Tsunade becomes the 5th Hokage she holds a council meeting to go through everything she even brings in a TV so she can watch the matches from the preliminaries and the finals after the matches were watched she was rather impressed with a certain blonde whisker Shinobi she also laughed at his first match though as it was ending she noticed that all of the council members but a few were looking at his images with hatred and disgust she unleashed her killing intent thus by making the entire room shake and crack once everyone settled down she said " It seems to me that coming back here was a mistake I shouldn't have let Jiraiya and Shizune convince me to return here" after that everyone including Danzo is trying to placate her and convince her to stay all except Shibi Aburame Tsume Inuzuka 2 civilian council members and Tsunade once everyone quiets down again Danzo asks " Tsunade why was it a bad idea for you to return to your home" she replies " because all of you are still attacking that boy and treating him like he's lower than an ant" one of the council members says" damn demon is lucky to still be breathing let alone be a ninja" everyone heard him she sent him to Ibiki after that Danzo asks" does it matter i mean soon he won't be your problem anymore " she narrows her eyes as does the clan heads she asks " what do you mean and just know that I dont like your answer you die" Danzo actually sweats a little at that he was going to try to manipulate everyone into giving him the boy but instead pulls out requests from other countries who want to serve in their programs the one that caught Tsunade's attention was the Ninju Shotai ,Fire Monks, the Iron Samurai and Guardian Shinobi 12 she frowns though because each one has a minimum term of 2 to 8 years depending on what is chosen she's going to have to think about this and convince Naruto to leave the village maybe even permanently depending on how everything goes.
The Chunin nominations are Shikimaru Nara and Naruto Uzumaki lots of people were complaining but Danzo asks " how are you supposed to get rid of the demon child if he remains a Genin doing this will only ease his departure not help it if we hold him back in rank" everyone agreed immediately after that once the meeting was over Tsume & Shikakku met with Tsunade in her office privately away from prying eyes and nosy listeners she activates the privacy barriers then is surprised when Tsume and Shikakku start laughing Tsunade sits there a little confused and asked " what's so funny" Tsume replies " the whole meeting was honestly Danzo did exactly what we wanted and have been planning for 8 years" Tsunade asks " who's we " Shikakku says " the clan heads we've been trying to find a way to get Naruto away from this place unfortunately Danzo was correct everywhere we tried sending him to did you same things we did and every other place you have to be Chunin and above before they'll even look at you" Tsunade asks " what do you need from me" Shikakku gets a guilty look on his face and says " for now forget about your duties as hokage and work on gaining his trust" both of the women in the room unleash their killing intent and Tsume says" none of us will ever do that he's not a spy or an enemy he's a kid with a troubled past he doesn't deserve a honeypot mission or a loyalty mission".
Shikkaku says actually other than Sasuke Uchiha he's our biggest flight risk especially with what happened to him just a month ago he's closed off from everyone he's stopped talking to his old classmates and he seems to have walled off his emotions if you ask me he needs a loyalty or honeypot mission hearing this makes Tsunade destroy her desk surprising those in the room then she growls at Shikkaku before grabbing him by his throat then asks how would you feel if you were tortured for a year while also being raped by someone you thought you could trust she lets him go once he gets a horrified look in his eyes not knowing that was what happened to him.
Even Tsume flinches after hearing that because Tsunade has kept it confidential only her Shizune and Naruto knew what happened she says in a dark tone if i found out that you two told anyone about this i'll kill you both and be damned the consequences they understand that she's protecting him so Tsume asks who all knows about this aside from the pup obviously just Shizune and me that's it i was going to go check on him when i got pulled into that dumbass meeting also Shikkaku if i hear the term loyalty mission one more time i'll kill you he says well then you might want to look at the file on Naruto because he's already on one.
Tsunade looks at his file then sees that Shizune's friends Hana Inuzuka Yuagao Uzki Kurai Yuhi and Anko Mitarashi are all on a loyalty mission for Naruto while also on a seduction mission when he gets a little older their goal is to keep him in the village even get pregnant if they have to make sure that he remains loyal to the council as well as the village she shows it to Tsume who can't believe what she's reading then sees that it was done by the elders of the village and the third hokage.
Tsunade dismisses them saying that they will discuss the rest of this later they leave then summons Anko Kuernai Yugao and Hana to her office when they got there wandering what the meeting was about Tsunade dismissed her anbu then made sure that they couldn't escape by sealing the room completely also this makes sure that Danzo's root can't get in or out Kuernai is the one who speaks for the group asking why did you seal us in here and why are we here lady Tsunade.
Tsunade unleashes killing intent at the four kunoichi in front of surprising them then are shocked when she shows them the assignment that they agreed to do when Naruto graduated from the academy Tsunade growls at them saying it stops now whatever plans you idiots have drop them before i kill you all Hana asks why should we stop this mission he should be lucky that women as beautiful as us are even looking in his direction after hearing that Tsunade rushes toward Hana to kill her but the others barely restrain her and are about to lose their grip when she calms down.
Tsunade asks Hana why should he waste his time on a bitch like you when there are more beautiful women out there who won't toss him aside like garbage once they get what they want Hana gets pissed off then tries to attack Tsunade because she's describing what she does with every man she thinks isn't good enough for her however Anko can't say anything because she does the same thing the only one who isn't like that is Kuernai who refuses to even date a man let alone sleep with one.
Tsunade says to Kuernai you will never get near him with your man hating ways he's got enough problems or should i just convince him to let his hatred of all women continue to grow until he kills all of us hearing this Kuernai snorts derisively then asks what possible reason could he hate women it's not like we have ever done anything to him hearing this plus seeing her attitude makes Tsunade slap her sending her into the wall she gets out of the wall then looks at her hokage a little frightened.
She shakily asks why did you hit me Tsunade says i know all about you Kuernai you have family members from the hyuuga clan the uchiha clan the terumi clan the kurama clan and i know why you hate men but don't you dare use your father leaving your mother for another woman while on a mission which is what seduction missions are for to either capture your target , kill your target, or make them betray their village with the promise of the beauty seducing them but just because your father fell for a honeypot mission doesn't give you the right to treat someone who's the most hated person in the village like he should bow to your demands.
Naruto doesn't deserve the pain that you four will put him through Kuernai asks what did you mean when you said letting his hatred for women grow until it kills us all Tsunade sighs but then does a jutsu that summons another desk afterward she pulls out an S rank confidentiality document then has them sign it they do she says good now i can tell you without guilt 1 year ago several ninjas as well as villagers got together and kidnapped Naruto we spent forever trying to find him but when we did find him he was being tortured and raped by members of both sexes he wasn't even conscious they just kept going hoping it would kill the demon child.
Hearing this all of the ice queens wanted to throw up but Yugao remembers rescuing him but not seeing his condition as she was busy trying to keep those responsible from escaping even Anko didn't see how he was as she was busy hunting down ninja who helped them capture him everyone but one ninja was captured Ibiki broke them but not before learning that all of the smaller nations have banded together and wanted to capture Naruto so they could get him to work for them Anko says then you should have asked him he has no loyalty to this village just to the few people in it.
Tsunade says i'm not going to lie lets face it Naruto has less of a reason to fight for this village now than he ever did before also you four are just going to make matters worse especially because you don't know what it is that he needs Anko asks what makes you such an expert on him we've been in his life helping him traing him since he could use chakra you however have only been in his life for a year and change don't sit there acting all high and mighty when you were off getting drunk and gambling your life away.
Tsunade says wow you really don't know anything do you i'm the one who trained the head doctor that took care of him as well as the nurses he travels with as well as pay for his medical bills i've even made sure to purposely leave behind two techniques that i was sure he would eventually master once he found them in the shinobi library also i left behind information on medicine biology anatomy and the chakra network itself so he could understand his limits and know what not to do when training while Orochimaru left behind things of a more scientific nature.
Hearing this the four women start getting nervous Anko asks why are you talking about Orochimaru Tsunade says because we made a pact when Naruto was born that we would help guide him through this world and when the time came become his wives this shocks the other women in the room Kuernai asks why would you give yourself to a child who wasn't born yet i mean you're a beautiful woman you could have anyone you want Tsunade chuckles and says if you four knew what i know then you would be trying to fight me to be with Naruto but i'm not going to tell you anything.
Except this that your guys mission has been transferred to me effectively immediately if you so much as try to stop me or discuss what was spoken here today you will die thanks to the seals on your bodies at first they start freaking out then Anko asks will these seals kill us if we annoy you or taunt you she asks with a sly smirk Tsunade seeing what her angle is smirks then says no they won't but i'll gladly flatten you so that nobody will ever find any of you attractive again.
They admit defeat at that point after that Tsunade lets them go they begin leaving but Anko stays behind she makes sure that everyone else is gone before looking Tsunade in the eye and says we need to talk Tsunade says yes i guess we do so let's start with why are you still working for the woman who left you to die Anko sighs then says she's the only one who didn't try to sell me out or kill me because of who i used to be an apprentice to Tsunade says why don't you drop the act Anko we both know that you have been spying for her since he was born.
Tsunade says i already know about your deal with your former sensei and if you want me to grant your request then you will tell me everything to get close to him Anko sighs then pulls out a scroll with an orange swirl on it then says this will tell you everything you need to know about him including what his real IQ scores as well as how smart he really is Tsunade is surprised at what Anko has given her she opens the scroll inside of it is his:
jutsu he knows
taijutsu he learned
what weapons he learned to use
his favorite color
favorite food
and his bingo book entry which shocked her because she didn't even know that he did anything to get into the bingo book.
Tsunade looks at his bingo book entry and sees that he got a D rank for pranking fire country and his C rank was for wave country and the chunin exam finals as well as the invasion she looks at Anko then asks who all knows about this she smirks then says just our nation because of the daimyo wants to handle it personally so the rest of the world won't get this information unless he goes past C rank Tsunade sighs in relief.
Tsunade looks at Anko then reaches in her desk for a few minutes then pulls out a bottle of sake and two glasses pours both of them a glass then they drink it they enjoy a few more glasses before Tsunade asks why did you accept this mission if you care about him Anko sighs then says because if naichan and i didn't do it then they would assign some woman who would seduce him get knocked up and then kill him afterwards.