Chereads / Royally Tangled / Chapter 14 - Prince Brandon's desperation 1

Chapter 14 - Prince Brandon's desperation 1

Prince Brandon insisted Olivia must be his wife come what may and his father, King Alexander said it won't happen, not when he is still alive. No doubt, the battle line has been drawn and the only way out is the eventual decision of the Wise men. Who will be disappointed, will it be the King or his son?

6.02 AM

It was a beautiful cold Saturday morning, Prince Brandon left the palace as early as possible. Maybe he did not sleep overnight.

"Good morning, my noble elder, the great Wise man of our land. Prince Brandon greeted Wise man Kennedy as he entered his living room.

"Oh! My Prince, what an honour. I am glad to receive you in my house. Kennedy said.

"Thanks, my elder. The pleasure is mine. Said the Prince.

"My Prince, it is rather too early, I hope all is well? Are you okay? How is your father and the palace? The worried Wise man asked.

"Yes, all is well. We are all good and fine". The disturbed Prince responded in an unimpressive tone.

"Alright. So, why are you here? The hesitant Wise man Kennedy asked.

"My elder, were you at the last council meeting? Brandon asked.

"Oh yes! I was there. It was an emergency meeting. Kennedy answered.

"Alright, that's fine. He said.

"My Prince, what about the meeting? Any issue of concern to you? Wise man Kennedy asked.

"Definitely, there is one. The specific one that has given me concern and sleepless nights". The sad Prince said.

"Oh! You mean your father's pronunciation against your intended wife, Olivia? Wise man Kennedy inquired.

"Oh yes, my elder. That's it. I must confess it was a harsh and inhuman decision. The furious Prince said.

"My Prince, calm down. Your father has pronounced his judgement but unfortunately or fortunately his decision is not final. According to our tradition and culture, King's decision on any matter is subject to review by the seven Wise men". The unfazed Kennedy explained.

"My elder, the Great Wise man of our land, I know but I am afraid. The disturbed Prince said.

"Afraid? Afraid of what precisely if I may ask? He asked.

"Hmmmm! I am afraid of losing Olivia. She's all that I have got. I don't want to lose her. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. She must be my wife and the next Queen of Great Kent kingdom. Brandon stated.

"My Prince, you don't need to disturb yourself on this matter. We as the mouthpiece of the good people of Kent kingdom and also the capable custodians of our tradition will give justice without sentiment or favour. The Wise man Kennedy assured.

"Well, my main concern in this matter is that I must defeat my father in this contest". Prince Brandon said.

"My Prince, really? Well, you have to wait until the day when our decision will be made known to the public. I believe in the next five days, right?". Wise man Kennedy asked.

"Yes, my elder. You're absolutely right. Brandon answered.

"My Prince, why can't you listen to your father?". The inquisitive Wise man asked.

"No, no way, not in this matter my elder". He insisted.

"Oh my goodness! May I know why? Kennedy asked.

"My love for Olivia is genuine, pure, divine and unconditional".

"I am deeply in love with her".

"She is my joy, my song, my heartbeat and I feel fulfilled anytime she is around me".

"My admiration, affection, feeling and love for her can never be traded for anything in this world".

"It's either her or nobody". The emotional Prince Brandon stated.

"But, your father said he has gotten a Princess from another land for you to marry. Don't you think she's going to be better than Olivia? A noble Princess for that matter. Kennedy inquired.

"No, I don't think so. Besides, it's my life and my future we are talking about here. He said.

"Of course, I know. But at the same time we are also talking about the future of our Kingdom. If you want our Kingdom to be stronger and more famous I think you should consider your father's position on this matter. Wise man Kennedy suggested.

"My elder, the Great Wise man of our land. Your position is well understood but if I may ask which one is more important between my happiness and the strength of the kingdom?". The hesitant Prince Brandon inquired.

"Hmmmmm! You asked a very tricky and intelligent question. Well, both are important. Our people want to see a stronger kingdom and without any doubt you deserve to be happy too. The intelligent Wise man Kennedy responded.

"My elder, my happiness is my number one priority. Yes, it's my joy before anything else. And without any doubt Olivia is my joy and she will always be. No Jupiter can change that fact". The hesitant Prince Brandon insisted.

"Alright! It seems your heart is made up on this matter. I guess you have to wait for our decision for a couple of days. He responded.

"My elder, the Great Wise man of our land. I need your help. I want to win that day. I want my father defeated and I want me and Olivia to be rejoicing after the decision. The hopeful Prince Brandon stated.

"That's fine. But how do you want me to help you in this matter? Wise man Kennedy inquired.

"I want you to talk to other wise men especially your like minds to rule in my favour. I must win that day".

"WHAT! My Prince, have you forgotten who we are? We are the mouthpiece of our people and the custodians of our tradition and our enviable heritage. We are to judge without favour or sentiment". The furious Kennedy stated.

"My elder, you have to help me. Do whatever you can do to make me be the winner that day. My father must be heavily defeated".  Brandon stated.

"Oh my goodness! I can't influence others and my sense of judgement too can never be compromised". The hesitant Wise man Kennedy responded.

"Okay, my elder, the honorable Wise man of our land, please name your price". The desperate Prince Brandon asked. 

"My Prince, Hmmmm! Kennedy exclaimed.

"I am ready to give you anything you will request to rule in my favour". He insisted.

At this point the Wise man Kennedy was speechless and kept mute for a few minutes. Who knows what was going on in his mind? 

"Alright my Prince. I guess we have to see each other again. Probably tomorrow at Spring garden by 5PM. Kennedy said.

"Okay, my elder. I have to be on my way now. See you tomorrow". Brandon said as he stood up and left Kennedy's living room.

The game is really getting tougher. Will the Wise man Kennedy stand his ground or will he be compromised by Brandon's offer? Well, only time will tell.