Chereads / Royally Tangled / Chapter 2 - State of Dilemma

Chapter 2 - State of Dilemma

8.25 AM

"Here we are, can we have some rest after busy morning chores?". Said Monica, the Chubby maid.

"Yes, we deserved some". Lizzy, the tall maid responded.

"Shall we?". Inquired Olivia in an exhaustive voice.

"Last night?" Curiously asked Benita, the curvy maid.

"Last night? What about last night?". Asked Olivia.

"Yes, last night?". Benita repeated sitting on the sofa.

"Miss Olivia, please tell us about what happened at Prince Brandon's Chalet".

"Nothing much". Olivia hastily responded.

"Can we have some rest now?".

"No". Lizz loudly responded.

"Maybe until you brief us about your 45-minute unusual encounter with Prince Brandon". Said Monica.

"Nothing to worry about, not a serious matter". Olivia said with good smile on her face.

"We won't be sure of that until you tell us what transpired between a maid and a billionaire Prince both alone for almost an hour" Said Benita.

"Alright! If you guys insist". Olivia said.

"We are all ears". Anxiously echoed the three maids.

"I couldn't sleep all night. Oh! It was a difficult one for me. Just swiveling from one edge of the bed to the other".

"Oh! Miss Olivia, what happened?". Asked Lizzy.

"Prince Brandon took sleep away from my eyes, he put fire in my soul, and his roar terrified my quiet jungle all through the night". Olivia responded in a fainting voice.

"He threw me into the depths of thought and chained me in the innermost prison of emotion".

"I doubt if he knows that his desire is my trial".

"His gain my pain and his joy my sorrow".

"Last night, he succeeded in setting my soul on fire, this emotional trauma is unbearable. I did wish I was off his hook of emotion soon".

"Oh my! Said Monica.

"Wow! Exclaimed Lizzy.

"Hmmm! Yelled the speechless Benita.

"Friends! Inquired Olivia.

"Yes, Miss Olivia echoed the maids.

"Am I worthy to be his wife? Asked Olivia.

"Do I even look like the next Queen of this noble kingdom?".

"Can you see any royalty in me?".

"Do I have wings to fly in this sky of emotion?".

"Would my Eagle be able to weather this storm of affection?".

"Won't I disappear like smoke in this unpredictable journey of hearts?". She broke down in tears.

"Alright, dear. Here". Said emotional Lizzy.

"Please, have your seat".

"Miss Olivia. Relax". Monica said.

"Surely, you will be fine". Benita assured.

"Okay, thanks". Responded Olivia in an encouraging mood.

"Please, what should I do? I need your candid advice on this critical issue".

"Dear friends, please be my Sailors, I don't know how to sail in this deep and toxic river called love".

"I want to be out of this prison and be a free man once more".

"Free?. Lizzy asked.

"Yes, free". 

"Free like birds in the sky and like fishes in the ocean". Olivia responded in tears.

"Do you know freedom is not given for free nor served like dinner? You have to fight for it. Are you ready to strive for yours?". Asked Benita.

"Miss, you have to strive, fight, and conquer before you can talk about freedom".

"Don't you know that love is the strongest battle of mind?".

"I am sure you wouldn't want to be a loser in the game of minds".

"My good friend, would you?".

"But, don't you think I am about to embark on a suicidal mission?". Asked Olivia.

"I won't deceive you guys or myself, I am scared, very scared".

"Yes, you should be scared". Said Monica.

"You ought to be scared. Scared of jumping into royalty and his many troubles".

"Scared of what people will say in the kingdom".

"You should be scared of your adventure to an unknown land called emotion".

"Of course, you should be scared of an entirely new status and unusual lifestyle".

"To be honest with you, I am very scared too".

"Oh no! Lizzy shouted.

"Please, hold it there Monica.

Are you a coward?".

"Our dear friend needs not to be encouraged or discouraged".

"I can't say you should go on nor tell you to back off. The decision is yours".


"Is your life, your destiny which I think is now in your hands".

"The right question to ask you now is what do you think?".

"No, I don't think so". Said Benita in a strong tone.

"Don't you love fame?".

"Haven't ever dreamed of wealth and affluence?".

"Do you have an unbroken covenant with poverty?".

"I am sure you wouldn't want to die in penury". 

"Aren't you tired? If you are not, I am".

"To be truthful with you, if this kind of rare opportunity comes my way, My decision will be straightforward. Surely, I will jump on it".

"Miss, count yourself lucky. You have found favor, an uncommon favor that matters".

"Please don't be an obstacle to your progress".

"Congratulations! Dear friend, wishing you all the best in your matrimony journey".

"Dear Olivia, I love you and always want the best for you. You are worth much more than a friend. Monica said.

"I am not trying to scare you or discourage you but simply want to see you happy always".

"I know much about royalty. Rich is not a friend to the poor. Yes, not at all".

"I don't want the ever-heavy waves of royalty to swallow you".

"This offer is too good to be real. Please, look away and also run away".

"As I said earlier, the choice is all yours". Lizzy repeated in a fainting voice.

"Monica, you are against the relationship, Lizzy you said she should press on but I am indifferent. Now, we put it to you, what's your decision?".

"What do you think about Prince Brandon's tempting proposal? In one sentence, are you in or out?".

"Thanks a lot, friends". Olivia responded.

"Without any doubt, the last few hours have been the most confusing period of my life. What a tragedy".

"Swimming in confusion and of course, sinking in the ever-heavy weight of emotion".

"Your decision, please Miss". Benita cut in.

"Yes, right away". Monica seconded 

"Just take it easy. Now, slowly". Lizzy said in a cool voice.

"Alright! She responded in a relaxed tone.

"Truly, a problem shared is a problem half-solved. Thanks, friends for your concerns. I do appreciate it". 

''Honestly, with your advice, my will is sharpened now. I am ready to shoot".

Olivia covering her face with her hands said "Dear friends, my decision on this tricky matter is.... 


A sweet cool feminine royal voice inquired.

"Oh my goodness! Said Benita.

"That should be Her Majesty" Monica said.

 "Yes, you are right". Lizzy Seconded.

"Let's go. I think we have visitors.

Olivia, let's move".

They all run towards the Queen Chalet.