Chereads / The Sound Fox / Chapter 6 - Chapter 5

Chapter 6 - Chapter 5

The day has finally arrived for the finals to begin all of the contestants are there except 2 Sasuke and Dosu who has dropped out the first match is Naruto Uzumaki VS Neji Hyuuga everyone else goes up to the waiting area while they wait to start the match the proctor says let the first match of the finals begin they wait while checking each other out then Naruto rushes Neji to engage in a bout of taijutsu they do it longer than his match against Hinata who only lasted 10 minutes another 10 minutes goes by they back away from each other both breathing heavy everyone including the sensei's are shocked at Naruto's skill level they didn't think he'd last this long or even beat Kiba surprisingly he's even with Neji at least in taijutsu everyone comments on it while this is going on Naruto makes 100 shadow clones has 30 them attack Neji 30 more set traps around the arena the rest serve as a distraction so he can lure Neji into a trap which works he keeps himself and 2 clones back while Neji fights the others he even pumps more chakra into a clone so it won't dispel after surrounding neji him using rotation and his 64 palms there's only 2 clones left one of them fights neji uses a lot of chakra gets blown into a hole the other one rises from the ground punches neji winning the match after he's declared the winner the last clone dispels shocking everyone then Naruto comes out from behind a tree a smile on his face bowing before the crowd then walking up to the competitors box.

Everyone was talking about Naruto's match including the Dainyos about how he would be the perfect warrior with more experience even the disguised Kabuto disguised as Orochimaru was impressed with his match the editor of the bingo book is also impressed he decides that this information should be added to his entry though he will put him at a C rank double his bounty the next match is called Shino Aburame VS Kankuro Sabaku who forfeits moving onto the third match Shikimaru Nara VS Temari Sabaku they both began the match by testing each other then after using his Shadow possession he hides behind a tree looking around seeing that Naruto didn't trigger all of the traps only a few of them so he begins to lead her towards them and activating the traps against her which range from a trip wire trap to a paper bomb trap even with the traps it still took him using half of his chakra to catch her so he forfeits declaring her the winner.

The final match is Sasuke VS Gaara halfway through it white feathers fall from the sky putting everyone to sleep except those skilled in genjutsu while this is happening ninja from Oto and Suna begin attacking everyone the sensei's send the Genin after Sasuke and Gaara while also sending them to protect the village the Village team is Neji , Tenten, Ino, Choji, Kiba, Hinata , Sakura and Rock Lee the Gaara team is Sasuke, Shino, Shikimaru, Naruto and pakkun the village team splits up into teams to get the civilians to safety protect the Hokage tower, Hospital, Shinobi Academy and once that's done fight the enemy the Gaara team will take down Gaara and his siblings the village team does well they complete every objective its the gaara team thats having trouble when they finally arrive sasuke is on his last legs Naruto takes over fights Gaara until he brings out Shukaku then thats when things get tough though he has an idea he summons a bunch of clones around 9,000 and link up and transform into the 9 tails who by channeling its chakra through the transformation is able to shoot fireballs at Shukaku once he got close he punched Gaara waking him up winning the fight.

Elsewhere on top of the stadium Orochimaru and Hiruzen begin fighting and have been for quite some time the Third summons Enma takes a chakra pill fights the First and second Hokage uses the Reaper Death Seal on them then on Orochimaru his soul is halfway out when the Kusanagi flies towards them only to be grabbed by Enma who is trying with everything he has to keep it away from his friends back it doesn't matter because the Third gets pierced by the blade however he's able to seal who he thinks is Orochimaru the Third dies along with Kabuto a month goes by they're talking about a new Hokage Jiraiya suggests Tsunade he gloats that he can track her down he brings Naruto with him they get halfway there when they encounter Itachi Uchiha & Kisame Hoshigaki it ends with them escaping but before Itachi slips Naruto a paper he doesn't even look at it just pockets then continues walking while Jiraiya teaches him summoning they find Tsunade in a bar in Tanzaku town Jiraiya tries to get her to be Hokage and Naruto just leaves the bar shocking everyone at the table he makes it to a gambling hall playing cards when Tsunade finds him after hours of searching shes ticked off because she had to find him also hes doing better than she does at poker she asks the manager how hes doing and he started crying " please Tsunade sama take that devil child away he's already cleaned out 10 other establishments" she gets a sly grin and says " put half of his winnings against my debts then I'll call him off" he agrees then sends the money through debt collectors with that deal she managed to pay off 25% of all her debts and Naruto being none the wiser after the next hand he cashes out his chips goes to a restaurant looks at the menu and Tsunade sits across from him before he can order a drink hes on the defense until he sees who it is then hands her the menu she picks out a drink and a dish as does he then he asks "why did you search for me surely someone of your stature needed not bother with someone like me" hearing this both shocks and infuriates her because the person in front of her doesn't believe he deserves to exist on the same planet as her let alone sitting at the same table she can't believe what the village has done to him she makes a vow right then to help him no matter what and shes definitely not going to become Hokage unless he is there in the village she can already see that the kid in front of her is potentially the biggest flight risk she's ever seen she just hopes she's wrong in her analysis. 

They spend time getting to know each other she is impressed when Naruto shows her that he can do the chakra scalpel and the mystic palm jutsu but he tells her that's all the medical jutsu he knows besides the poison fog jutsu she chuckles at that then begins teaching him how to be a medical ninja like she did with Shizune he grasps it pretty well he even learns how they fight but she knows that the second that they return to the leaf village he's going to go back to the "mask" he was wearing when they met she just hopes he can get rid of it so it doesn't become his identity she also hopes the fact about him being a huge flight risk is wrong because she likes the kid.

They make their way back to the village upon people seeing him she can tell that if she and Jiraiya weren't with him he would be getting attacked just for existing she sighs already hating this village she doesn't wanna be here in the first place but she's going to make one thing clear to the council when she meets them that she hopes that they hate she just hopes that Shizune doesn't hate her after what she says to the council because Shizune has been wanting to come back here for years however she will not stay here if Naruto isn't with the village she's already made up her mind wherever he goes she goes also she doesn't know why but she has a bad feeling that something is going to happen to him today but when she turns around to tell him to stick by her he's gone.

She sighs then heads to the hokage building to get everything done and over with as soon as she and jiraiya make it into the building they tell her that there's a council meeting she goes to get this over with once they get there she sighs upon hearing them bicker like nothing has changed then she enters the room with Jiraiya she sits down then asks why have you summoned me here it better be important or the entire civilian council dies along with the elders needless to say they summoned her to this meeting for a few reasons one is the chunin exam results two is a distraction while they track down Naruto and finally get rid of him.

The third reason is to get her to be hokage however they only tell her about reasons 1 and 3 but upon studying their faces she can tell that something is wrong so she whispers in Jiraiya's ear he tells her who is always guarding him when he's in the village as they make sure to only do low ranked missions when he's in the village he also mentions that one is a public guardian while the other has chosen to watch from the shadows until he becomes a chunin she nods but he says that when we came to get you both were on very long missions that could take a year to complete.

She sends Shizune to the hospital Jiraiya summons Kakashi to Tsunade's side before he leaves he grabs him by the throat if anything happens to her i'll kill you and every person in this hell hole Kakashi nods immediately then guards Tsunade while Jiraiya searches for Naruto Shizune makes it to the hospital then starts getting supplies ready that her master told her to prepare as well as book a operating room she got all of the equipment and supplies ready except she doesn't know his blood type after talking with the head of the hospital she finds out that he's Type B .

As the meeting continues she can tell that they are just stalling her even some of those clan heads have figured it out while this is going on Naruto is going through the village his neck is burning him something fierce also he keeps hearing the most seductive voice he's ever heard then once he enters training ground 13 he gets a pain in his neck and his world goes dark.

X - Warning Torture/Rape / Brainwashing-X

What hit Naruto was a senbon in the neck laced with a paralytic combined with several other nasty compounds meant to weaken him and make him more pliable the perpetrators grabbed him then took him to a bunker in the old base Gato had in the woods of Wave country so they wouldn't be found however little did they know that a snake was following them and sending everything back to it's mistress who is getting more and more pissed by the second as she has to watch as they strip him of his clothes beat him until he wakes up use his own kunai to cut him burn him whip him with whips inject chemicals into him so he heals faster.

They up the ante by using other weapons and other torture methods to find out what he knows about the leaf village but also the leaf villagers are also in on it he's been tortured for hours in fact the day is almost over when one of the females gets an idea on how to break him a very beautiful red head walks up to him dressed in a pink battle dress she takes care of his wounds after him being tortured for a few months everyday he gets tortured then she comes in and takes care of him while also flirting with him.

over the past year his mind can't comprehend why she's being nice to him unless she wants something but before he can consider what other things might go wrong the beautiful redhead Fuuka storms into the room then says in a soft seductive but angry voice i'm tired of waiting for you to give me what i want so i'm going to take it she injects him with a purple liquid that makes his vision blur then he feels something on his lips after his vision comes back he realizes that she is kissing him after a few minutes he kisses her back then more of that liquid enters his mouth and he swallows it.

 After making out he feels hot like his skin is on fire then he feels like his dick is going to explode but that's not what worries him what worries him is when he looks down at her crotch and sees a dick as well as a pussy he's confused also he notices that he's completely naked instead of just topless also she's injecting him with more needles with that liquid his eyes feel like they are going to pop out of his skull then she hoists him up in the air just slightly above her so his crotch and ass are easily accessible to her.

She begins jacking him off once she's sure that he's enjoying it she makes him eat her out then makes her suck on her dick while also makes him suck on her boobs then she without warning sticks her dick in his ass and begins fucking him roughly she does this for days while she's doing this she's sending images into his mind of what his life could be like if they were to run away togther and if he cared about no one else but her this keeps going on until he submits to her or agrees to do everything she says even leave his village he's about to completely submit to her will and become hers when the doors bust open and 2 anbu bust in killing everyone except Fuuka she kisses Naruto drains alot of his chakra then whispers seductively in his ear if you wanna be with me come to the ruins of Uzushiogakure i promise that i'll give you everything you could ever desire money wealth a connection to your mother after all like you i'm an Uzumaki.

X-Torture/Rape/ Brainwashing End-X

After that she disappears not realizing what's happening Naruto attacks everyone in his path once he gets free acessing Kyuubi's chakra he's gone crazy due to Fuuka's brainwashing but before he can hurt his 2 rescuer's they put him asleep while he's asleep the curse mark activates making his trauma not as bad but the brainwashing is hard for Orochimaru to get rid of she does her best but the most she can do is either alter his memories or somehow see what this fuuka wants with her chosen mate.

She heads to Uzu once she gets there she was surprised to not be attacked upon her arrival instead Fuuka just amkes her dinner then asks what took you so long orochimaru i thought that you'd never come Orochimaru is quite puzzled then Fuuka says i saw your curse mark on Naruto i knew that you had a snake following us i also know that you could break my brainwashing easily if you really wanted to but that would involve you activating his mark as well as yours.

Orochimaru asks what do you want with Naruto Fuuka says he's quite adorable in a few years he'd make the perfect father of my children also i want you and him to be lovers in exchange i'll help you get rid of the Akatuski Orochimaru sighs then says you've got a deal but you must let him recover from everything before you claim him after all you weren't exactly being fair when you were seducing him Fuuka can't help but sigh in agreement as she just kept pumping him full of drugs designed to not only make him crave her touch but warp his mind so he'll listen to anything anyone says which is dangerous now that she thinks about it.

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