Chereads / Royally Tangled / Chapter 4 - Unforgettable Festival 

Chapter 4 - Unforgettable Festival 




6.15 AM

"Are we set?" Inquired Mr. Jerry the palace chief Driver.

"Oh yea!" Answered Mr. Stone one of the Drivers

"To the land of grains

We have some kilometers to cover".

"Who's driving the third car?" Asked Jerry.

"Lucas, the left-handed man". Replied Mr. Stone.

"Are we good to go?" Inquired Jerry.

"Yes, good to go". Responded Mr. Stone.

"To the King?"

"Oh yes! To the King". Jerry responded.

6.30 AM

"Good morning, your Majesty.

Good morning, noble Prince of Great Kent Kingdom.

Long live Your Majesty

Long reign your Highness".

(Chorused the Drivers)

"Good morning". The King casually responded.

"Morning". Said the Prince.

"Shall we?" Asked the King.

(They zoomed off with the royal car in the middle)

"Son, good to make it this year". Said the King.

"Last year, we couldn't.

It clashed with our annual royal vacation".

"I believe it's going to be a fun and great day in the land of grains".

"I can't wait to embrace my childhood friend once more".

"The ever-cheerful King of Mustard Kingdom".

"I have missed his golden smile and his contagious laughter".

"Yes, Dad. Today's festival is going to be fantastic".The joyous Prince responded.

"The dancers.

The Gladiators.

The rich cultural display.

The terrific crowd and of course diverse unique costumes.

Hope to see more today".

"Yes, son. More of that today" The optimistic King answered.

"Dad, your meeting with the wise men?". Inquired the inquisitive Prince.

"Oh! Son, we had wonderful deliberations yesterday. A progressive one". Replied the cheerful King.

"Please, son, when you ascend to the throne of Kent Kingdom don't toy with their deep wealth of wisdom and experience". Said the King.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I won't". The Prince replied.

"Surely, we shall have a harmonious reign together".

"But their decisions might be frustrating and against the King's wishes". Said the disturbed Prince.

"Well, you may be right son. But that's our culture and the beauty of our unique heritage". Responded the King.

"It must be respected, cherished, and jealousy-guided". 

"Their decisions are not ordinary or personal".

"Their wishes on any matter are wishes of the Great people of Kent Kingdom which they represented". Expressed the King.

"Alright, Dad. Responded the Prince".

"Things are changing, you know.

We will soon enter a new century".

"Modernization is all over us".

"Son!" (Cut in the unimpressed King)

"It's our cultural heritage we are talking about here".

"Civilization and technological advancements shouldn't destroy our unique heritage but rather make it better".

"We are custodians of our culture and hope for our enviable tradition".

"Son! That's who we are".

7.30 AM

"Talk of the devil! Dad, did you see that?". Asked the curious Prince.

The King responded, "Yes, son, Land of grains, always beautiful.

We are meters away from the palace".

"Mr. Jerry, Slowly now".

"Oh my goodness! Welcome friend". King Arnold, George V responded with joy all over his face.

"The Great King of Kent Kingdom, the land of wise men".

"Good to see you, young charm, the noble King of Mustard Kingdom, the land of grains". King Alexander responded as they both embraced)

"My Prince, you are welcome.

Welcome to my great Kingdom".

"Here we go".

They all left the royal garage to the inner chamber.

"Your Majesty".

"My Prince".

"You are highly welcome".

"Good to see you both this year".

"The table is set.

Shall we?" Asked Queen Juliet.

They all left for the dining table.

8.30 AM

"Ladies and gentlemen!

Boys and girls!

Natives and visitors!

Acrobatic dancers!

Energetic gladiators!

Seekers and of course lovers!".

(Said the energetic joyous man)

"Oh yea!

Here they come.

The royalty.

The noble family".

Announced the man in all-white attire.

"Long reign the King!

Long live the King!

Long live Your Royal Majesty!"

Chorused the cheerful crowd

"Ladies and gentlemen!

Last year's festival was wonderful, we are yet to recover from it. Surely, today's show is going to be on fire.

The dances.

The songs.

The beats.

The fights and of course the glamorous costumes.

Surely, we won't recover from these for years".

"Ladies and gentlemen!

Let the show begin".

"First thing first, the Royal dance".

Announced the energetic joyous man

Dance! Dance! Dance! In a slow melodious rhythm

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!". Repeated the energetic joyous man.

"Ladies and gentlemen!

Now, the gladiators.

Let the fight begin".

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Chorused the curious crowd.

"What a fight"

What a strength"

What a heart"

What a finish!".

"Ladies and gentlemen, a round of applause". The man in all-white attire said.

Heavy claps and shouts from the cheerful crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen"

Boys and girls"

Natives and visitors"

Seekers and lovers".

"The hour has come.

The hour we are all waiting for is here".

"Now, you have the floor.

Let the dance begin". The energetic joyous man announced.

Dance! Dance! Dance!

Cheers! Cheers! Cheers!

"Thank you, my bosom friend".

"Thanks so much, my Prince".

"Thanks for gracing this year's festival".

"I hope to see you next year".

Shall we?". Inquired King Arnold.

They all left to the inner chamber as the joyous crowd continued dancing in cheering.

"Your Majesty, My Prince.

Meet Princess Terra". King Arnold introduces his daughter.

"Princess Terra, how are you?" Inquired King Alexander.

"Nice meeting you". Said Prince Brandon.

"Doing great, your Highness.

The pleasure is mine, my Prince". Princess Terra responded with a great smile.

"Friend!". Inquired King Arnold.

"Yes, Your Highness". Responded King Alexander as they both left for another room.

"Our friendship is generational, we both grew up knowing our fathers of blessed memory as friends. Not just friends but bosom and intimate ones".

"Thanks be to God, we are both bosom friends too and sustained that long enviable heritage". Said King Alexander.

"Yes, that's right". King Arnold responded

"I would love that to continue".

"My son and your daughter, what do you think?". King Alexander asked.

"That's awesome but it will cost you a lot of your fortune". King Arnold said.

"Young man, please name your price". King Alexander responded as they both burst into heavy laughter.

"That's quite thoughtful of you.

That's why I love being around you, my young charm". Said King Alnord.

"A journey of thousands of miles always begins with a step". 

"Now that we have taken the first courageous step, we hope that we will get to the finish line soon".

"Thanks, my good friend and good in-law-to-be". They both laughed heavily.

"You look handsome in your royal attire". Princess Terra said as she moved closer to Prince Brandon.

"Thanks for the compliment". Replied the unimpressed Prince.

"Do you care for anything". Princess Terra asked.

"No, thanks. I am perfectly okay". Answered Prince Brandon.

"When are we seeing next?". The cheerful Princess. 

"I don't know, not quite sure". Prince Brandon responded.

"Oh my goodness!" She said in a low voice as she held the Prince's hand.


"We should be on our way now". 

"We have quite a good number of kilometers to cover".

"Princess Terra, thanks for the wonderful hospitality. We hope to see you soon". King Alexander said as they left for the Royal garage.

"Goodbye and Journey mercy". King Arnold bid his friend farewell.

Goodbye, Friend. King Alexander answered.

"Oh, my Princess, you are not looking cheerful. What happened?". King Arnold inquired as he entered the living room.

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