Chereads / The Sound Fox / Chapter 4 - Chapter 3

Chapter 4 - Chapter 3

After spending 4 years with Anko while going to the Academy he's coming along nicely he's been keeping in shape also he is practicing his kunai and shuriken throwing it does it so much that he can hide how good he really is he also practices his survival skills those being hunting and trap making.

The villagers recognize him so they start attacking him again he doesn't know how to deal with this so he puts on a "Mask" screaming that he'll become Hokage in fact he becomes loud and obnoxious then goes around pulling pranks on essentially the whole village including the anbu his pranks get more elaborate and creative as time goes on he gets so good that he doesn't even get caught anymore all of this is going on while he's in the academy and he's not just pranking the Leaf Village he has pranked all of Fire country he's become known as " The Prankster King of Hell" he even has a bingo book entry.

Name: Naruto Uzumaki

Age: 8 

Rank: D

Affilliation: Konoha

Alias: Prankster King of Hell

Wanted By: Fire country

Bounty: 90,000 Ryo

Wanted : Only Alive 

The third cringed a little when he saw that his friends son already had an entry in the bingo book meanwhile across the world people were laughing their asses off when it listed the pranks that Naruto got away with like dying the dainyos palace orange and his clothes hot pink even the most hardened killers like Kakazu , Orochimaru , The Akatsuki and the other nations couldn't help but chuckle at his list of pranks they also couldn't help but be impressed with his achievements this was short lived because things went back to business as usual after the bingo book entry 2 years passed and Naruto graduated from the academy in the middle of his class he made all of his scores average and he was actually thankful for Mizuki being in his class the last 2 years so his score would be getting lower due to bias against him despite passing every test with average scores it was only the ninjutsu portion he failed because of the Clone Jutsu

After that Mizuki came to him said that there was a secret test he could take he knew it was a lie but he did it anyway he was tasked with taking the forbidden scroll now instead of just learning the first Jutsu he saw he made sure to bring plenty of scrolls to copy what was on the Forbidden scroll because Mizuki said that he would meet him in a few hours so he opened the scroll and began reading the jutsus in the scroll are as follows:

Shadow Clone Jutsu

Exploding Shadow Clone

Multiplying Paper Bombs

Edo Tensei

Flying Raijin

Reaper Death Seal

Bringer of Darkness

Elemental Armor

Dragon Fist /Dragon Claw Sword Style


Barrier Techniques

Super Strength Technique

Wood Style jutsus 

He copied the shadow clone Jutsu a few others the only one he can do right now is the multiplying paper bombs he practices it after putting the scrolls away Mizuki finds him as does Iruka they fight while Iruka is unconscious Naruto injured Mizuki to where he'll never walk again after that incident it was discovered that Mizuki tampered with Naruto 's tests and due to his average score he has to be placed in the reserves until he could get a team well 3 months later after doing D ranks he did the problem was that everyone on his team hated him on their first real mission everyone but him died it went like this him doing D ranks to low C ranks as long as he was kept in the Fire country he would have a small anbu team watching him but he always completed his missions.

It's been 3 years since he graduated from the Shinobi Academy he's been on several missions been on a dozen teams all who have died he's also helped several Genin, Chunin and Jounin on missions over the years doing so has allowed him to go on the B rank Missions the Hokage Tells him that he's in luck because there's a new crop of graduates from Academy this year that are quite promising he says " I know that you don't want to go do this again but if you're in the reserves any longer i might have to reevaluate keeping you in the Shinobi Forces" Naruto goes to the Academy before school opens hands Iruka his paper like normal sits in the back of the class by the window lays his head down and sleeps until its time.

A couple hours later students begin filing in the room later 2 girls make a huge noise and almost break not only each other but the door trying to get to their crush eventually the pink haired girl sits next to her crush by beating up the other would be competition her blonde hair rival sits in the middle of the class not before spotting someone new in class that she's never seen before she was about to go talk to him when Iruka came in the classroom telling everyone to settle down so he can do teams are as follows: 

Team 1.....

Team 7 : Sakura Haruno Sasuke Uchia Naruto Uzumaki

Team 8 : Kiba Inuzuka Hinata Hyuuga Shino Aburame

Team 10: Ino Yamanaka Choji Ackimichi Shikimaru Nara 

"Your sensei's will pick you up in an hour I'm proud of you guys and I'm also glad to say that this is the best group of students I've ever taught " after that he left the room before that he glanced at his worst student with disappointment and anger then went about his day it wasn't lost on the rest of the class that their teacher was glaring at the kid in the back no one knew who he was after snooping the academy records they found out he graduated 3 years ago got average scores on everything including his final exams and was put in the reserves his new teammates aren't happy that they are getting someone so average but it's not up to them.

An hour passes the sensei's collect their students all except one school opens at 7:30 am it took them until 9 to go through everything it was 10 when they came their sensei doesn't show up for another 2 hours he tells them to wake their teammate and meet him on the roof they do and he turns to smoke he has been on the roof the entire time reading as soon as he senses someone coming he hides his book puts on his goofy face waits for his the first to arrive is Kakashi who is surprised that his new student is already up there 30 minutes later the rest of the team arrives pissed that their teammate is already up there so Sakura screams at Naruto for making her look for him then hits him.

They introduce themselves he tells them about the test the next morning Naruto arrives before everyone else sets traps everywhere then waits for his team they arrive Kakashi arrives at 10 instead of the agreed upon 7am tells them that they have to get the bells from him by noon or no lunch everyone but Naruto hides he's standing in front of Kakashi "He asks aren't you going to hide or move the test has begun " Naruto shrugs reaches in his pouch Kakashi tenses then sweatdrops when Naruto pulls out a book and starts reading once he sees the title he almost wants to snatch it away from him because it was the same book he almost read before joining the anbu years ago " How A Shinobi Should Die" in order for him to get the test underway he attacks Naruto at low Genin speeds who despite reading his book manages to parry every blow that is until his new teacher uses high genin speeds which forces him to put his book away fight seriously and both end up in a draw at low chunin Kakashi along with his teammates are surprised at how strong he is after that he tests the other 2 who ends up disappointing him overall they pass they're test the next few months they do teamwork exercises , codenames , hand signals to communicate , physical exercises , drills on obstacle courses , chakra control exercises and D ranks.

The team was pleased with their progress so was the Hokage so much so that he even didn't argue with them after they completed 25 D ranks he gave them a total of 12 C ranks that they loved doing it went from document delivery to bandit camps their new mission is one that takes them to the Land of Waves their new client Tazuna a drunk bridge builder on the way their they see a puddle out of that puddle jumps out 2 guys with claws and maks they seemingly kill Kakashi go for the bridge builder Naruto and Sasuke stop them they continue with the mission after finding out about Gatou on the way there they see the massive bridge Tazuna is building later they get attacked by Zabuza 

After getting everyone to Tazuna house they spend a week waiting on Zabuza to recover and doing the tree climbing exercise while also protecting Tazuna and his family the day of the attack 2 men comes to the house trying to kidnap Tsunami and Inari Naruto doesn't waste time he just kills them then he runs to the bridge helps to defeat Haku and Zabuza who gives his blade and a key to him along with some final words that tells him where he keeps everything Naruto sneaks out goes deep into the woods goes to Gatous bases first cleans it out of everything including his business documents puts them in a scroll then goes to Zabuza hideout to the far side of the country in a cave he finds a locked metal door he opens it inside there's 4 rooms labeled as followed: 


Jutsu Library



He went into the bounty room first because he's never heard of anything like that before once he steps inside they're is every bingo book that has ever been published he seals them up moves onto the Vault takes all of the money from it same as the other 2 rooms the Jutsu Library one he made sure to make copies of every single scroll he also made sure to keep certain scrolls for himself like the silent killing , hidden mist , killing intent, 7 swordsman scrolls , Hakus hunternin scroll, water prison, water needle , one handed signs, and water vortex after that he locks this place up throws the key inside close the heads back to tazuna house the next day everyone is curious what that key went to Naruto not realizing how evil his team really is shows his team the armory scroll needless to say they keep the strongest weapons for themselves then give the rest to the village they cant do that with the other scrolls because they're given to the Hokage along with the Gatou scrolls they get alot from this mission