Chereads / Royally Tangled / Chapter 3 - Give us an heir        

Chapter 3 - Give us an heir        

Give us an heir to the throne 



6.55 PM

At the Central Chalet for dinner, mostly used on weekends and special feasts

"Where is my son?". Inquired King Alexander.

"Oh! Here he comes". Queen Isabella responded.

"Son, you came a bit behind schedule. What's up, son?".

"Hectic day, I guess". Asked the king.

"What's up for the evening?". Inquired the exhausted Prince Brandon.

"Your favorite, sir. Haddock and fried potatoes". One of the maids Responded.

"Shall we?" Inquired the Queen.

"The wine". Said the Prince.

"Some here". Requested the King.

"My Lord, the meal?". Asked the Queen.

"Perfect". The smiling King responded.

"Maids! Inquired the Queen.

"Your Majesty". Echoed the maids.

"Clear the table". Instructed Queen Isabella.

The king, Queen, and Prince Brandon left for the inner room.

"Here my love". Said the King as they towards the green and white chamber.

"Son, how was your day?". Inquired the Queen.

"Lovely". Said the Prince.

"The year is speedily coming to an end, when are we hosting our workers at home and abroad?". Asked the king.

"I spoke with our General manager earlier today. Arrangements are in progress". Responded the Prince.

"Good". Said the king.

"That's my son". Said the impressed Queen.

"Son, your birthday is near". Said the king.

"Oh yes! My Lord. That's thoughtful. Thanks, my hero". Said the joyous Queen.

"Hnnnnm!". Exclaimed the unimpressed Prince.

"Son, you aren't getting younger. I want to see your heir to the throne". Said the worried king.

"You are the only surviving heir to the throne. You are all that we've".

"I want to see your heir before my departure".

"Departure?". Asked the concerned Queen.

"Yes, before I go to meet my ancestors".

"My Lord! You aren't going anywhere".

"Not so soon, not yet Your Majesty". Said the Queen.

"Dad!" The disturbed Prince inquired.

"Don't worry my Lord. Our noble son is going to give us heir to the throne soon and the entire Kent Kingdom is going to be happy". Said the optimistic Queen.

"Royalty is here to stay. It's going nowhere, it won't slip away from Henry's lineage".

"Relax, please my Lord.

I bet our first grandchild will be a boy, handsome and daring, Just like his Dad". Smiling.

"Dad! What are you really afraid of?". Asked the inquisitive Prince.

"Marrying late?".

"Heir to the throne or the loss of the Kingdom?".

"That's my life you are talking about, you know?".

"Yes, your life. But parts of ours you know?". Asked the King.

"Yes, my Lord. You are right". Seconded the Queen.

"Your joy is our joy".

"Your life is our utmost concern.

We prioritize your well-being above all things".

"You are all that we've. So, if you are happy surely, we are too".

"Alright! You should make us a fulfilled parents as soon as possible". Said the King.

"Son, tell us what's your plan for your matrimony?".

"We want to see that lucky lady.

We love to meet the next Queen of Great Kent Kingdom".

"We want to see the mother of the next heir to the throne. So, what are you up to?".

"Dad, this is the marriage we are talking about here". Said the Prince.

"A lifetime journey?".

"Tying the knot is not the issue but sustaining it is tedious, you know"

"C'mon! I need to take my time".

"Which time?". Asked the Queen.

"Yes, Mum". Responded the furious Prince.

"Son, you don't have the time". Said the King.

"Do you know we've got your brother and Sister of blessed memory at your age?".

"We've even gotten you months before I knock the age of your next birthday".

"My father, Gregory Henry, III of blessed memory was proud of me. I was his favorite till his last breath".

"We secured his ancestor's throne with an heir even long before you came".

"He was noble and well-respected by all and sundry of Kent Kingdom".

"What would I tell him if I left without the next heir to the throne?".

"Please, son, I want to die a fulfilled man, do make me one".

"Can you promise me that I won't be disappointed?".

"Yes, my son, you need to give us your word now"

"We aren't going anywhere yet but to be honest with you we are getting closer to our graves as the day passes by". Said the Queen in a worried voice.

"My word?". Asked the Prince.

"Yes, your word my charming son". Responded the concerned King.

"Mum, your Highness, you need not worry about my matrimonial journey. I won't rush it. Like I said earlier I will take my time".

"There is nothing worth worrying about marriage".

"It will surely come. What will be, will be, you know?".

"A lifetime journey is worth waiting for".

"Yes, son. You might be right. But you should make hale when the sun is shining". Said the Queen.

"Besides, you are all that we've.

Do you know there is time for everything and delay they say is dangerous".

"If you weren't worried or concerned, son to be honest with you we're".

"My Lord, aren't we?".

"Precisely, my love. Of course, we should". Responded the King in a fainting tone. 

"We got you long before Terry, my younger sister's first son. Now, he is happily with two kids". Said the concerned Queen.

"Even Jackson, her second son, married late last year".

"Weren't you at his wedding?".

"Yes, he was there and heavily involved". Responded the King.

"Oh yes! You are right my Lord.

You were his best man.

Weren't you?". Asked the Queen.

"Yes, I was". Responded the unimpressed Prince.

"What a day it was for him and his found rib".

"Don't you love the honor he got that fateful day?".

"Weren't you impressed with the flashes of the cameras on your face that lovely day?". Inquired the Queen.

"My love, of course, he can't forget that glamorous celebration of love".

"My son, have you?". Asked the King.

"Not so soon". Said the carried-away Prince.

"They had a great day. It will ever remain fresh and green in their memories. What a memorable day it is for them".

"Surely, my dear son, yours shall be greater than theirs in all ramifications. We can't wait to witness that unforgettable day". Said the optimistic Queen.

"Yes, my love". Answered the King.

"Now, our darling son, who's that lion roaring in the jungle of your heart?". 

"Who's the next Queen of this great Kingdom?".

"Yes, my Lord. We can't wait to host her". Responded the Queen.

"Son, where is that lady who has said yes or is about to say yes to your proposal"?



Do you mean it?".

"Yes! Echoed both the king and the Queen

"Okay! Now listen". Responded the Prince standing up.


"OH! MY LORD. Your medications, right away". Said the Queen.

"Son, have a beautiful night". 

They both stood up and walked to their Chalets.