It was a cold and rainy night when a 2 year old Naruto was tossed out of the orphanage only to never be let back in he didn't understand what was going on but knew that he had to get somewhere warm as he was getting cold so he crawled until he found a trashcan to hide in that was completely empty in fact this trashcan looked so old that nobody used it anymore or even knew where it was but he knew that he couldn't stay there or he would be found so he got out of it then left the village until he came upon a gate that he never say before.
Not knowing what it was he tried to find a way inside he got lucky and found a hole big enough for him to squeeze through after that he crawled his way through the forest until he found a cave then fell asleep while this was going on the villagers were searching for him trying to see if they could get lucky and finally kill him but they couldn't find him anywhere a ninja in their group found his trail but after finding the trashcan his trail disappeared it's like he vanished that's when he realized it's pouring down rain so his trail must have got washed away.
The next morning the anbu assigned to watch Naruto couldn't find him in fact once they went to his old room in the orphanage grabbed a shirt before it was tossed out they went back to their squad leader before that weasel used his sharingan to interrogate the orphanage staff while recording what they said with a jutsu then they shunshin to the Hokage with their report while dog uses his summoning dogs to track his scent the arrive in his office.
The Hokage is doing paperwork when they arrive looking worried he activates the seals in his office then asks "whats wrong "the anbu play what they got from the staff at the orphanage about how they were purposefully starving Naruto beating him cutting him burning him and poisoning him the Hokage can't believe what he's hearing in his head he's thinking this was not the plan however he looks at the anbu then asks "why are you here instead of looking for him" they say that dog is tracking him down".
Speaking of the dogs get Naruto's scent they run until they reach a forest with alot of weird looking trees and lots of strange animal sounds coming from it with a gate in front of it with kanji on it saying training Konoha's Training Ground #44 The Forest of Death Keep Out If You Value Your Life Pakkun barks Kakashi comes running he sees where they stopped a shiver rolls down his spine asks are you sure that he's in there of all places Pakkun says yes this is the place where his scent is coming from.
Kakashi sighs then jumps over the fence goes through the forest with Pakkun until they find Naruto they find him asleep in a cave surrounded by a bunch different types of preadators who are just using him as a pillow Kasashi takes a picture then slowly removes Naruto from them he also slowly leaves the cave and the forest until they reach the village again after that he shunshins to the Hokage's office he sets naruto down on the Hokage's couch puts him in a genjutsu so he won't wake up until it's dispelled.
Kakashi gives his report also mentions where he found the boy which surprises everyone until Kakashi shows them the picture he took which shocks everyone including the Hokage at how the animals were bonding to him but he found it weird that only the cat predators were bonding with him instead of the dog ones when asked about that Kakashi chuckles and says" they are there it's just that most wild dogs other than wolves don't get that big and only some wild cats get as big as in this picture".
The anbu asks" what do we do now we can't put him back in the orphange they'll just keep setting him up to get killed" the Hokage says "we give him his old parents apartment in fact the whole building will be in his name as well as the rest of the empty buildings that are falling apart in that district" Yugao asks how can we do that to a 2 year old make him pay taxes on something or rent when he can't even read write walk or even talk yet" the Hokage sighs then says" he won't do that stuff until he becomes a ninja".
4 years Later
Over the years Naruto had to learn how to walk run talk read and write all on his own to help with his education he would steal books and scrolls from the trash of the various clans in the village as well as the regular ninja he would also go the training grounds wait after a week then find training manuals training weights weapons jutsu scrolls he didn't keep this stuff in his apartment not with it being broke into every week no he kept it in a bunker that he found two years ago on the outskirts of the village.
Just a little past the red light district is place that nobody seems to go to while looking around his foot hit a metal door he opened it waited for the traps to go off then he threw stuff down there to set off the rest of the traps it worked he covered his face with a gas mask he found nearby deactivated the security measures then was amazed when he went to the library part of the bunker and found scrolls on:
He decided that this place would be his new base but he also decides that the big door to get in here is kind of obvious so he looks for another way out he doesn't find one not even on the schematics but he does see a good place to build one in the back right in a cubby that's meant to be used for storage but was never used so Naruto begins studying every construction manual he can get his hands on until he's able to do that it he finally did it made a second door way and passage way out side without any problems also he puts in some different traps as well as different security measures and erases any mark or other thing left behind by the previous owner.
He seals the big front door shut then camouflages it to blend in with the environment so it just looks like part of the ground he even uses a seal to make sure that it looks feels and sounds that way too he puts those on the bottom of the door so they don't get washed away after that he makes sure to go to a training ground to work on unlocking his chakra he sits there for a few hours until he finally finds it then he tries to let it flow naturally however it just shoots out and overwhelms him sending a big blue light that can be seen by everyone.
The Hokage comes running with some ninja when he sees Naruto surrounded by a pillar of blue chakra he can tell right away that this his chakra not the Kyuubi's once he shakes himself off from the shock he walks up to the boy then says" concentrate focus on letting it flow through your body instead of trying to control it" Naruto does as he was told after 30 minutes of doing that he passes out which doesn't surprise anyone after taking him back to his apartment he stays there until the boy wakes up.
Naruto wakes up a few hours later sees the hokage sitting on his bed then he says "Naruto i think it's time that you were given something from your parents" Naruto is shocked to hear that before he can say anything the Hokage puts up a hand to stop him before you ask"yes i know they are no i can't tell you yet it's not that i don't want to it was their wish that if anything happened to them that you not find out your heritage until you made chunin".
Naruto had to respect that also the Hokage reached into his robes pulled out 4 items he says two of these are from your parents and the other two are from me to help you with your ninja training he sees 3 books and one scroll he looks at the first title:
Beginners guide to chakra control
Beginners guide to physical conditioning
Sensor's guide to find your target
A complete understanding and mastery of chakra chains
He looked at the hokage as he was reading the title to the scroll and asked is something like this even possible making something out of chakra the Hokage nods then makes a cube out of chakra he says" its called shape manipulation it's a jounin level skill it's said to be one of the last steps in chakra control training" Naruto looks at him for a minute then is hesitant because he doesn't trust the person in front of him but he asks it anyway.
"Is it possible to make a jutsu with shape manipulation with another type of ninja art like genjutsu for example" the Hokage thinks about it for awhile thinking if it would be possible to do that with other ninja arts in fact he's never thought of something so simple yet so complicated before he eyes Naruto immediately he can tell this kid will be a prodigy when he grows up he answers the 5 year old boy with " yes it is theoretically possible but practically it would be really hard to pull off in fact even I the professor could just barely do it but the only way i or anyone else can do it is with ninjutsu which is the easiest way to do it the others are too hard to pull off".
After they talk for a little while more the Hokage pulls out one more book from his robes that he thinks Naruto will like Fuinjutsu for Beginners Naruto is ecstatic upon receiving this book he tells Naruto that the first step in mastering fuinjutsu is having perfect handwriting after that he leaves he sees what time it is on the clock it being 3pm so he gets up gets out of his apartment heads back to his secret bunker to explore the rest of it when he gets there he finds a kitchen a gym a bedroom a room to practice jutsu and a weapons room but it only had the standard weapons:
Smoke bombs
Paper bombs (flash bomb)
Explosive tags
Ninja wire
A wooden target
the holsters to carry everything
After grabbing everything he decides it's time to train so he goes to the Forest of Death a place where he knows noone will follow him as he gets there he wonders which gate to enter but something is telling him to enter gate #21 he does comes to a clearing that has lots of trees which is good what's also good is plenty of flat land to exercise with a stream to drink and fish out of and a cave to sleep in he explores the cave thoroughly finds out that it's home to some big cats also it has lots of naturally growing jewels in the cave to him they just look like shiny rocks but to someone educated they are Emeralds Rubys Sapphires Topaz Diamonds Amethyst Moonstone Spinel Opal.
He leaves the cave then gets to training the first thing he does is put on training weights set each one at 5 pounds per limb then he starts doing the workout it says in the book first is running until he reaches 1 mile next is jumping jacks 30 of them 30 pull ups 30 push ups 30 situps 30 crunches 30 stretches finally followed by 30 handstand push ups and 30 leg lifts after doing all of that he rests for while then sets up his wooden target and begins practicing his throwing for the first hour he keeps missing not only the target but the tree as well after doing it some more he's able to hit the tree but that's it and by hit it he's only able to slightly clip it with the kunai.
After that he tries training in chakra control he does the leaf exercise but he can't get it to stick to him without blowing the leaf away or destroying it with his chakra he does this for a few hours but no progress he gives up for the day then heads back to the apartment he was on his way there when he noticed that he was walking by the training grounds he finds one with someone in it who makes a clone of themselves then fights that clone after beating it goes up in a puff of smoke this time he creates 4 more clones Naruto didn't stick around instead he just went to bed after that.
The next morning he goes to his bunker then tries that jutsu it takes a few tries but he's able to summon 900 clones he smirks then says i want 100 of you to read every bit of reading material in this bunker dispel when you finish next i want 200 of you to go to a training ground work on kunai throwing and chakra control next i want some of you to sneak into the library and the academy so we can get a leg up on the rest of our peers grab every subject there is then study it the rest of you are coming with me to the Forest of Death to work on our taijutsu.
Every clone does what they are told and is successful in their missions the library clones are able to copy every book onto scrolls the same with the academy clones also the academy clones found a really old scroll that is falling apart but the words are still legible so they copy it to a scroll then destroy it the same with the library clones they find a book that's barely holding together and some of the pages can't be read because it's so old but they are able to get the information from the whole book regardless they copy it onto a scroll destroy it and leave the library with everything both groups take everything to the bunker then organize it by title and start reading.
Meanwhile Naruto is fighting against his clones one at a time until he gets used to fighting then two at a time the most he can handle is 3 at a time before he has to stop and rest and dispel this group of clones after that he stretches then does his workout regiment after that he heads to his bunker walks up to his clones then asks for the academy style taijutsu scroll they find it and give it to him he leaves heads back to the forest of death then starts practicing every kata it has it takes him 1 year to master it as well as get good enough at chakra control that he can move onto tree climbing in the book because it measures your level of chakra control by you channeling your chakra into an object it produces.
Also he can now hit the target with no problems with all 3 throwing weapons not the bullseye or anywhere near it but he's proud of his achievement he also has pushed up his training weights to 20 pounds per limb by the time he reaches the academy he will have 100 per limb also during the year he has found 2 jutsu that he just had to have the kunai shadow clone and the exploding shadow clone also he can do trap making he learned it from his clones during the past year this year as soon as it started he began playing pranks on everyone in a bright orange and blue jump suit just to see what would happen.
He put the Hyuuga's underwear outside for everyone to see then he swapped the inventory of various stores next he dyed the anbu's uniforms pink painted their masks white on the masks in big bold letters he put "Zoo Animals" in orange they weren't happy about that he put itching powder along laxatives and hair dye in all of the council members stuff it was rainbow colored he did various smaller pranks leading up to those his last prank was painting the Hokage Monument on the First Hokage a funny face he put trees on his head then put a bubble over his head talking about the springtime of youth.
On the Second Hokage he put water then a funny face then on his forehead he puts best jutsu creator but worst policy maker then he goes to the Third Hokage puts on a tired face what looks like cigarette out of his mouth the leaf symbol on his forehead then a bubble above his head saying i hate paperwork then he does the fourth Hokage he does a smirking face put his clan symbol on his forehead with a bubble on his head saying i didn't have to die i just did it so the third would do my paperwork after that he goes home to wait and see the reactions from the populace when the sun rose everyone was going about their day until they saw the monument.
Everyone had varying reactions to what they were seeing some laughed others scowled others couldn't believe what they were looking at the most notable were people like Kakashi who just couldn't stop chuckling Gai was happy the first understood him Asuma was rolling on the ground after seeing that everyone else got a kick out of it except the third when he went to his office opened up the blinds to his office while drinking his coffee he opens the window to enjoy the morning air while he's doing that he looks at the monument spits out his coffee scowls says" Damn you Minato " then he summons cat and snake and asks them to track down their resident prankster.
They find him home in bed asleep as though nothing had happened when they checked his clothes from the day before they found sweat dirt mud and blood but no paint the same with his shoes they cleaned his shoes then woke him up Naruto gets up puts his sleeping cap away he walks out in his pajamas puts on his slippers then goes with them to the Hokage's office after entering the office the hokage gives Naruto some which he happily receives after adding sugar and some cream he drinks it then asks "why have i been brought here at this ungodly hour the academy doesn't officially open until 8am it's 5:45am the sun just barely rose".
The Hokage wonders how he knows that but he decides to get on with the topic at hand the prank he pulled Naruto as if sensing the topic he was going to talk about says "you can't punish me for something i allegedly did without witnesses or without proof also if i did do this instead of punishing me you should be punishing yourself and your ninja forces" the Hokage asks "what do you mean by that last statement " Naruto says" in the interest of saving time and getting bewildered looks i did paint the monument but think about that for a minute for someone who's hailed as the professor should be able to figure out my statement or does the phrase "look underneath the underneath" no longer apply to shinobi".
The Hokage sighs as he forgot who he was dealing someone who acted like an idiot most of the time but when challeneged was almost naturally smarter then anyone he's ever met after thinking about it he sees where Naruto is coming from other than their barrier over the village their security is the worst of the 5 great nations he sighs grabs a document before he hands it to Naruto he says what i'm about to show you is an S rank secret you tell anyone you will be executed without trial Naruto gulps signs the S rank document then looks at their security he frowns at how horrible it is he asks for a map of the village a pencil and someone who understands tactics.
Shikkaku gets summoned to the office he walks in the door seeing 2 female anbu the Hokage with Naruto standing over his desk he coughs to let them know he's there Hiruzen says" oh Shikakku good you're here maybe you can help young Naruto with an important task that i've given him also i want to talk to you in my secondary office for a minute" Shikkaku nods then follows the Hokage down the hall to his secondary office they sit down.
Hiruzen says "there are two reasons i summoned you today Shikakku before i give you those reasons i'd like to know is there a way to test how smart someone is next is that boy is responsible for the Hokage monument without being caught as he told me about he made a snide comment about he shouldn't be punished but our ninja forces should for not detecting all of his pranks up until now finally i need you to assess his tactical abilities as best as you can" Shikakku nods then says" i can do all of this but you gotta admit what he put was kinda funny especially on the last two heads" he starts laughing knowing it's still there.
Hiruzen scowls a little bit then says "you only think that because he's making fun of my hatred for paperwork"he laughs then they go back to the main office they hear lots of commotion before they walk in the crack it open and they see clones of Naruto doing the paperwork while the real one is reading the guide one the paperwork then directing his clones to act accordingly on each subject they watch for 10 minutes while this is happening they open the door more and every clan head sees Naruto and his clones doing the paperwork while also he transforms some of them into messenger birds then sends them where they need to go in one hour he finishes the paperwork stunning everyone.
After that the Hokage and Shikakku walks into the office then they begin with marking things on the map but Naruto has no idea what he's doing but he has instinctual grasp of how things should be they can tell he's not studied tactics yet so one more hour they get it done then Shikakku takes Naruto to a facility he says we're going to be putting you through a series of tests to see how strong you are and how smart you are if you pass these tests we'll play a game at my house afterwards Naruto nods then signs the forms agreeing to do the tests.
Test 1 : punching bag
Test 2 : lifts
Test 3 : treadmill
Test 4 : track
Test 5 : obstacle course
Test 6 : written test
Test 7 : puzzles
Test 8 : riddles
Test 9 : maze
Test 10 : combat