Chereads / Royally Tangled / Chapter 6 - We've Found A Wife 

Chapter 6 - We've Found A Wife 



8.40 AM

It was a beautiful cold Saturday morning. King Alexander and his soft spoken wife just had their breakfast a moment ago. Now it is time to relax and have some royal gist at one of their magnificent chalets in the palace.

"Yesterday, it was fun all through in the Land of Grain. Their festival was an electrifying one. The dances by prolific dancers, the energetic fights by the strongest gladiators, the intimidating crowd, sweet melodies and irresistible decorations everywhere. My love, to be honest it was a fantastic and memorable event". Said King Alexander as they both sat beside each other on beautiful couches.

"Oh my goodness! My lord, I guess you won't forget such a rare occasion in a hurry?" Asked the Queen.

"Oh yes! My love. My heart was filled with joy to see my childhood friend, King Arnold of the great Mustard Kingdom". King Alexander responded with a great smile on his face.

"Wow! What a great reunion". Said the Queen in her lovely voice.

"Surely, we had a nice day". Said King Alexander.

"Oh! My Lord, are you saying I missed a lot?" Asked the Queen.

"Yes, you did". King Alexander answered.

"Well, I will be there next year for the amazing festival". The Queen vowed.

"Yeah, you should be there. It is a nice place to be". King responded.

"My love, aside from the glamorous festival, there was also an irresistible takeaway from the Land of Grain. No doubt about it, I had a wonderful outing".

"My love, I have fabulous news to share with you. The news that will make you happier and healthier".

"Oh! My Lord, what could that be? Please share it. Let the cat out of the bag, dear". Said the anxious Queen with great joy.

"I have found not a spouse but a worthy mate for our son, Prince Bradon". Said the cheerful King.

"Wow! I love this. Please my Lord, who might that be?" Asked the Queen.

"Princess Terra". King replied.

"Princess Terra? Who is she? Who are her parents and she is from which Kingdom?"

"Oh! Please, don't be in a hurry. Relax my love". King said.

"She is the daughter of my childhood friend, King Arnold of the Mustard Kingdom".

"Hmmmmm! I see. And what makes you think she would be an amazing match for our stiff-necked son, Brandon?" Asked the concerned Queen.

"Well, we have known each other for years. Our friendship is becoming generational. Remember our late fathers were friends too". Stated the King.

"Hmmmm! Good but not enough reason". The Queen said.

"Put that aside my love, King Arnold is a noble and affluent ruler, just like me". Responded the King.

"My Lord, what about Bradon's feelings in all of this? Have you pondered that he might not be alright with your choice?" Asked the Queen.

"Really? You need not worry about that my love. With time our son will appreciate the importance of this great move". Said the optimistic King.

"My Lord, I'm not so certain. You know the kind of son we have. He loves doing things in his own way. Remember, you have a very strong-headed son". Said the doubtful Queen. 

"Trust me, my love. Certainly, this is for the benefit of our Kingdom". King replied.

"If you think so, my Lord. But I hope you aren't wrong". Inquired the Queen.

"My Lord, have you let Brandon know about this development? I think he deserved to be briefed about this development beforehand. A matter of this great magnitude shouldn't be delayed. Delay, they say, is dangerous. I believe you must have told him about the intended betrothed wife".

"No, not yet my love. He will be briefed in due time. I don't want to put him under needless pressure". Responded the King.

"I am worried that we are pushing him into a marriage he may not truly wish for. I want him to be happy in his marriage. We are enjoying ours, he should enjoy his own too". The Queen said.

"Oh! My love. We are royals, we are duty-bound to prioritize the greatness of the Kingdom above our personal preferences. We are not like every other person. With time our son will understand that fact".

"Love is the heartbeat of marriage. No marriage can survive without love. I fear we may be refuting Brandon the opportunity to find true joy. I think he deserved to have one". 

"Love often thrives from mutual appreciation and shared familiarities, my love. I think our son and his betrothed will come to adore each other richly. With time, surely they will get used to each other". Said King Alexander.

"My Lord, I hope you are right. All I want is the best for our son. And I mean the very best. That's all I hope for". The Queen said.

"Yes, I thought as much. This union with the Mustard Kingdom will consolidate our world and guarantee an affluent future for Brandon and our grandchildren". Responded the optimistic King.

"Your position is well understood, my Lord. I will bank on your perception and affirm this conclusion". Said the Queen.

"Thanks, my love. Jointly we shall secure the joy and abundance of our dear Kingdom". 

"Hmmmmm! That's okay, my Lord. But on the other hand, I cannot help but feel worried about this development. What if Brandon resents us for organizing his marriage without his approval?"

"Dear! Our son is a clever young man. He knows the commitments that come with being a Prince and ultimately a King of a Kingdom. He will see the prospect in this alliance to better our world". Said the boasting King.

"But what if he thinks otherwise and decides to go after his heart as we did? I mean a marriage built on natural feeling and friendship?" Inquired the Queen.

"Hmmmm! My love. Though we are indeed blessed, to be honest, our love story is a rare one in royal circles. My love, most marriages among royals are arranged to uphold Kingdoms. Brandon will understand this bitter truth as time goes on". Responded the King.

"I guess you are right, my Lord. It's just difficult for a mother to see her son going on such an important adventure without realizing if his heart is really in it". The Queen said.

"My love, your concerns are well understood. But be rest assured, our son will have our unwavering support in this journey. I believe love will grow between both of them". Said the King.

"I hope so, my Lord. The Queen replied". 

"My love, can you still reconnect with how we felt when we met fresh? The enthusiasm, the anxiety, and the echoes of our hearts?" Asked the King.

"Oh my goodness! Of course, my love. How could I forget such a thing? Those were some of the gladdest moods of my life. So sweet like honey". Responded the smiling Queen.

"And do you not wish the same experience for Brandon? Won't it be nice for him to enjoy the joy of finding true love, rather than having one forced on him?"

"I do, my love. But as rulers, we are duty-bound to place the interest of the Kingdom above ours". Said the King.

"But what if there was a way to wed obligation with affection, my Lord? To find a match that not only honors our Kingdom but also brings satisfaction to our son". Responded the Queen.

"Oh! My love. It is an imperial conception, but such matches are unusual, especially among royal families. We must ponder the peace and safety of our Kingdom above every other thing". King said.

"Well understood, my Lord. It's just that I love my son to have the opportunity to build a home as dominant and sweet as our own". Stated the Queen.

"Never be disturbed, he can still have one under this arrangement. Have you forgotten that our son is strong and intelligent? He can cope in any situation. I believe he will find joy in his way". Said the King.

"I suppose you are not wrong, my Lord. We must bank on Brandon's capacity to pilot this new phase of his life. No doubt, he is capable and able to control affairs dear to his heart". Replied the Queen.

"Indeed, my love. And we will be there to assist him at every stage of this journey. At least, for as long as we are still around". Affirmed the King.

"At this point, the Queen looked unassured as she looked the King eyeball to eyeball with a doubtful heart".

"My Lord, come to think of it, do you think Brandon will ever appreciate why we are doing this for him?" The Queen asked.

"Of course, he will appreciate our efforts, my love. He has always been a courageous and intelligent young lad. He knows the significance of his commitments as our heir". Responded the king.

"Hmmmm! What if he feels cheated, my Lord? What if he sees this as a disloyalty of his confidence and independence?" Said the worried Queen.

"We shall let him know the yardstick behind our decision, my love. We have to make him understand the essentials of this union for the peace and abundance of our noble Kingdom". Assured the King.

"Okay, my love. I hope he will see the reasoning in our judgment and does not hold it against us". Said the Queen.

"We can only do our best, my love. Brandon is our only son, and we will always work in his best interests, even if we have to make tough decisions for him". Stated the King.

"How I wish there was another path, my love. A path to safeguard our great Kingdom's fortune without relinquishing Brandon's joy". Said the concerned Queen.

"I thought as much, my love. But such is the responsibility of nobility. We must sacrifice for an outstanding future, even if it reflects highly on our hearts". Replied the King.

"My Lord, I hope you are right because I cannot bear the thought of my dearest son spending the rest of his life in a union devoid of love". Stated the Queen.

"Fear not, my love. Brandon is competent with incredible affection and attention. Just give him time, I am optimistic he will develop a profound collection with his lover". Assured the King.


"Oh! My love. You asked many questions at a time, which one do you want me to attend first?" Responded the King.

"All, my Lord. If you can". Said the Queen.

"Really? Are you saying I should answer all your questions at once? That's funny, you know". Replied the King.

"Well, I am highly optimistic that Brandon will cheerfully welcome this fantastic arrangement".

"But, if he does otherwise, well, we will cross that bridge when we get there. Maybe forcing it on him might not be the appropriate word to use in such a situation".

"Alright, my Lord. I know the depth of your wisdom is that of a blue ocean. I trust you will handle this carefully". The Queen said.

"My love, I think we shouldn't dwell much on how Brandon will welcome this decision. What about how my childhood friend, King Arnold would feel and react if my son eventually rejected his daughter?" Inquired the King.

"Hmmmmm!" Exclaimed the Queen.

"What will happen to our decades of friendship?"

"Won't he see me as a betrayal?"

"Will my good friend ever forgive me for taking his kindness for granted?"

"You can see my love, we need to do everything within our reach to make this decision a reality and not just a mere dream". Inquired the King.

"Well said, my Lord. The Mustard Kingdom, the Land of Grain. Hmmmmm!" Exclaimed the Queen.

"What happened, my love? It seems you have some reservations about the Mustard Kingdom". Asked the worried King.

"Of course, my love. If you care to know". Responded the Queen. 

"Oh my goodness, my love. Please let me know, don't keep anything away from me. So, what's it, my love?"

"Your Majesty, Your Highness, there is an issue that should be attended to urgently".

(Said Lizzy, one of the maids)

"Okay, thanks, Lizzy. Let go my Lord". Said the Queen. 

(They all left for the waiting room)