Chereads / Royally Tangled / Chapter 5 - Yes I Do

Chapter 5 - Yes I Do




8.30 PM

"Your Highness, good evening". Miss Olivia greeted in low voice.

"You are welcome. What an amazing evening". Prince responded in an unusual loving tone.

"No doubt about it, tonight is a night of destiny. A heart for a heart and a soul for a soul".

"Miss. Olivia, tonight I will snatch some good fracture of your time to engage you in a fascinating talk".

"I don't like saying this. I must confess that my heart has been entangled by your glowing beauty and alluring conduct".

"Oh, Your Highness, just like the other night, you have just started flattering me. But I worry tonight such beautiful words may be but a passing fancy". Responded Olivia.

"Oh yes! But my motives are as precise as the northern star". Assured the Prince.

"Well, Your Highness, you know how to twist someone's head with your golden tongue. But to be honest, I am afraid". Olivia responded in a low voice. 

"Miss, fear not. Because of you, I would disobey the very heavens themselves. Kindly let's venture into this journey together, hand in hand and soul to soul, come what may. Besides, remember no one can stand in my way, not even you". Prince said.

"Whatever I desire I must have it". He said the boastfuly.

"Hunmm! How romantic, but forgive me if I remain reluctant, for many promises have turned out to be nothing but mere smoke and mirrors". Said the worried Olivia. 

"Ah, but I assure you, I am not one to cry wolf. My intentions are as real as the sunrise, and my love for you burns brighter than a thousand suns". Assure the Prince.

"Your words are indeed stimulating, Your Highness. Easier said than done. What is the assurance that your deeds will match with your statements?" Asked the worried Olivia.

"Agreed but give me the chance to prove the profoundness of my loyalty to you, and I shall spare no skirmish in doing so". Promised Prince Brandon.

"Very well, Your Highness. I shall keep a cautious eye and a naked heart. Let us see where this road may lead us". Responded Olivia.

"Excellent! I shall not let you down, Miss. As they say, actions speak louder than words, and I am ready to affirm my love and assurance to you through my actions. Said the Prince".

"That is amazing to hear, Your Highness. Forgive my nervousness, but one must tread softly when matters of the heart are at stake. Responded Olivia in a low tone".

"Clever words indeed. Trust must be earned, like a fresh flower that blooms under the gentle touch of the sun. I shall strive to validate myself as worthy of your trust". Said the impressed Prince.

"Your honesty is comforting, Your Highness. It is said that patience is a virtue, and I shall utilize it as we navigate this path together". Declared Olivia.

"Yes, you are right. Patience is indeed a great virtue, and worth its weight in gold. But fear not, for I am steady in my courage to win your heart and of course your hand". Said the Prince.

"Then let us move forward with suspicious positiveness, Your Highness, and I hope our journey will be filled with joy and harmony". Replied Olivia.

"Indeed! Together, we shall weather the storms and bask in the sunshine, for there is no boundary in true love". Said the Prince.

"My choice, as the moon polishes and wanes, so too does my admiration of you grow with each passing day. May I implore you to join me for a stroll in the palace gardens?" Inquired the joyous Prince.

"Your Highness, such an invitation fills my heart with joy. As they say, a walk in the garden can soothe the soul and ignite the flames of passion. But, it is rather too early and premature to try such". Said the worried Olivia.

"I have not gotten the courage to be seen as your lover".

"I am afraid of how His Majesty and Her Majesty will take this unlikely adventure. I am doomed if they don't accept me into royalty". Stated Olivia in a worried tone. 

"Really? Even at this stage?" Asked the Prince.

"Yes, Your Highness. Your words are like music to my ears, and I am eager to share this moment with you but we have to take it slowly. Remember, slow and steady win the race". Replied Olivia.

"Ah, that's awesome but it is your presence that makes this moment truly enchanted, my dear". Said Prince Brandon.

"Such flattery, Your Highness! But I must confess, I am equally mesmerized by your charm and elegance". Responded Olivia.

"How romantic, Your Highness! It is as if time itself stands still, enabling us to taste this momentary period of happiness". Said Olivia in a spirited mood

"Indeed, my love. Let us adore this minute, for tomorrow is but a whisper on the wind, and today is a gift to be treasured. Am I right?" Asked the Prince.

"Yes, Your Highness". Replied the spirited Olivia.

"Your wisdom knows no bounds, Your Highness, I am filled with confidence and expectation for the future".

"Same here my love. Having you beside me gives more assurance than having a battalion of soldiers around me. We shall make the best use of this wonderful time to protect our territory of affections from the intruders". Said the Prince with so much optimism. 

"My heartbeat, a fish flourishing in the ocean, so my heart pumps with happiness anytime I see your irresistible golden face. Please, let me snatch a fracture of your time to celebrate a cup of delightful nectar beneath the moon's gracious stare".

"Oh, Your Highness, your words weave a tapestry of joy that cheered my soul. I would be excited to experience such a romantic sailing with you". Said Olivia.

"Your words humble me, Your Highness. To be admired and loved by one as noble and virtuous as you is a blessing beyond estimate".

"Oh, no! My dear, it is you who are the true blessing in my life. For in your presence, I find comfort and peace, a sanctuary from the troubles of the world. Responded the carried-away Prince".

"How lucky I am to have found such a kindred mood in you, Your Highness. Jointly, we shall pilot the cloudy path of love, As an indivisible entity, with our hearts fused as one". Said the cheerful Olivia.

"Yes, young charm, let us fall into this spectacular tale together, for with you by my side, I fear no barrier that may lie ahead. Together, we shall overcome the world and develop a love tale for generations to come".

"My beauty, just as the sun soars in the east, tossing its lustrous lamp upon the earth, so does my love for you illuminate every corner of my existence. My sunshine, May I have the privilege of kneeling before you to profess my infinite allegiance?" Asked the Prince the kneeling Prince. 

"Wow!" Echoed Olivia. Standing and still wondering if truly is still the same Prince Brandon she used to know.


Shouted a tiny loud feminine voice

"What was that? Your Highness". A terrified Olivia asked. 

"Not quite sure, let's check it out, my love". Responded the unfazed Prince as they both rushed out of the room.