After getting back from the Land of Waves and meeting up with the Hokage after going over the mission details and getting the scrolls from Naruto all except the Bounty and Vault scrolls he did give them a few bingo books from the First Shinobi to the Third Shinobi War after that the higher ups were getting word of the Chunin exams happening in 3 months that were due to take place in Iwa so the Hokage didn't even ask if they were going to compete he told them to wait until the next exams in 9 months that were going to be held in Konoha he also said that for them to compete they need complete 25 D ranks & 10 C ranks he says so far as it stands only 4 genin will be eligible to compete the 4 Jounin were shocked they asked who is the fourth Genin he shows them Naruto's file and mission data which is as follows:
Naruto Uzumaki
A ranks: 9
B ranks : 16
C ranks : 25
D ranks : 40
Needless to everyone was shocked that a Genin had such a record this is something a Chunin would have it didn't help matters for Kakashi who never saw the kid put forth any effort unless it was chakra control exercises he begins to come up with an idea on how to get the blonde interested in training so they do the missions required of them to compete then spend the next 6 months doing joint training with all 4 sensei's and their teams each team will rotate until they learn everything they can for the exams.
During the training period each of the females were taught genjutsu, tracking, traps, survival, taijutsu, a weapon, stealth ,tactics and teamwork exercises the males were taught a weapon, taijutsu, tracking, traps , stealth, teamwork exercises, and tactics and both groups were trained in chakra control exercises they learned these things in 3 months after that they went back to their individual training grounds to finish training for the exams.
A day before the exams there was a commotion where a pink haired banshee was chasing a little loud mouth monkey not looking where he was going he ran into a guy with a black suit that had cat ears a 2 colored circle on the chest something wrapped in bandages on his back and purple face paint on his face the girl next to him was a blonde with 4 pig tails haired girl with a light blue shirt purple cloth around her waist black shorts a black fan on her back she could care less about what happened that is until her brother was basically choking the kid for running into him he was about to hit him when a rock hit his hand after that a voice says to stop if you don't want to start a war put that kid down.
The next day they go to the exams they see a bunch of people outside the door Sasuke who couldn't help himself reveals the genjutsu they make it up to the third floor walk through the door get blasted with killing intent all of that disappears when from out of nowhere someone screaming Sasuke latches onto the Uchiha being none other than Ino Yamanaka Choji and Shikimaru walk up say oh you guys are in this too followed by a loud yell from Kiba basically saying that he's going to be top dog then a voice says you should keep it down you're drawing attention to yourselves he reveals himself a white hair guy with glass purple outfit white cloth in middle blue forehead protector Kabuto Yakushi he tells them about how this is his 7th time taking the exams he shows his cards and then gets attacked by the sound team
After that a loud booming voice " Alright you baby face degenerates pipe down no more fighting or you're disqualified I'm Ibiki Morino your proctor get into your seats and listen up because I'm only going to explain this once here soon these people next to me are going to be handing out papers with 9 questions on them you will 45 minutes to answer them the final tenth won't be given out until 15 minutes after the test each team has a perfect score of 10 for everyone you get wrong you lose a point if someone one your team gets a zero the whole team fails anyone caught cheating will have 2 points deducted from their score anyone who gets caught 5 times loses and their whole team fails if you're caught cheating then you don't deserve to be here so show us what splendid shinobi you can be"
An hour later after doing various things to cheat and pass the exam a crash is heard then a black banner with white letters" The Sexy and Single 2nd Proctor Anko Mitarashi" said woman was dressed in mesh body suit with chain mail under black under shirt orange skirt black sandals purple hair pulled back in a pineapple brown eyes tan trench coat grey shin guards and says" Ibiki you must be getting soft in your old age there's 100 teams here " he shrugs they leave for the next test and sees no name on the test just an Uzumaki spiral he flips it over a few times seeing that the test is blank nothing happens then once he touches the symbol he feels chakra in it he pushes chakra into it then there's a puff of smoke with Kabuto Yakushi name at the top giving him his mission history , history with the exams , and how he smells of snakes he immediately takes this paper to the hokage who is surprised by what he is reading they begin to tail him right away while this is going on Anko explains the 2nd exam.
They have 5 days to get a heaven and a earth scroll and make it to the tower in the Forest of Death everyone signs the papers they get they're scroll then the exam begins after fight a few teams the rookie 12 have 2 earth scrolls & 2 heaven scrolls during the first day however team 7 gets attacked by Orochimaru who gives Naruto the curse mark and Sasuke one to distract the one she put on Naruto after that she hurts Sakura then brags about Sasuke coming to her for power the next day they make it to the tower open both scrolls and Kakashi pops out they tell him what happened and he gets them checked out while sealing Sasuke mark they spend the next 3 days resting once the second exam is done they're told that there is too many people so they will be having preliminary matches to decide who goes to the finals the matches are as follows:
Sasuke Uchiha VS Yoroi Akado
Ino Yamanaka VS Sakura Haruno
Shino Aburame VS Zaku Abumi
Shikimaru Nara VS Kin Tsuchi
Naruto Uzumaki VS Kiba Inuzuka
Choji Ackimichi VS DOSU Kinuata
Neji Hyuuga VS Hinata Hyuuga
Temari Sabaku VS Tenten Higarashi
Kankuro Sabaku VS Misumi
Rock Lee VS Gaara Sabaku
the winners are Sasuke, Shino , Shikimaru, Dosu , Neji, Temari , Kankuro, Gaara, and Naruto they have a month to train for the finals the matches for the finals are :
Naruto VS Neji
Shino VS Kankuro
Shikimaru VS Temari
Sasuke VS Gaara
After the fights everyone went back to the Village to prepare for the finals they began training for the exams all except Naruto who didn't have someone to train him so he went back to the Forest of Death to train himself while everyone else was being taught how to do everything he spent his time doing the exercises that Guy gave him while that was happening his clones were breaking up in groups of 10 he also sent clones to scavenge what he could from the bodies of the competitors doing so gifted him scrolls on genjutsu, ninjutsu , medical ninjutsu, weapon styles, taijutsu styles, and weapons the things he decides to train himself in are:
Chakra control exercises
Elemental manipulation exercises
Chakra Enhanced Senses
Medical Ninjutsu
He didn't spend his whole month there he left sometimes to get ramen or go to the Hot springs to relax his aching muscles on his way out he heard giggling looking around he found an old man in a tree writing stuff down in a note book with white hair red marks on his face green outfit mesh shirt red haori sandals head protector with horns with the symbol for oil on it this man was Jiraiya one of the sanin that's where his problems and other things began however he didn't sign the toad contract something was telling him not to the same thing happened when Anko tried to get him to sign the snake contract even the fox contract didn't sound right to him so Jiraiya teaches him one of his favorite jutsu Earth style Swamp of the Underworld it takes awhile but he learns it after that they spar for a week then Jiraiya disappears.
Which is fine with Naruto he can get back to his training he summons 9,000 clones then has them work on everything but chakra enhanced senses and radiance he will master those on his own so he gets to work he has 3 weeks to master these concepts he learned about them in wave now he can master them he starts by putting chakra into his nose then trying to sift through the different smells once he's got that down he sends chakra to his ears then tries to learn how to separate all of the different sounds next he sends chakra to his eyes this is the hardest one because he has to separate everything he sees so he doesn't get overwhelmed once he combines all of his senses together that's when he really has a hard time mastering it but he does.
Next is the radiance which is a chakra dome around him that can sense any attack coming at him it pushes his senses to the max while also training his sensor abilities he starts out just as a chakra outline then has his clones throw rocks at him he dodges but doesn't stop until he gets a better handle on this technique eventually he's able to make a complete dome around himself then he's able to dodge with his eyes closed with more training he's able to hide the dome from eyesight his clones are throwing rocks senbon shuriken kunai explosive bombs and paper bombs but they all miss even the few jutsu they know misses once his training is done with that.
He moves onto his last item of training for the month the Executioner's Blade or Kubikiribocho he's never trained with a sword as big as this before but he's willing to give it a shot it's heavier than anything he's ever lifted but his training has been paying off over the years so eventually he's able to wield it like a normal sword and is able to use quite alot of techniques with it even ones that Zabuza didn't know once he gets comfortable fighting against his kenjutsu clones and winning he decides to practice two techniques from wave the silent killing and the hidden mist jutsu.
With only 1 week and a half there's not much time to learn these techniques but he decides to do it anyway he enjoys practicing these techniques once he learns that there was a third technique for fighting in the mist he learns that too but it turns out that he just has to use his sensor ability in the mist to separate his chakra from the enemies which takes awhile but isn't hard in fact it makes him a better sensor once he has everything down he decides to try his luck with the chakra chains with his level of chakra control he can only manifest 2 chains but he learns that despite how chakra intensive they are he can use them to drain the chakra of his target