Chereads / Royally Tangled / Chapter 9 - The Bombshell 

Chapter 9 - The Bombshell 



9.28 PM

It was a cool Saturday evening. King Alexander and the Queen were sitting in their living room gisting and laughing before Prince Brandon walked in with Olivia.

"Son, are you okay?" The worried King Alexander asked as he saw both his son and one of his maids entering his living room.

"Yes Dad, I am fine" Prince Brandon responded in a cool tone.

"Miss Olivia, are you alright?" The concerned Queen asked.

"I am good, your Majesty," Olivia answered in a fainting tone.

"So, why are you both here at this hour?" The curious King Alexander asked.

"Your Majesties, for a while now we have been on the issues of my marital journey but I guess the agitation will come to an end tonight". Prince Brandon spoke with all confidence.

"Oh my goodness! That's good news my son" The joyous Queen reacted with a great smile on her face.

"Alright, son. What's your plan? Before you go on, Miss Olivia, can you excuse us? We want to talk to our dearest son" Said the expectant King Alexander.

"No, Dad. She's going nowhere. We are together" Prince Brandon boldly responded.

"Together?" The confused Queen asked.

"Yes, your Majesty, we are". The unfazed Prince Brandon answered.

"Okay, go on". Said the King as he and the Queen stared at each other.

"Tonight is the night. For the first time I will be introducing my heartbeat, my love, my joy, my wife to be and of course the next Queen of the great Kent kingdom". The overjoyous Prince Brandon said.

At this juncture, the King and the Queen were confused. The only question that occupied their minds was, who could that be?

"Your Majesties, with a great joy in my heart I introduce to you the woman I would love to live the rest of my life with. A woman of great virtues and rare personality. She's no other person than Miss Olivia". Prince Brandon said as he held Olivia's hand.

"WHAT? Are you joking? That must be a mini drama. Are you for real? No, no no! You can't be serious. Son! This must be a joke of the century". Said the furious King Alexander.

"BRANDON! My dearest son, what's happening to you? Have you turned into a comedian overnight?" Said the confused Queen.

"No Mum, I am perfectly alright. This is my choice and the best woman I have seen in the entire wide world. She's my dream come through. I have made my decision and it can't be changed by anyone. My wishes and desires must be respected". Said the unfazed Prince as he held Olivia close to his heart.

"Son! You mean out of many classic and beautiful ladies in and out of my Kingdom, this is your best?" Asked the King.

"Yes, Dad. She's the best in all ramifications. I love her dearly, Dad. The hesitant Brandon responded.

"BRANDON MY SON! Do you actually know who you are? You're not a commoner. You are a respected Prince of a noble Kingdom. You and Olivia are millions miles away from each other in social status. Don't drag royalty in the mud, please". Said the tearful Queen.

"YOU CAN'T MARRY OLIVIA! Not when I am still on the surface of the earth will I allow you to make such horrible mistakes. Son! Could you please wake up from your dream?" Asked the unhappy King Alexander.

"DAD, MUM! Can I know the reasons why you think Olivia won't make a good wife for me?" Asked the curious Prince.

"It's very obvious that you both aren't compatible. Not at all. You are a Prince, noble and royal, you just marry anybody. You must choose within your class. There is no way we will accept this from you, son". Said the disappointed Queen.

"BRANDON! I must confess you disappointed us. We expect more from you. No, not this. You are the hope of this kingdom, you ought to make it stronger in all ways not devouring it". The King said.

"Dad, my happiness is paramount and it must be placed above every other thing. If you want me to be happy, never go against my choice of mate". Said Prince Brandon.

"Son! As I said earlier I won't take this from you. I already got a worthy mate for you in the person of Princess Terra, the daughter of my good childhood friend and a noble King of Mustard Kingdom". Said the hesitant King Alexander.

"No, Dad. I have said over and over that I will never marry Terra. We barely know each other, besides she is not in any way my choice of woman. Olivia is the only sun that brightens my day, the only melodious song that can't stop playing in my heart and of course the only key that opens the door of my heart. I really love her, yes I do" Said the emotional Prince Brandon.

"My son! We can never be on the same page with this choice you made. We are royals, we don't do things anyhow. We are the custodians of tradition and cultural heritage. You won't marry Olivia as long as I live" Said the furious King Alexander.

"My son! Your Dad was right. Please listen to him. You are all that we have. The only hope of the kingdom"

"You wanted to be happy forever, yes it's a good thing but love is not enough. As a Prince and a prospective King you will need more than love in your marital journey. That's the reality, son" Said the downcasted Queen.

"Oh Mum! I can't believe you are saying this. "Love is not enough"? What's the essence of marriage then if there is no love? Are you saying a house can be built without foundation?" Inquired the furious Prince Brandon.

"Son, your choice of wife to marry was a wrong one that cannot stand the test of the time. We are your parents, we know better than you. You are all what we have, surely we want the best for you always" Said the hesitant King Alexander.

At this point hot tears were dropping from Olivia's face but passionately held by Prince Brandon.

"Son, we are not in any way in support of your decision to marry Miss Olivia. We have a better plan for you. Princess Terra will be a perfect wife for you" Said the emotional Queen.

"Now, listen and listen for good, Son. You will not marry Olivia. Terra will be your wife and the next worthy Queen of this great Kingdom. I will never accept this horrible choice of yours, NEVER!"

"Oh! That's fine Dad. I am happy to tell you that nothing on earth will make me change my decision. Olivia will be my wife and there is no Jupiter on earth that can change it" Said the furious Prince Brandon as he held Olivia by hand and they walked out of the King's living room.

"Brandon! Brandon! Brandon!" 

"Come back here, are you walking out of us?" Inquired the Queen.

"Oh! My love, don't worry. I know what to do. He will surely change his mind and surrender to ours. Watch out for my unfailing tactics and wisdom" Said King Alexander in a relaxed tone.

Hmmm! What tactics and wisdom could it be?