Chereads / The Sound Fox / Chapter 3 - Chapter 2

Chapter 3 - Chapter 2

Test 1

In order to complete this test Naruto has to punch a punching bag as hard as he can doing so will show a score on how hard he can hit Naruto punches the punching bag it gives a score of 90 which is just above a second year academy student Shikkaku writes down the score then has him do the next test.

Test 2

In order to pass this test Naruto has to lift weights until he can't anymore at varying weights Shikkaku starts him off at with a bar that weighs 10 pounds Naruto lifts it easy then he gets 30 pounds put on it Naruto lifts it no problem then he gets 90 pounds put on he lifts it but struggles after the first rep Shikkaku writes down the numbers then has him move on to the next test.

Test 3

In order to pass this test Naruto has to run on a treadmill for an hour without a break if he does it he succeeds if not then he'll move on anyway Naruto begins running on the treadmill he decides to pace himself and take his time which is working until he hits the 30 minute mark when he's starting to get tired so he stops failing the test then moves on to the next one

Test 4

In order to pass this test Naruto has to run around the track before time runs out which is 1 mile he's been given 10 minutes to pass Naruto begins running he did what did before takes his time paces himself until the last lap comes around then he runs to the finish as fast as he can making it at 9 minutes flat Shikkaku writes down the numbers then he moves on to the next test

Test 5

In order to pass this test Naruto has to get through a maze while also looking out for traps and possible enemies Naruto begins the maze he can already sense that this one will be annoying but he goes along with it anyway he makes it a quarter through the maze when he encounters his first trap a simple trip wire after reaching 3 quarters of the way in the maze he encounters his first genjutsu at first Naruto didn't know what it was then he feels foreign chakra in his system so he dispels it then exits the maze.

Test 6

In order to pass this test naruto has to take a written test to see what he knows he purposely scores low on the test just in case that someone will look at these records later on he ends up getting a 45 the number is written down then he moves onto the next test

Test 7

In order to pass this test Naruto must complete some puzzles and play some games which is fine with him he doesn't do his best he got a 50 the number is written down then he moves onto his next test

Test 8

In order to pass this test Naruto has to answer some riddles or play games he's fine with either one he decides on riddles he does pretty well with them the last one was a doozy but he got through it then he moves onto the next test

Test 9

In order to pass this test Naruto must run through an obstacle course in a certain time limit which is 5 minutes Naruto begins it's a tough course but he completes it in just 10 minutes the number is taken down then he moves onto the next test 

Test 10

In order to pass this test Naruto has to fight against an academy student from all 4 years each one is slightly stronger than the other but not by much Naruto is facing his first opponent they only use taijutsu everyone was surprised that Naruto already knew the academy taijutsu style they begin trading blows blocks and counters kicks and elbows when Naruto ducks low under a haymaker then delivers an uppercut winning the match the next match is relatively the same as the last except Naruto ends it with a knee to the gut the next match is the same as the last except Naruto ends it with an elbow to the back the final match was going about the same except he was less skilled than the other 3 so Naruto was able to end it with a dropkick.

After the tests are done Shikakku takes Naruto to his house he takes him to the back porch gives him a book to read while he gets the board and pieces he brings it back and is surprised to see a clone reading the book he leaves again comes back with some snacks and something to drink once he comes back he notices that the board has been set up on both sides correctly after that they eat and drink but also talk Shikakku asks him why he purposely failed some of the tests Naruto looks at him like he's an idiot then asks when's my birthday.

Shikakku sighs then says October 10th the day of the Kyuubi attack which means that you know what you contain Naruto says i've known for 3 years he gets a little worried at what Naruto said but obviously nothing has happened yet so they start playing the game of Shogi Skikkau opens with Gokigen Central Rook Naruto not even knowing what he's doing opens with Ishida style confusing Shikakku wondering why he did that but he moves his next piece Naruto moves his next piece to counter Shikakku's piece and so the game goes Shikakku is actually using strategy Naruto is just moving to block or trap or take Shikakku's pieces he's not trying to win just see if it will work it does for awhile but eventually Naruto loses.

Even though Naruto lost Shikakku studies the board after Naruto goes home in fact when his son comes to get him for dinner he's still studying it Shikamaru sees his father studying the Shogi board he looks at it sees that his father's opponent almost beat him a few times but still made mistakes that cost him the game Shikakku sees his son looking at the board then he gets a serious look on his face and says Shikamaru i've finally found someone smarter than both of us Shikamaru is taken aback when he hears that but calms down then asks will i meet this person Shikakku says yes in the academy you will.

Naruto headed to his apartment to get some rest today was interesting but he can't dwell on it he's gotta continue his training he goes to bed to rest up for the next day of intense training the night goes smoothly nothing happens he goes to his closet puts on his jumpsuit and his training weights then heads to training ground 43 it's the only training ground that is never occupied by ninja so he begins by making shadow clones having them all focus on the next step of chakra control while also doing the previous steps he creates more to practice the academy style while he does the usual stretches and workout once he's done with that he spars with his taijutsu clones until he masters the academy style.

However little did he know that he was being watched by someone who would introduce him to someone else who would change his life forever the person watching him has purple hair put up in a pineapple ponytail mesh body suit bra grey anbu shin guards orange mini skirt shinobi sandals and a tan trench coat this person is Anko Mitarashi she is tasked with keeping an eye on Naruto but also is one of the only people allowed to make contact with him however before she does that she's in a conversation with someone.

Anko says "yes i see him he's using shadow clones to train and is coming along nicely for his age but won't be strong enough for what's coming"

The other person says "then help him train Anko chan make him as strong as you and i'll give you anything you want"

Anko says" you already know what i want but you still haven't given it to me yet "

The other person sighs then "says i don't have the medical knowledge to do what you ask but a friend of mine does however it won't be cheap she has some serious debts that will need to be paid off before she agrees to anything"

Anko approaches Naruto after he finishes off his clones sensing an attack coming he dodges as best as he can but gets caught by some snakes that are coiled around his body Anko leans against his back the seductively purrs in his ear you've done really well with your training so far why don't you let someone else take care of it until you graduate the academy Naruto not seeing the harm nods in agreement she lets him go then decides to test him.

Anko faces him in a taijutsu match he isn't bad he has mid genin level skills but she decides to test his speed which is low genin level his strength is mid genin level and his kunai trowing his third year academy student level she sighs thinking to herself he's all over the place so she trains him like she was trained but comes out to find that he's in relatively good shape just hasn't worked on his endurance yet she helps him with that also she helps him with his dodging and gives him another taijutsu scroll to learn from it's the academy style from the land of earth he sees that it's all about defense and strong counters he gets his clones on working on combining both styles together.

While they do that Anko takes him in the forest of death to play her version of tag which is just dodge her snakes her attacks the animals and plants inside the forest and try to survive they play this game for everyday after doing everything else for 1 year he's now 7 years old he has successfully combined both styles and is 1 year from entering the academy his stats has gone way up he sits at high genin level now but this next year of training is something different than the previous one this one is all about how to hide his abilities.

So Anko trains him in how to hide his speed strength and everything else she thinks that it will take the whole year in teaching him how to adjust his speed and other abilities so he doesn't get noticed by the higher ups while this is going on Naruto decides to train in his sensor abilities the first technique he learns is chakra lock -on this technique performed by first getting a fix on the target's chakra signature, then bringing their hands together to form a triangle-shape with them, keeping the fingers on each hand together above while the thumbs are pointed down.

Focusing their efforts through the center of the hands gesture, the user can scan the area for that particular target. The range of this technique can be greatly expanded by distributing user's chakra over a wide area he practices this technique when he's not training with Anko although one day she catches him practicing it and decides to help him by playing her version of tag as well as taking him back to the forest of death so he can learn to sense between man animal and killer plant life it's confusing at first but eventually he's able to tell the difference between the 3 when sensing their chakra in fact Anko slows down so he can get used to his new power a little bit.

After that she tells him that he needs to learn a new sensing technique because this one requires both of his hands he opens the book and learns the next sensing technique which is the hexagram seal the user places a hexagram seal on the ground that allows them to sense targets on a wide radius by transmitting waves through the seal this technique could also identify if an individual was a medical-nin Naruto has his clones draw it and use it while he practices what it feels like or what he sees with it turns out that it's the same as chakra lock-on just covers more distance and detail.

Anko is impressed but also disappointed that he has to rely on a seal for sensing someone's chakra until he tells her that this is only the second technique in the book after some trial and error it was discovered that the seals can be hidden with chakra to blend in the environment so on Anko's suggestion he places them all over the forest of death on every surface except the darkest parts of the forest she knows that he's not ready to go there yet after that she has him practice tapping in to each seal he does even though it takes a month to learn how to tap into all of them at once.

Once he masters that she continues teaching him on how to hide his abilities from the public eye of course the one thing she didn't know about was that he was wearing weights this whole time that she's been training him because they're small they look like bracelets they're chakra weights the amount of weight depends on how much chakra you put into them each band can go up to 10 tons but Naruto only has a total of 200 pounds on his limbs which is 50 pounds each he won't go up for awhile as he just upped it when he met Anko however one time while they were sparring she accidentally gets hit hard by Naruto when she looks at the reason why she finds out that he's been wearing weights since he was 3.

She tells him that's both good and bad at least now i know why sometimes your punches hurt so much but now we need to control your strength alot more Naruto agrees then does every control exercise she tells him to do by the time she's done with him he's as average as a regular academy student also she helps him with his chakra control so he can do the clone jutsu she can tell that his reserves are way too high for it so they do nothing now but work on chakra control even with hundreds of clones doing different exercises as well as the other control exercises he did to control his physical abilities just in case he gets rusty.

By the time the academy rolls around he's able to do the transformation substitution and clone jutsu perfectly although on the clone jutsu he makes sure to struggle a little bit so it's believable in fact he purposely sucks at it just like Anko taught him after that's done he goes home to eat shower and sleep because his first day is tomorrow after doing all of that he goes to bed the next day he gets up early makes breakfast gets dressed brushes his teeth uses the bathroom sees that it's only 6am but he decides to leave anyway he locks his door then makes his way towards the academy.

He makes it there in 30 minutes by walking normally which is fine with him he sees the academy has a store so he goes inside to check it out inside the store there are notebooks pencils binders backpacks rulers protractors and flash cards Naruto buys one of everything his backpack is black with orange stripes he gets orange and black notebooks and binders also he sees something that catches his eye it's a book on the clans of the ninja world as well as a few other books one is a bingo book the other is a complete textbook on every construction trade there is the final book is forging weapons Naruto grabs every book along with his school supplies then takes it to the counter where a half asleep cashier rings him up everything ended up costing a grand total of 10,000 ryo.

Which is fine with Naruto he had a 10,000 ryo bill that he was saving for just this occasion after that Naruto went to find his class room there are only 8 classrooms 1-4 are for years 1 and 2 5-8 are for years 3 and 4 Naruto sees his name on classroom 1 so he enters the room not seeing anybody here yet he finds a seat at the very back next to the window then he pulls everything out of the shopping bags pulls out his pencil his note book then puts everything in his backpack except for his book on clans he begins reading his book and gets lost in it.

Other than hearing people pass the room he doesn't pay attention to whats going on so when it's half full of students he's so engrossed in his book that he doesn't even hear his teacher call his name so when his teacher tries to take it from him Naruto on instinct throws him on the ground thinking he's being attacked it wasn't the speed or the strength of the throw that surprised the teacher or even the other classmates it was the level of skill behind it because he knows that Naruto just used his body weight against him in that throw which requires hardly any strength at all just the right amount of momentum and placement of one's body which takes serious skill in determining.

After that Naruto sees what he did then apologizes the teacher waves it off but not before wondering what he was reading that he was go engrossed in Naruto shows him the title he immediately understands then asks where he got it so he can use it to teach the class Naruto says the academy store the teacher nods then heads down to the store comes back with the same book then tells Naruto to put his away as they will be learning from the same book eventually just not today Naruto nods today they just learn each other's name what jutsu each person can or cant do also how well they can throw kunai and shuriken each person does really well for first year students.

They learn various subjects math geography battlefield tactics trap making survival training and the academy taijutsu style they go over everything that they read so they don't get held back or fail everyone takes the first year seriously including Naruto just because he's going to purposely get lower grades doesn't mean that he's not going to study the material that they cover in class in fact the academy to him just feels like he's getting the basics of every subject.

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