The remaining time left in Gracies and Jason's time before they left was spent with Jason training all day long and Gracie running around getting supplies for their journey. During his training Zachary would sometimes stop by and watch to see Jason's improvements and training techniques, he still isn't quite sure how Jason can recall his magic so freely. The night before the departure the three are sitting having dinner and just chatting. Jason hasn't checked his status yet to see if there had been any changes. "I have a weird question" Zachary starts off "Can I perhaps join the two of you on your journey?" Gracie was delighted to have more company fly over his shoulder before landing on it. "Uh duh if you want to come you're more than welcome," Grace says relaxing on his shoulder. Jason looks at Zachary a bit confused but ends up replying "The more the merrier '' secretly he's thrilled that Zachary has decided to tag along. The two have grown quite closer over the past two weeks.
Once dinner comes to an end Gracie and Zachary head into the kitchen to wash the dirty dishes. Jason takes this time to decompress on the couch since his training for the day had already been completed. He is now able to almost instantly summon any lower-level thing using his magic with little to no focus. An example is his Fire manipulation training where he has to focus the most he can now produce one to two fireballs without any effort. This development thrills Jason. As it also applied to his other three skills as well. Now he is sure that as long as the trio doesn't run into any higher-level monster he can more than handle himself. Jason since he has the time decides to check his status to see if there was any improvement. "Status," He says and is brought forth with the familiar screen however he is shocked by the results.
Name - Jason Evans
Age - 19
Gender - Male
Species - Elf
Class - Soul (Legendary)
Level - 1
Health - 250
Strength - 12
Intelligence - 20
Dexterity - 16
Wisdom - 18
Endurance -13
Skills - Soul Storage (Holds the souls of those you kill or are killed on your behalf)
Soul Seek (Allows the ability to gain all the knowledge from a designated soul by destroying it) Soul Contract (By paying a certain amount of souls the user is able to magically enforce a contract upon a person or creature as long as it has been weakened enough)
Earth Manipulation (Allows the user to move the Earth element depending on their training level)
Water Manipulation (Allows the user to move the Water element depending on their training level)
Wind Manipulation (Allows the user to move the Wind element depending on their training level)
Fire Manipulation (Allows the user to move the Fire element depending on their training level)
Magic Dismissal (Allows the user to negate a spell as long as the cast is familiar with the spell and has a higher magic level than the caster)
Skill points - 225
Jason was impressed with his training but raises his stat points by two he was now utterly thrilled. He now has proof that the training is working and decides to keep up his regiment to see how far he can push it. Jason knows that he must dial it down a bit especially as they are traveling due to him normally spending hours on one element. As he's reading through everything he comes across the Magic Dismissal skill. Confused, he reads the skill description and notices how it is like how he uses it to get rid of the magic once he's cast it. He didn't notice any skill screen or anything before but he ignores that due to now having a new skill. "Gracie?" Jason calls out before seeing her flying fast out of the kitchen "What's up?" She says as she halts her movement. "Do you know of a skill called Magic Dismissal?" He asks curiously "Yea but I heard it is extremely rare to naturally obtain it and any who have it won't likely be able to get them to teach it to you" Gracie answers his question. "Well, it seems I must have gotten this skill while I was training" Jason calmly tells Gracie. She looks at him dumbfounded for a moment before flying off into the kitchen. Jason, highly confused, calls after her "wait where are you going!?.
After a couple of seconds pass both Gracie and Zachary come as fastly as ether could out to where Jason was sitting. "You actually got that skill?!" Zachary asks excitedly about his new friend's recent accomplishment. "Ya but it wasn't too difficult so I'm not sure as to why it is as rare as Gracie told me Jason responds to the question "Plus it was just a side effect from my training anyway". This time Zachary takes a moment to laugh "Do you by any chance know the difficulty of your training?" he finally manages to get out. "Um no but I have to guess easily as I am able to do it without knowing too much" Jason answers getting slightly confused. "That's partially true your summoning of the elements part is often rudimentary however, you are able to dispel it a lot quicker and efficiently than most" Zachary begins his explanation "An example of this is me as I am a Fire elemental and natural gifted in Fire magics, I tried what you did and almost passed out because of it on my first try" he finishes his statement leaving Jason utterly shocked. Jason thought everything was easy but didn't realize that it wasn't the cause. This is the moment where a realization begins to dawn on him however, This wasn't earth but maybe the knowledge he gained from there will be highly beneficial for him here. He comes to this conclusion however with only the village as experience in this world. With the use of magic however it makes him fairly certain science in this world would at least be vastly different to include magical aspects as well. He makes a mental note to try and run a couple of tests to see if he has anything useful to use at the moment.
After a large break of silence between the trio as everyone had been lost in their thoughts over this Gracie breaks it by saying "Well that is amazing news and I'm glad you can use it but we probably should get to bed soon since we have a long journey tomorrow". Jason nods in response before getting up and heading over to his bed. Gracie flies off to her room to get ready for the night. It was decided Zachary would stay over on the couch tonight so when the sun rose everyone would be ready to head out. For a bit since the two were in the same room Jason and Zachary talked for a bit before both finally fell asleep.