Chereads / Royally Tangled / Chapter 8 - The First Date

Chapter 8 - The First Date



A beautiful garden, greenish grasses everywhere and irresistible flowers at every angle. It was a cool and quiet place for fun seekers who admired the beauty of nature. Prince Brandon and Olivia walk hand in hand as they both admire the face of nature to add beauty to their first date.

"Oh mine! I love what I am seeing" The joyous Olivia said.

"Oh yes dear, you should. This is one of the best gardens you can find in the entire Kent kingdom. Beautiful, cool and admirable" Prince Brandon responded as they both gazed around to satisfy the curiosity of their eyes.

"Wow! My love. This is really amazing. I will love to be here over and over again. It's highly refreshing and satisfying. I love it" Olivia responded.

"That's right, miss Olivia. I have been visiting this garden since I was a teenager. I can still remember vividly that I do come here with my Sister and my brother of blessed memory. Is always fun here. I love it too" Prince Brandon answered.

"Really? Oh that's awesome. I love nature and her unadulterated beauty. The fresh air and the serenity of the environment is second to none. Honestly, I am lost at the wonders of nature. I feel like walking through the whole garden" Olivia was completely lost to the beauty of nature.

"Olivia, let's have some rest here. I think I love this water view. Let's sit here" Said Prince Brandon as they both sat on the iron chair on the pathway to the beautiful waterside.

"Oh my goodness! My love. Thanks for this wonderful outing. Thanks my charming Prince. I love you dear" Olivia was so happy.

"You are welcome. The pleasure is mine" Prince Brandon said as he looked Olivia eyeball to eyeball with a great smile on his face.

"Here we are said the curious Olivia" 

"Yeah! Here we are, Miss Olivia" Responded the expectant Prince Brandon as they were both staring at each other in great admiration.

"Where are we? Have you told His Majesty and Her Highness about your intention to marry Olivia, one of the maids in their palace?" Olivia inquired in a fainting tone.

"Oh! Not again. Have I not told you several times to stop being pessimistic? At least be optimistic for once. The earlier you start thinking royal the better for you" Said the furious Prince Brandon.

"My love, please pardon my nervousness. With time my worries and concerns about this journey will disappear. So, have you? What was their response? Was I accepted or rejected? My love, I hope they reacted positively to this rare union we are about to embark on?" Asked the curious Olivia with obvious worry on her face.

"C'mon! Don't be agitated dear. I have told you time without number that the opinion of parents does not matter in my decision to marry you. Whether they will love my choice or not, I don't care. I have made my choice. You are my desire, the only woman that occupies the vacuum in my heart and of course you are my dream come through" No doubt Prince Brandon heart was made up.

"Oh my goodness! I am thrilled and highly encouraged with your darling words. My love, you are the best" Olivia's heart was filled with joy.

"Well, I have not informed them but very soon they will get to know about my decision. Is my life, the decision is mine to make. I have chosen you and there is nothing anyone on earth can do about it" Prince Brandon was so confident.

"Thanks dear, I appreciate that. I hope this will end well. It won't be easy though but we shall overcome" Olivia was highly optimistic.

"Some days ago, His Majesty was in my room in the night to brief me about his intention to arrange a marriage for me but trust me I rejected it outrightly. He insisted but Icm categorically told him to shelve his decision because it will never work" Prince Brandon explained.

"Arranged marriage? To whom, dear?" Asked the sad Olivia.

"He wanted me to marry the daughter of his childhood friend and a king of another noble kingdom. Princess Terra is her name" Prince Brandon can't even hide his feelings.

"But why? In this century? Are people still practicing this kind of barbaric arrangement?" Asked the confused Olivia in a shaky voice.

"He said my marriage to Princess Terra will further strengthen the kingdom, make the long standing friendship between our kingdom and that of the Mustard kingdom stronger and also it will make the generational friendship between the two royal houses deeper and better" Prince Brandon responded in a strong voice.

"Hmmm! My love, don't you think he is right? To be honest your social status matches each other. You are both from very respected royal families. Aside from the fact that both families have maintained cordial relationships for many years. Don't you think Princess Terra will be a better wife for you than a common maid?" The downcasted Olivia inquired.

"No, Miss Olivia. You got it all wrong. My love for you is beyond any physical gain or materials. My love for you is pure, genuine and divine. I love you more than anything on earth. Your golden smile brightens my day, your beauty is my strength and inexhaustible source of joy. If I am given the opportunity to choose many times, surely I will choose you over and over again. My love for you is unconditional and unstoppable. I love you from the bottom of my heart" Prince Brandon went emotional.

"Yes my love, I am not doubting the genuity of your love but my concern is the acceptability of your parents. My love, would you be happy if they are not in support of your marriage? Remember you are their only son and the heir to the throne of Kent Kingdom. They cherished you and cared for you with all their heart. Won't you break their hearts if you go against their wishes for you and the kingdom?" Olivia was highly critical in thinking.

"Really? Would I be happy too if I didn't accomplish my wishes and desires for my marriage? I have to be honest with you, it is my joy first before every other thing. If they truly love me they will surely accept my decision. Besides, it is my marriage we are talking about" At this juncture Prince Brandon was furious.

"So, how would you navigate through if they didn't agree with your choice of mate? Olivia asked in a low voice.

"Oh, my love! That's not a problem. They will surely accept my decision. They have no option anyway" Prince Brandon confidently said.

"Alright, dear. I know what you are capable of doing. That's why I can't resist your love even when I want to. You are bold, brave and strong at heart like a lion in the jungle. I love you, my young charming Prince of the great Kent kingdom" The joy on Olivia's heart was second to none.

"I love you too, my beautiful Angel. Said Prince Brandon.

"Thanks dear. The earlier you inform His Majesty and Her Highness the better for us in this journey" The curious Olivia said.

"Oh yes! You are right. Tonight is the night. You shall be introduced to my parents as my wife to be and the next Queen of the great Kent kingdom. Get yourself together for the task ahead" Prince Brandon was ready to take the bull by the horn.

"Oh my goodness! My love, I am scared and already feeling nervous inside. Would I ever be able to have the courage to stand before your noble parents to be introduced as the wife to be of their only surviving son and heir to the highly exalted throne of the great Kent kingdom? Oh mine! I don't think so" 

Olivia was so nervous, does she really need to be?