Chereads / Royally Tangled / Chapter 1 - The Royal proposal

Royally Tangled

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Chapter 1 - The Royal proposal

 The Royal Proposal

6.45 PM

"Olivia, you shall be my wife, the next Queen of this Great Kingdom".

"Get your heart together".

"This is not negotiable".

"Whatever I desire must be mine". 

"I am a Prince, I am royal, I don't beg for anything". 

"Whether you like it or not we shall spend the rest of our lives together".

"Ah! Sir, I… so".

Olivia tried to respond to Prince Brandon's shocking proposal but her tongue failed her. She was confused.

"Hang it there, Miss". Prince Brandon cut in.

"What are you trying to say?

You have no choice anyway".

"Have you ever seen Clay arguing with a Potter or an iron wrestling with a blacksmith?" 

"You dare not say no to my offer nor turn your back on royalty".

"Would you?". Prince Brandon asked.

"Your Highness, please". 

Olivia was still standing looking confused and shaky.

"But why?" Olivia inquired.

"Why me, sir?".

"Out of many beautiful fishes in the ocean, why do you prefer this horrible one?".

"There are many glamorous ladies in this kingdom and beyond. But why me, why Olivia, an ordinary maid in your father's palace?".

"No royalty in me. I don't think I am that lucky lady whose cap fits".

"Sir, I am not worthy to be your wife nor the Queen of Kent Kingdom. I am satisfied being a maid in this noble palace forever".

"Alright! Prince Brandon responded in a relaxed deep voice.

"At this juncture, if you care to know, I can give you countless reasons why you should be my wife and the next Queen".

"Okay, Sir". The anxious Olivia answered.

"Now, listen attentively Miss Olivia". 

Prince Brandon sat majestically and crossed his legs.

"I am a Prince, the only surviving heir to the throne". 

A first-class product of great Cambridge University".

A well-trained and successful business Administrator".

"Owner of numerous flourishing businesses at home and abroad".

A born billionaire, and of course handsome".

"I am highly influential and royal in all ramifications".

Agreed, but, a question begging for an answer remains, who's Olivia?". She asked with tears rolling down from her eyes

"A Princess of a great kingdom?".

A born billionaire or just a mere pauper?".

 A first-class product of a renowned university or a half-educated maid?".

"Sir, I can go on and on".

"Our societal status differences are too obvious, even the blind can see it". 

"Your Highness, can't you see we aren't compatible?".

"What will people say".

How will His Royal Majesty react to this".

"How will Her Royal Majesty welcome this?".

"Would I ever be accepted into royalty when I have no atom of royalty in me?".

"Gold digger many will think I am".

"Sir, please save me from this imminent embarrassment".

"Okay! Miss Olivia". Prince Brandon said as he stood on his feet backing Olivia.

"You know what?".

I am not bothered by all your concerns and worries about choosing you as my wife and the next Queen. I am not moved, not at all".

"All that I want is you, not what you have or have not".

"No one can stand in my way in this matter, not even you".

"Either you like it or not you are going to be my wife".

"Though to be honest your soft-spoken style, your courtesy, your ever-loving and ever-caring attitude, your beautiful wide irresistible diastema, your simplicity and straightforwardness. Worth much more than a billion pounds to me".

"Sir, please excuse me". Olivia said as she jumped up quickly with tears all over her face and moving towards the exit door.

"Hold it there". Prince Brandon angrily said.

"Where do you think you are going".

"Walking away from royalty? I bet you wouldn't try that, that might be disastrous you know?".

"Wherever there is royalty, surely there is authority and power.

"I am a noble Prince and the only surviving heir to the throne of the Kent kingdom".

"Now listen and listen for good, you will be my wife".

"I am not negotiating this with you, it is a done deal, it is settled".

"Anyway, you have no choice, do you?".

"Please sir, let me go".

"Save me from this looming embarrassment and public ridicule". Said Olivia in a low shaky voice

"Your Highness, please let me take my leave now. I have chores to do with my co-maids, they've been waiting, call it a day now sir".

"Miss! You are going nowhere". Prince Brandon responded.

"See, Miss Olivia, why can't you consider today as a day of destiny?".

"Don't you love royalty". 

"Do you want to die a pauper?". 

"Don't you love wealth, fame, and affluence"?.

"Do you know with your decision tonight you can bid poverty farewell?".

"Your destiny is in your hands". 

"The ball is in your court, Miss".

"Your Highness, I don't think so".

Olivia said in a confused tone.

"I think tonight I am about to run faster than my destiny". 

"Sir, can I run away from my shadow?".

"I am who I am regardless how you view me".

Olivia went on her knees.

"Sir, Please let this cup pass me by". 

"I am not worthy to be your wife".

"let me go now and let this be forgotten forever".

"I shall be forever grateful to you, your Highness".

"Olivia! Tonight, you have to make your decision known" Prince Brandon said in a loving tone.

"Your smile brightens my darkest days".

"Your beauty is truly breathtaking, but your inner beauty is what captivates me the most".

"You are the love song that plays in my heart constantly".

"Oh my goodness! Olivia exclaimed. 

She was thrilled hearing Prince speaking in rare sweet words and at the same time still afraid of many troubles of royalty.

"Now, I am ready to make my decision known, your Highness".

"Okay, go on. I am all ears".

"So, Miss. What's your decision?" The unfazed Prince inquired.


A deep masculine voice inquired from the other end of the Chalet

"Oh my goodness! Prince Brandon exclaimed in a disappointing low tone.

"See you soon, your Highness". Olivia said as she left the chalet through the backyard door.

"Yes! Your Majesty". Prince Brandon answered in a fainting voice as his father, King Alexander Henry majestically walked into his chalet.

With his unimpressed response to his father's wrong timing visit, Brandon won't be interested in whatever his father visited him for. 

The only question that occupied his heart was definitely, what if she says NO?