Chereads / The Sound Fox / Chapter 8 - Chapter 7

Chapter 8 - Chapter 7

Meanwhile Anko and Tsunade are talking in her office back in the sound village Fuuka and Orochimaru are having a discussion of their own regarding Naruto Orochimaru asks why did you use the futa jutsu on him instead of just using a mental jutsu to seduce him she sighs then says i wanted to but our intel was telling us that the leaf village was closing in and i wanted him to always remember me no matter what.

She says plus when used right the futa jutsu can be used to form a mental link with the other person i'm just waiting for him to accept me into his mind so i can get him away from that village Orochimaru says i should tell you something Tsunade and i are in an arranged marriage to him from his parents and our parents Fuuka asks is there anyone else who has a similar arrangement Orochimaru thinks then sighs and says yes there is one from the terumi clan that's if she hasn't given herself to someone else also there is someone from the hidden cloud but idk if she's even aware of her betrothal to him. 

After saying that Orochimaru pauses then is worried that some other leaf village ninja will seduce him before Tsunade can or she can or even Fuuka can with this in mind she looks Fuuka up and down then asks if i gave you the time and resources could you seduce him properly so he will do what Tsunade and i want Fuuka says yes but you have to understand his mental defenses even without the Kyuubi are exceptionally strong it will take more than lust to get past those although when we kidnapped him i was close to breaking him but not making him fall in love with me just subservient.

Orochimaru says ok here's what's going to happen you will become a ninja of Nadeshiko then you will become it's ruler by any means necessary also the current princess of the village you must absorb her so her powers and titles pass to you in order to do that here is a jutsu used by a clan of soul eaters there are more but this one will work for now it's called the reaper kiss jutsu with it you can suck out the life force of your target also here is the second jutsu the body absorbtion jutsu these are the first out of 9 very deadly and very powerful jutsu no one has ever found the others.

Fuuka practices both jutsu on Orchimaru's weaker ninja's before she starts using it on members of the bingo book starting from D rank and working her way up to A rank she starts with women it turns out that there are only a grand total of 5,000 female ninja in the bingo book world wide going from the lowest rank to the highest rank it doesn't matter she tracks them down and adds their powers to her own making her the strongest ninja in the world but doing this to get every woman on the list will take 4 years to complete she just hopes that nothing happens between now and then.

While this is going on in a cave in the middle of nowhere 9 figures were discussing how to move forward after their failed attempt to capture the 9 tails it was going smoothly until that woman interfered in their plans the leader who has purple ringed eyes he closes his eyes then reaches out to said woman she responds mentally he asks is everything proceeding as planned Fuuka she says yes brother it is soon i'll have that boy willing to do anything i say but remember your promise he must not die from the extraction if your intent is to kill him then i'll just kill the other biju containers now.

 Pain sighs then asks why are you so fixated on this boy he's nothing special she laughs then says you have no idea do you he's more special than you he just doesn't know yet he hails from an ancient royal bloodline as do i despite the other women after him he will be mine in fact i might as well prepare him for you guys while i'm seducing him Pain says that wasn't part of the deal Konan says actually it was the deal that i made with her in exchange for you being able to reproduce again.

Konan sighs after they talk about how they should go after the biju instead of building their war chest or training she says here's what we're going to do in 4 years we're going to go after the biju while that is happening we're going to test ourselves by taking jobs and hunting bounties but only the most vile of criminals not those who made a name for themselves also stay away from the 5 great nations during this time there are plenty of smaller nations to work for the only exception is Suna but leave their jinchuriki alone we can't afford a war just yet also while working for Suna our fee will be the same as a D rank mission.

This makes everyone frown but Juzo asks why are you going to have us do all of this Konan sighs then rakes a hand over her face the other members look at her puzzled as does their supposed leader she says the reason is because we know nothing of the smaller nations beyond what everyone else is taught in a ninja or civilian academy if we are to be hunting biju then we need to know more than just the 5 great nations or am i wrong also for someone who's supposedly obsessed with money i thought that you would appreciate this Kakazu he asks what do you mean she smirks then says once we have mapped out everything.

We're going to rob every nation blind of all of their money but i guess you don't love money as much as you claim to i guess i'll see if i can't seduce the 9 tails to do it for me this made Kakazu mad then he says no besides i thought your sister was going after him Konan says she is but right now she's making herself stronger so she can subdue him with ease also when the time comes i'm supposed to help her persuade the boy to give up on the idea of being in a ninja village anymore not even as it's kage.

Unknown to everyone there this conversation has been sent to jiraiya who sent it to Tsunade she doesn't care just as long as she gets to have Naruto's child she will be happy with that the meeting adjourns and everyone goes about their tasks except Konan who contacts Fuuka she asks whats up sis Konan says i have a few traitors in my group Deidera is selling our secrets to the hidden stone Juzo is doing the same with the hidden mist and Itachi is feeding information to the leaf but the worst traitor of all is myself i'm only doing any of this for revenge against Tobi.

Fuuka says don't worry i'll make sure that once the toad pervert takes him on a training trip in a couple years i'll lure him away then make him forget about everything in that village Konan says remember that series of jutsu that Orocihmaru gave you is dangerous but if you find the right one any man will be yours with just a kiss also there's even one that will allow you to enter his mind no matter his defenses but unless he trusts you all you will get is a bunch of nothing.

She asks where are the rest of the jutsu Konan says one is at Nadeshiko , one is at the mist village ,one is at the land of demons , the land of iron, one is at the valley of the end, one is at the land of snow/spring, the final one is at the hidden waterfall Fuuka asks which one should i get first her sister says the hidden waterfall Fuuka heads there as she's only an hour away from it it doesn't take her long to seduce the guards on the outside then kill them and absorb them so the entrance recognizes her chakra signature after that she scours the village she finds all of their treasure including the hero water she doesn't steal all of it because she can't.

The hero water has an unlimited supply so she fills up a containment scroll with it then takes the scroll she was looking for it's a shape shifting justsu this one is different from the transformation jutsu with this new one you can shift into anyone or anything without doujutsu users or sensors figuring out that you are wearing a disguise but there's a down side after so many uses you will be stuck in that form you shifted into for an entire day and if you shift into someone of the opposite gender you will permanently become that gender if you engage in sexual acts of any kind.

Fuuka heads to the land of spring/snow then finds the scroll that she was looking for as well as absorbs a snow ninja who got in her way she never drains their chakra to kill them anymore she just does it to the point that they can't fight back then absorbs them this next scroll was the perfect one it's about using chakra natures that aren't yours including kekkei genkai she practices with every person's chakra nature that she has absorbed so far it's really taxing but she gets the hang of it in 6 months while tracking down more female bingo book targets and more scrolls.

Meanwhile back in the leaf village Naruto is in the forest of death pushing himself as hard as he can so nothing will ever hurt him again his team could careless about his absence in fact they prefer it the only reason Kakashi trained him at all was because Naruto had anbu watching him if not for that then he wouldn't have bothered at all with the joint training thing for the chunin exams after the exams were over he completely ignored Naruto and beat him up anytime he even remotely asked for training the rest of his team was the same way only worse anytime they had a bad day or things didn't go their way they would use him as a punching bag.

After the last beating he received he decided that enough was enough he would no longer go to his team for training he tried the other teams but the boys took it as he was trying to steal their female teammates from them so they attacked him too after some trial and error he actually got used to the way that they fought and beat them in spars but didn't hurt them beyond a bruise he didn't even use clones or any other jutsu not even substitution he just used his own speed and strength against them he only used chakra to block their jutsu or redirect their attacks once they threw weapons at him.

Each team he sparred against the stronger he became he didn't just stop at the teams close to his age group he kept going until he beat the strongest chunin team the only ones who didn't fight him were the girls on each team which was surprising but he ignored it once he made it back to his own team he could tell that something was wrong with the atmosphere surrounding his teams training ground every instinct he had was screaming at him to run his curiosity got the best of him but not stupidity trusting his instincts he created several clones then had them explore the training ground while he transformed into a bird that normally hunts in this area.

Each clone spreads out they scour the entire training ground even the surrounding woods they find several traps quite a few of them are designed to weaken their target physically the others are designed to maim/kill while the rest drains a person of their chakra he seals up each trap without setting them off once every trap has been taken care off his clones return to the center where his team is waiting for him everyone except Sakura is there which is the same thing that happened to every team he visited their female members were absent he wonders what's going on.

Sasuke attacks the clones without saying a word he just nods at Kakashi not even wanting to get caught the bird form of Naruto flew away as soon as those two arrived he didn't stop flying until he made it to his camp in the forest of death only one person in the village knows where to find him and that's Anko but she would never sell him out at least he hopes not back with Sasuke and his clones Sasuke tries to fight one of them but it dodges everything he throws at it including jutsu also it blocks every punch or kick with ease even redirects the attacks to throw him off balance.

While watching this battle Kakashi realizes that the clone isn't even fighting back it's just using defensive techniques in fact the more he watches this battle while recording it the clone is doing everything it van to avoid hurting Sasuke when he was about to speak out loud another clone walked up to him and asked how long have you been spying for the council or for Root Kakashi is taken back by his question but just eye smiles saying mah mah Naruto i think you're being paranoid no one is out to get you.

The Naruto clone laughs at Kakashi for a few minutes loud enough for Sasuke to hear who stops fighting then looks back at them thinking that's the real Naruto he throws a kunai laced with poison on the blade that not even Kyuubi can heal without medical attention seeing the blade incoming the clone redirects the blade back at Sasuke which surprised both Kakashi and Sasuke who just dodged it but the clone next to Kakashi smirks as if saying that killing him won't work.

Then says paranoid yeah right me thinking that everyone in this village wants to kill me is the only reason why i'm still alive it also means that i've never trusted anyone in this village there's only two people i trust and no i'm not saying who so you two idiots can round up a mob to try and get rid of them after all that's why you set this whole thing up ne Kakashi the traps Sasuke attacking me the video camera still recording me as i'm speaking which even though Sasuke threw that kunai first you'll edit the video to where it shows me doing it not him gotta protect the princess's image don't we.

Kakashi frowns at him then shuts the recording off knowing that everything including Naruto disabling the traps was on video he looks at his neglected hated student then asks since when are you so smart the clone gasps then says sarcastically oh no the demon has a brain it must perish what's next the demon can defend himself lets gut him Kakashi sighs not really sure how to respond to that statement because that's how every civilian then the clone asks how do you have any strength or intelligence did it just magically appear or did you have to work for it also look underneath the underneath and you'll get your answer.

Kakashi was starting to hate how smart this child is in fact he's even smarter than he was at that age but he thinks about this particular child's situation for a minute puts himself in his shoes then says you used deception and misdirection to make sure that everyone still saw you as weak and stupid until the chunin exams that is he says even though you graduated in the middle of your class your records say that you're the dead last of your class who failed 3 times and just barely passed also your dossier says that your abilities are the weakest in the village.

The Naruto clone gives nothing away but asks this put yourself in my shoes what would you have done i know it's probably a crime to do what your suggesting which i'm not going to confirm or deny but if i did do what your saying then it was a matter of survival and nonone has my real records because i made sure to completely erase them from existence even how smart i really am what the rest of the world doesn't know won't hurt me just them when i either cut their throats or they lose their head for underestimating me.

Kakashi shivers at his murderous glare then thinks to himself what have we done to this child but he says i'm not going to turn you in for altering your records after all you didn't touch anybody else's except yours so no harm done the clone says just this once while i'm in a good mood i'll let your pet Uchiha get away with trying to kill me next time he tries i'll tear the both of you limb from council or no council and tell that fool Danzo to stop pussy footing around already if he's going to try recruiting me better send his lackeys soon or i'll hunt him down and finish what i started during the invasion.

After that every clone vanished in a poof of smoke surprising Sasuke but not Kakashi who had used chakra detection and realized that the real one was long gone before they got here which was smart Sasuke asks what kind of clones are these he's used them before but never stated what they were Kakashi says they are shadow clones they are used for spying and infiltration it's a jutsu created by the second hokage the technique is both a forbidden jutsu and a B rank jutsu available to jounin Sasuke asks what makes it forbidden Kakashi says that its a few things but if you want a list here goes:

chakra intensive

memory feedback





Sasuke asks what does this mean Kakshi says what makes it weird is the fact that when you summon lots of clones they can have their own traits and personalities what makes it useful is that you can use them to read any book you want and once they dispel you'll get everything that they read back to you also even if you use them to learn jutsu you will get their fatigue as well and once they dispel you get their memories but dispelling too many at once can either kill you or put you into a coma it's why the multiple shadow clone jutsu is the forbidden one also just to learn the basic jutsu you have to have jounin level chakra reserves