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Chapter 18 - A night of destiny

Unexpectedly, the bone of contention between King Alexander and Prince Brandon remains irreconcilable, all is now set for the decision of Wise men the next morning. Surely, there can be only one winner.

9.34 PM

At the living room of Prince Brandon chalet, it was a very cold night at the palace coupled with unresolved issues between the King and Prince Brandon.

"Olivia, my love, you are welcome to my humble abode. Please have your seat". Prince Brandon welcomed the love of his life to his living room.

"Thanks, dear. The pleasure is mine". Olivia responded as she sat on a magnificent royal couch beside Prince Brandon.

"My love, you are looking worried. Are you okay?". The observant Prince Brandon inquired.

"I am fine, my love" . She responded in a depressed voice.

"Oh mine! What's happening? You are not cheerful. Please, talk to me. What exactly is bothering you?".

"What else, if not tomorrow". Olivia answered in a low voice.

"My love, you don't need to be worried. We are going to win. I am very optimistic that the Wise men will rule in our favour". The optimistic Brandon responded in a convincing tone.

"Hmmmmm! She exclaimed. 

"Oh yes, my love. I am going to defeat my father in this struggle. I am a winner, I have never lost a battle. Trust me dear, I am winning this one". 

"Alright, dear. No doubt about it I know you are not just a fighter but a winner and that's why you can never quit. But my concern is deeper than that, my love". She said in a worried tone.

"Really? And what could it be? Please, Olivia tell me now". The curious Prince inquired.

"My love, even if we win, are your parents going to accept me and ultimately love me?" The thoughtful Olivia asked. 

"Why not, my darling. They must accept you. They have no choice anyway. He responded boastfully.

"Alright, my dear. I just hope all will be well with us in this journey". She said in a low tone.

"My love, I have tried all my possible efforts to make tomorrow a favourable one for us and I believe my efforts will pay off. You don't need to worry, not weary, we shall smile tomorrow after the judgement". Said the optimistic Prince Brandon.

"Alright, thanks my love. I do appreciate it. You are the best and that's why I can't stop loving you. You are the best. I love you dear". The cheerful Olivia said with a great smile on her face.

"My dear, your smile brightens my day and gives me strength to strive on. I love to see your golden face over and over again". Prince Brandon confessed in a lovely voice.

"Your words are really comforting but to be honest I am scared". She said in an unimpressed tone.

"Scared? Scared of what? Prince Brandon inquired.

"I am scared that the decision of the Wise men might be against us. I am scared of being banished from this Kingdom and ultimately I am very scared of losing you". The doubtful Olivia responded.

"Oh my goodness! You need to calm down. You are not going anywhere. We shall be together, we shall spend the rest of our lifetime together in love, peace and harmony". Said the hopeful Brandon. 

"Hmmmmm! If we lose, will I ever see your face again?"

 "Will I ever be happy again?".

" Will I ever find a man like you?".

 "Will  I ever find a man that will love me the way you do?".

"Will I ever see a man that will stand by me just the way you do?".

"And will I ever get a man that will be ready to fight for me all day all night just like the way you do?".

"No, I don't think so". The emotional Olivia inquired.

"Olivia, you are my heartbeat".

"You are the only song playing in my heart both in the day and in the night".

"When I close my eyes, the only thing I can see is you".

"I can't even imagine a day without you".

"I can't even imagine a day without your irresistible smile".

"Your love is a relief to my soul and a daily tonic to my heart".

"I want to see your face all day and all night". The emotional Brandon stated.

"My love, I wish to spend the rest of my life with you. And I want to be walking up beside you every day of my life". Said the tearful Olivia.

"My love for you is pure, divine and unconditional. I have never loved any woman the way I do for you and I don't think I will ever love any other woman like you. Your love gladdens my heart".

"You and I are meant to be together. Can't you see you are the only one for me?". 

"You are more beautiful than a butterfly, if loving you is a sin, then I am ready to be a sinner till my last breath on earth".

"Truly, there are many fishes in the ocean but you are the best my net can catch. Even if I have to throw my net over and over again, surely it is going to be you because we are made for each other". Prince Brandon said in a lovely cool voice.

"Oh mine! Thanks so much my love. I can't stop loving you. You are always the best. No man comes close to you. I love you so dearly. I hope to spend the rest of my days on earth with you. The joyous Olivia answered.

"Olivia, you are irreplaceable. You are beautiful both in and out. Your beauty is natural and can never fade away".

"You can be aged, you can grow old and your body can get old but one thing in you that will always remain new and fresh is your beauty".

"I have seen thousands if not millions but no one is like you. You are unique and you are beautiful beyond description". The emotional Prince stated.

"Alright, my love. Whatever happens tomorrow, I want you to know that you shall always be my hero. I can't forget you, you shall always be in my heart till my last breath". Olivia said with tears rolling down her beautiful face.

Prince Brandon couldn't stand the tears of the love of his life, he stood up and brought Olivia up too from her seat. They both embraced each other, kissed passionately and out of excitement they both landed in Brandon's exotic bedroom, perhaps to cool off the night.

At this point, they both set aside what might be the decision of the Wise men by day break. Anyways, they might be victorious, who knows?

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