our decision". Terry asked the curious King Alexander.

"A lot, Terry. You can influence other members of your council with your wealth of experience and wisdom". The King stated.

"Oh! Your Majesty. That won't be possible. I can't even try it. That will bring down my reputation and respect I have built over the years as the mouthpiece of good people of Kent Kingdom".

"Terry, are you saying you can't help me in this matter? I mustn't be disappointed. I must defeat my Son and Olivia in this matter".

"Your Majesty, let justice prevail and let it run its course. Terry insisted.

"So, you want my throne to be dragged into mud? You want my Kingdom to be ridiculed and reduced to nothing? Terry, this is not fair. The unhappy King inquired.

"No, Your Majesty. That's not the issue. Remember we are not ordinary, we are the mouthpiece of people, the custodians of our culture and tradition. The destiny of our Kingdom is in our hands. Our decisions will either make or mar the kingdom". Wise man Terry responded.

"Are you saying you will be happy if the next King of Kent Kingdom married an ordinary commoner? Won't you prefer a noble Princess from another land than an ordinary maid. I believe if you were in my shoes, you wouldn't accept Olivia. Terry, would you? The hesitant King Alexander asked.

"Your Majesty, like I said earlier your position is well understood but the fact still remains that justice must prevail regardless of our emotions and interests". Wise man Terry insisted.

At this point, it seems King Alexander might not have his way to influence the eldest Wise man in the kingdom. He looked disappointed and unsatisfied.

"Okay, Terry. Can you name your price?". The desperate King Alexander asked.

"Oh my goodness! Your Majesty, my price, do you mean it? The shocked Terry responded. 

"Yes, your price. Every man has a price. So, what's yours in this matter? The King desperately asked.

"Thank you, your Majesty. But I don't have a price and I don't want one. All I want is justice devoid of sentiment and prejudy. Terry said. 

"Terry, so aren't you rendering any help to me in this matter? I can't believe this. You disappointed me. Are you for me or against me?".  The furious King Alexander asked.

"Your Majesty, I am neither for you nor against you. I am always on the part of justice and I won't change for anything. Not for anything in this world. Terry insisted.

"Hmmmmm! Terry, I can't believe this is coming from you. Have you forgotten what I have done for you in the past? Have you forgotten so soon the level of relationship we have maintained over the years? Do you want to destroy everything now?". King furiously asked as he stood up from his seat.

"Alright, Your Majesty. I have heard you. I will pay you a visit before the final day. Are you okay with that? Wise man Terry inquired.

"That's fine, Terry. I shall be expecting you in my palace. I have to be on my way now". The optimistic King Alexander said.

"Alright Your Majesty, thanks for the visit.

King Alexander left unsatisfied but he was highly optimistic that Terry will be in his camp. The question is, will the Wise man Terry change his mind and be compromised?