Tsunade is sitting behind her desk sighing at how she keeps having to do paperwork she stops doing it to take a break then she felt something in her mind so she activates the privacy seals opens up her mind and Orochimaru is talking to her telepathically with the help of seals Tsunade does the same she aks what do you want rochi she says tsuna i've contacted you today because i think that i've made a huge mistake Tsunade asks what kind of mistake Orochimaru says i put the girl who we used to seduce him for us when he was captured on his trail.
Tsunade says that doesn't seem so bad i mean our goals are to conquer the elemental nations and carry Naruto's children Orochimaru says i glimpsed into her mind she doesn't care what we want only making sure that Naruto is hers she's already working on a way to either get rid of my cursed seal or make it so it only works for her Tsunade aaks what about our goals Orochimaru sighs then says she will let us have his children but that's it.
Tsunade says if you look at our agreements word for word it doesn't say anything about actually marrying him just that we have to get him to have kids with us Orochimaru is livid then asks what was the point of marking him if all I have to do is seduce him enough to get in my bed Tsunade says because of what he's been through he doesn't really trust anyone except Anko and Shizune but he only views them as siblings also there's more important things that we have to talk about Orochimaru asks like what Tsunade says like the fact that every ninja program wants him now that he's a chunin including the Shinobi Guardians as well as the Frire Monks and the Samurai of Iron have shown an interest then there's the Niju Shotai to name a few.
Orochimaru whistles impressed then asks do you really think that he can handle guarding all 5 nations like that Tsunade says honestly idk but i do know that they will train him for the job also there's something else we need to discuss like our teammate wants to take Naruto on a training trip in 3 years time for 2 years Orochimaru says send him to my village i'll train him for the 3 years until Jiraiya shows up besides I think he will like learning sound based jutsu Tsunade asks what happened to your genin that participated in the chunin exams Orochimaru says I saved them from Kabuto healed them up put his own teammates as the sacrifices for the jutsu instead of my own even the soldiers were his that he trained himself I made sure to put a ? on their head bands instead of the sound symbol.
Tsunade chuckles a little bit then frowns she says despite getting rid of Kabuto you used him to figure out where we were vulnerable in case you wanted to invade us again I mean his whole invasion plan was yours Orochimaru says true but without me or my men they stood no chance against the Kazekage who is still alive just poisoned and is being healed as we speak because i gave them the right way to fix it he should recover in about a month Tsunade says good I'll send Naruto to you in about a week Orochimaru nods then stops the converstaion Tsunade summons Anko to her office.
She comes to Tsunade's office asks what's up boss lady with a smirk Tsunade says there's a chance of having a treaty with the sound village but you're not going to like it Anko raises an eyebrow in curiosity then asks what do i have to do Tsuande says you have to go there with Naruto for 3 years if you do I'll do what your old master promised you actually what did she promise you Anko pulls out a scroll hands it to Tsunade then says make this permanant and not temporary and I'll do whatever you want also I'd like your permission for something Tsunade raises her eyebrow then asks what's that?
Anko blushes then says I want to be with Shizune Tsunade chuckles then says that's upto her not me but if you're looking for my blessing you have it and if this scroll is what i think it is then you want me to make it able to do what the real thing can do Anko nods Tsunade sighs then says it's never been done before and if I even want to have chance at this I'm going to need to look at the Uzumaki version of this jutsu Anko asks why are there two versions Tsuande says because the regular version was only used for females like Kurenai but to the extreme that they only wanted women.
The Uzumaki version was created to not only help regular kunoichi keep up with them but dominate them in bed and eventually according to the stories i've heard about get them pregnant Anko's eyes widen upon hearing this then asks where do we find the Uzumaki version at Tsunade says in Uzu of course and if you want that scroll then you need to convince a certain whiskered blonde to let you have it Anko says he probably doesn't even know about his Uzumaki heritage Tsunade pauses then says you might be right for now we'll put this on hold work on gaining his trust and making him stronger.
Anko nods then leaves she finds Naruto training in the Forest of Death Anko walks upto Naruto then says come on Gaki we have a mission to go on he stops his training dispels his clones heads to his apartment seals away everything important then meets her at the village gates she takes him to the sound village there they meet Orochimaru who is a really beautiful woman but he doesn't like the feeling he gets when he looks at her so she has her ninja Tayuya Kin and Guren train him together they teach him all of the sound based jutsu there is including the ones that Dosu uses as well as Zaku including how to use musical notes to cause internal damage and sound based genjutsu.
During the 4 years Naruto signed the fox contract so he could summon foxes reason was because they have some sound based attacks as well as new ways of doing illusions and they also have elemental techniques that mesh with his own so he spent 1.5 years mastering everything his summons taught him and even using collaboration jutsu he even learned their sage mode during this time he mastered it completely only thing that he can't fix no matter what is the 4 minutes it takes to gather energy for it even with clones 4 minutes is the best he can do but the kitsune clan helped him prepare clones in advance that are in their realm gathering nature energy through fuinjutsu he can summon a clone and use sage mode.
The problem being is that he can only do 3 clones at once anymore might put too much strain on his body as well as his chakra network during this time Anko also trained him in various things assassination espionage infiltration trap making survival taijutsu genjutsu ninjutsu how to use a sword properly due to her anbu training she knows how to use a variety of weapons she also helped him improve his speed and strength to that of a jounin as did the other 3 he was training with when not teaching sound jutsu they also pushed him to his limit to make him stronger.
Also during this time Naruto was sent on missions to get experience as a chunin he mostly did C rank and B rank missions as well as a few A rank missions he also was sent on low level bounty hunting missions taking out F rank shinobi upto D rank shinobi also he was sent against a few crime lords and got made to fight mercenaries as well as ronin and bandits after he completed all of his missions he still had 2 years left to train but instead was sent to the Niju Shotai once there they continued his training and taught him how to do his job as well as prepare him for his chosen job after this which was the Guardian Shinobi 12.
His days were spent guarding the border of all 5 nations so nobody could invade everyday after his shift he was trained relentlessly his only days off were Saturday and Sunday other than his nonstop routine nothing happened for 2 years he did as he was told and trained to his heart's content improving on all of his flaws like being horrible at genjutsu but with help and lots of training he can now detect dispel and cast A rank genjutsu but that's his limit no matter how much he trains he can't go any further his kenjutsu and taijutsu are a force to reckoned with his ninjutsu his almost at Anbu level.
After 2 years with the Niju shotai he was offered two positions one with the samurai of Iron or Guardian shinobi of all nations Naruto says both i will spend 2 years training and doing both jobs also after I'm done I will travel for awhile they nod in understanding after that he decides to head to the Land of Iron first to train as a samurai and learn how they utilize chakra also better his kenjutsu skills not only that but maybe he can learn chakra flow as he learned a rumor that they use it in their attacks it's one of the only techniques he hasn't learned other than shape manipulation those are the last two chakra control techniques he has to master other than medical ninjutsu chakra control techniques.
Once Naruto makes it to the land of Iron he hears how Hanzo of the Salamander and Mist are in civil wars he frowns then continues on he gets to the gates shows his visitor's pass they let him through several checkpoints it's not until he gets to Mifune mansion that he has to surrender his possessions he uses killing intent on the entire mansion making it shake creak and rumble the samurai inside are freaking out the ones who asked are about to attack when Mifune comes to see who could generate such a powerful and potent killer intent he finds a child who looks like he's not even 18 years old being harassed by his men trying to take everything he owns as well as make him strip right in the doorway.
Mifune says enough before someone gets killed the samurai just smirk behind their masks and uses a haughty body posture that Mifune recognizes from aristocrats he can see that their about to comment snidely and cockily he decides to study the young man and he's a little nervous seeing that the young man was already in the quick draw stance for batojutsu he even had his hand on his sword ready to use it he even had his thumb on his hilt ready to go he looks back and noticed that several of his more experienced samurai had already left the room which was wise considering that this young man was about slaughter everyone wearing armor.
Mifune says allow me to correct those of you who have not noticed that it's not the young man in front of you that would have died but those foolish enough to make him draw his sword which from I can feel he only uses it to practice with which means that his other sword that is currently on his hip must be the one that he uses for those foolish enough to not know the difference between bravery and stupidity he says young man I'm sorry why don't you grab your stuff and we'll meet in my office.
Naruto follows him in silence after getting to the office he sees that there is a bald guy with a green shuriken next to the desk who walks up to him and says I'm sorry to say that before I let you near him I'm going to need your sword Naruto hands over his Katana his kunai pouch and shuriken holster the guy nods then escorts him to the desk he sits down hands Mifune the items who looks through the pouch first and is amazed by how organized it is and how much is in the same for the shuriken holster then he checks the katana and sees that apart from it being chakra metal there's nothing special about it he asks so who are you and what brings you here.
Naruto hands him a scroll detailing who he is along with his record as well as who he just finished training with Mifune is impressed that someone this young was a memeber of the Niju Shotai once he finishes reading the scroll Mifune understands why he is here Naruto is to train with them for 2 years then head to the Guardian Shinobi 60 which are responsible for guarding all 5 daimyo's of all 5 nations like with the regular guardian Shinobi they get a white sash with a dark greyish-blackish circle with the symobol 忍 but they only get to choose from 10 colors :
Naruto smiles then says let's begin after he said that 2 years later Mifune introduced him to several different teachers one on survival, kenjutsu, chakra manipulation, chakra flow, elemental manipulation, aikido, samurai techniques for energy blade attacks, meditation, and how to not only care for his blade but how to forge one the next thing he decides to do is go join the Guardian Shinobi 60 he gets there without incident after giving the ninja in charge everything he has done for the passed 4 years they take him right away they still train him for his job and how to work in a team instead of always fighting by himself they also put his body through rough conditioning after having him master his elemental jutsu to the point that even an A rank jutsu barely uses any chakra and only needs 9 hand seals instead of the normal double digit ones.
They also taught him one handed seals as well as how to fight against multiple opponents in fact ever since joining their ranks that's all he's done is fight two or more enemies at once reason being is that Jiraiya told them to train him that way to prepare for Akatsuki they also taught him the value of being in a long fight and how to properly judge which jutsu and which tactics were best in long confrantation if it ever came down to it also they taught him how to utilize his pranking in a life or death situation and how to trap his enemies even under under attack also how to use every environment to his advantage his final lesson before his time with them came to an end was how to detect poisons and other toxins in his food and drinks as well as how to neutalize them in his body and even build up an immunity to most toxins as well as most sedatives and paralytics.
Meanwhile during all of this Anko is getting her ass chewed out for letting Naruto leave to those places before he was ready and for letting him leave at all she just sighs then takes it from both Tsunade and Orochimaru who's connection to Naruto is getting weaker with each passing day which worries her and she knows that if she tries to strengthen the connection it could have a negative impact on his body but she doesn't care after some thought she decides that she won't let that redhead have him so she tries making it stronger only to get a surge through the mark signaling that his allegiance isn't with her anymore infact he's looking for away to get rid of his mark she sighs then tries to seduce Naruto only to get thrown back in a powerful shockwave.
when she gets to her feet to see what made that happen she's shocked to see the astral form of Fuuka standing before her with a smirk on her face then says thank you Orochimaru for giving me access to his curse mark thanks to you Naruto will be mine now instead of a curse mark I will change it to a mate mark and claim him for myself but I haven't forgotten our deal Tsunade and yourself can still have his children just not in the way you intended Orochimaru asks what do you mean Fuuka says instead of bedding him you two will be inseminated with his sperm but don't worry if you still desire sex I can accomodate you as I've mastered the Uzumaki futa jutsu before I even set eyes on Naruto Orochimaru says not possible not even Mito Uzumaki could master that jutsu as she was almost driven insane with lust everytime she used it.
fuuka chuckles then says trust me I already have read Mito's notes on the jutsu including where she went wrong and what she was planning to do to improve it but sadly she died before she could implement her ideas but after mastering every Reaper justu including doing everything the scrolls said I went to Uzushiogakure and mastered every jutsu there then once my memory was good enough to memorize every scroll and book I burned them so they couldn't be used against me or against Naruto but thanks to the ancestors there I was granted every jutsu fighting style and all of their knowledge including everything written down then they made sure that nobody but Naruto and I could enter the Island.