Chereads / Royally Tangled / Chapter 10 - Brandon or nothing

Chapter 10 - Brandon or nothing



 1.47 PM. 

It was a shiny Tuesday afternoon. Olivia was summoned to the green and white Chalet by both King Alexander and the Queen.

"Good afternoon Your Majesties, can I come in?". Olivia inquired as her heart was beating fast. 

"Yes, the door is open". The Queen responded.

"Miss Olivia, you are welcome. Please have your seat". King Alexander said. 

"Thank you, your Majesty".

As she sat, her body temperature changed, she was sweating and her heart wanted to jump out of her chest.

"Why am I summoned?" She thought to herself.

"Miss Olivia, we summoned you to address the issue at hand". The Queen said.

"To be honest, you have been a good maid in this palace for a few years".

"You are hardworking, diligent and well behaved".

"We've never had an issue since you came into this palace".

"But the recent event was about throwing all that into the waste bin".

"Yes, my love, you are very correct". The King said.

"Like I said the other day, you can't marry Prince Brandon".

"We've a worthy spouse for him"

"They will soon tie the knot"

"You are a good woman too but we've gotten someone that is better"

"Yes, you are right, my love". King Alexander responded.

"We've found not just a spouse but a worthy mate for our son".

"We want our Kingdom to be stronger and famous".

"Marrying the Princess of Great Mustard Kingdom is a rare opportunity that mustn't pass us by".

"It has been agreed and sealed with my good childhood friend, King Arnold. Doing otherwise will amount to betrayal".

"No jupital can change this. So, Miss Olivia can you now see that you can't marry Brandon?".

At this point, Olivia's world seems shattered and enveloped with confusion.

"Your Majesty, but I…I…I…."

Olivia wanted to respond but her tongue failed her. She wanted to react but she was not certain with the choice of words to use.

"Don't bother to respond, we aren't here to deliberate but to give you matching order on the knotty issue at hand". King Alexander said.

"Well, Miss Olivia, we would like to make this situation a win-win". The Queen said.

"Look at that bag on top of the table at that left corner". The Queen said.

"Yes, Your Highness, where should I take it?". The confused Olivia asked.

"You aren't taking it anywhere. Just open and see what is inside". The Queen answered.

"Oh my goodness!. Olivia exclaimed.

She was shocked and thrilled with what she saw inside the bag.

"Do you like them?". The Queen inquired.

"Yes, Your Highness. I do". Olivia said. 

"They are all yours". The Queen said.

"Oh no! Your Highness, all these can't be mine. These are treasures of great value". Said the surprised Olivia.

"Yes, Miss Olivia. They are all yours and you can even get more". Said King Alexander.

"Oh! Thanks Your Majesty. But why did I deserve these valuable gifts?". Olivia inquired.

"Oh yes! Miss Olivia, all those treasures and many more shall be yours if you can change your mind on Prince Brandon's proposal to take you as his wife". King Alexander suggested.

Olivia broke down in tears and covered her face with both hands.

"Olivia, just take it and forget about your dream of becoming Brandon's wife". We shall both be happy if you can do this". The Queen said.

The Queen statement further put Olivia in a deep state of confusion. What will she do?

She kept quiet for a few minutes before she could get the courage to talk.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness, I do appreciate the wonderful gifts but to be honest with you I won't take it. These treasures are not for me".

"Without any doubt, the love Prince Brandon has for me is genuine, pure and divine".

"My love, respect and admiration for him is natural, unadulterated and unconditional".

"I love Prince Brandon so much, my love for him cannot be quantified and that is why I can never say No to his proposal".

"He is my dream come through".

"He is too valuable to me and I can never trade him for material things not even for anything in this world"

King Alexander and the Queen were staring at each other. They weren't expecting such tremendous responses from Olivia.

Of course at this juncture they knew it would be very difficult to separate the two lovers birds.

For some moments they couldn't utter a word. There was silence everywhere as if it was a graveyard.

"Whatever it will take, you must end your relationship with my son." 

"The earlier the better for you".

"You guys are not meant for each other, can't you see?". King Alexander inquired.

"Miss Olivia, compatibility is a key of inestimable value in marriage. How will you cope if you even eventually marry Brandon?". The Queen asked.

"You aren't compatible with Brandon, the gap between you guys in social status is too wide".

"Even the blind can see".

Olivia remained speechless for a while and struggled to control her unpalatable emotion.

"Well, you can take your leave. I think we are done with our deliberations". Said the furious King Alexander.

Olivia left the chalet with uncontrolled tears, a shaky heart and high temperature. No doubt she was not happy with the emotional meal she was served in the green and white chalet by her masters.

"My love, what are we going to do? It seems Brandon and Olivia are inseparable".

"The bond between them is stronger than I thought and more solid than what I can ever imagine".

The Queen said.

"So, what are you insinuating?".

The unhappy King Alexander inquired.

"My love, I will suggest we should give Brandon his deserved opportunity to marry the woman of his choice".

"WHAT!? I can't believe this is coming from you my Queen. King Alexander furiously said.

"It won't happen. Not when I am still alive" 

"I won't betray my friend nor destroy the cordial relationship we have been keeping for decades".

"Either Brandon likes it or not he will marry Princess Terra".

"My love, I think we should prioritize Brandon's happiness before any other thing in his marital journey". The Queen said.

"I want my son to be happy in his marriage".

"He might be heartbroken for years if we forced him to marry against his wish".

"Don't you think so, my love?

"No, not at all. Surely, he will be happy for life if he marries from a noble Royal family". Said the hesitant King Alexander.

"Now that all efforts to stop them proved abortive, what are we going to do, my love? The Queen inquired.

"Well, as it is Miss Olivia cannot continue to live in this palace nor anywhere in my Kingdom". King Alexander 

"So, what's your plan, my love?" The Queen asked.

"Banishment". The King said. 

"She has to be banished far away from this Kingdom".

"Banishment"?. With our culture and tradition, how do you intend to achieve that?.