Chereads / Legends of Lankurt / Chapter 21 - "Dat's a Huge Load o' Shit!"; Mancer, Mangle, and Bartholemew Arrive in City A

Chapter 21 - "Dat's a Huge Load o' Shit!"; Mancer, Mangle, and Bartholemew Arrive in City A

Mancer, Mangle, and Bartholemew walk up to the front doors of the City A Headquarters.

Mancer is quite bemused at how much the facility has grown since his last appearence of Hero Earth. He whistles at the building, seeing the emmense structure. "*Damn. I thought the castle, back home, was huge. This place takes the cake, bra...*"

Mangle sees a camera at near the door, nudging Mancer. "Hey. I think they're expecting you."

Mancer looks at the camera, as well. "Tch! Yea', right. These fuckas ain't seen my candy ass in three years, babe. I totally doubt they'd be expecting me to come back up from the depths."

"Still, it would be quite the surprise."

"Tch! Maybe..." He swipes his Hero card, having the doors open for him. "*Ha! Su'prise, su'prise. This thang still works. Now, to find Tots, Bang, and Fubuki.*"

The three walk in, seeing how large the first floor is.

"Hot damn! Godzilla could fit his candy ass in here!"

"Hello, there!", says the receptionist. "Welcome to the Hero Association City A Headquarters! May I be of any assistance?"

"Yea'. Can ya get me the director, Terrible Tornado, Silverfang, and Hellish Blizzard?"

"Of course, sir. Anything else?"

"Yea'. Don't press dat button." He uses his telekinetics to lift the hidden arm of the associate. He looks to Mangle. "See? I told you dey wouldn't remember me..." He walks up to the desk.

Mangle non-chalantly shurgs, following Mancer.

Mancer stops at the desk, seeing the receptionist. "Use ya other hand to call the people I requested, please. I really don't wanna make a scene. It's been three years since I've been here."

The receptionist gulps down hard, grabbing the phone and calling the director. "Wh-. Wh-. Wh-. What should I tell the director?"

"Tell the stank brain dat Blast is back. And ready for action."

"Y-. Y-. Y-. Yes, sir." She calls the Hero Association director.

The Hero Association director chats with two of his executives. "Now, remember. This new Monster ha-." His phone rings. He answers it. "I'm in the middle of meeting."

"Sir. I have major news for you."

"What is it? It better be important."

"A Monster claiming to be Blast is here, sir."

"I ain't a Monster!", replies Mancer.

"What? Blast?!", asks the director, standing up.

"Put dat shit on speaker, now!"

The associate puts the phone in speaker.

"Yo! Director pickle-finger! How ya been?"

"Blast!", replies the director. "It really is you. I'll contact the others, tell them you're here."

"Thanks, pickle-dick." He hangs up, looking at the associate. "Don't ever call me a Monster, again. Ya got dat? I hate bein' called dat."

The associate nods her head.

Mancer groans, walking with Mangle to sit in the lobby and wait for his friends. "*I knew these humans wouldn't recognize me. No one's seen me for 3 years. Tch! 15 in Mobian years.*"

Mangle hands Bartholemew to Mancer.

"Wassup, babe?"

"I'm gonna go find Helena. From what happened during that crash, it looked like her, Freddy, and another Pokémon crashed near City B, C, or E. I suggest you recruit the other Heroes to try and find the other Pokémon that we lost."

"Good thinkin'. At least, you'll be out there gettin' shit done, for a change. Ha! You'll even some sun, for once."

"Shut up, hon. You be good, okay, Bart?"

"Yes, mommy.", replies Bartholemew.

Mangle exits the Headquarters, heading to City E.

"Mommy's gonna find Hewena?"

"Yep.", replies Mancer. "Mommy's gonna find Helena..." He leans back in the shadow, taking a nap. "*Why does the space-time jump always make me feel groggy? Tch...*"

The director runs down the hall with an older Hero, panting as he gets close to the lobby. The director makes his way to the receptionist desk, slamming his hand on it. "Where is he?!"

The associate points to the shadows.

The director and the older Hero look the way the associate was pointing, seeing a large, teal tail lie on the ground.

"He hasn't been waiting too long."

The older Hero walks up to Mancer, kicking his leg. "It appears you've grown soft since you've last been here, Blast. Not surprising. You always were a slow learner."

"If startin' a family o' my own is your def of goin' 'soft', then you got problems, old man.", replies Mancer, furrowing his brows while keeping his eyes closed. "By my calculations, you're 35 years too late to start one of ya own, playa."

"Is that so? And why do you think I don't have any children of my own?"

"Because your candy ass is too dedicated to your own craft instead findin' a girl to be with, foo'. I have a lovin' wife. I have a fantastic son. Whaddoyou have? None o' dat."

"Only because I choose to. I don't want to burden someone with the thought of losing me in a battle against a Monster."

"You did dat when you started your dojo." He chuckles, opening his eyes and looking at the older Hero. "Ain't dat right...? Master Bang..."

Bang chuckles back. "It has been too long, Mancer."

"Right back at'cha. I'd like you to meet my son, Bartholemew. Bart, this is the man who taught me Flowing Water."

"How are you are, Bartholemew?"

Bartholemew hides his face in Mancers shirt.

"Yeah. He can be bashful, at times.", says Mancer.

"He took up after you when you first started as a Hero.", replies the director.

"Ah. Director Cornwall. Nice to see ya."

"Likewise, Mancer. So, tell me. Why decide to return to the Hero Association after being gone for over 3 years?"

"I asked him to come back.", replies Tatsumaki, flying into the lobby with Fubuki walking behind her. "These damn Monsters are running wild. Something big is going on."

"I was actually discussing that with two of my executives, Terrible Tornado.", replies Cornwall.

"Well, if it's somethin' so bad that Tots asked me to bring my candy ass back here for, then it must be serious.", replies Mancer. "I'm gonna need to find my Pokémon team."

"Your what?", asks Fubuki.

"Here. I'll show you." Mancer pulls out pictures of his Pokémon that he brought with him. "My wife, Mangle, already set out to find Helena an' Freddy. So, that leaves 5 Pokémon to 3 Heroes.

"Tots, I want you to find Xof an' Rowdy. They crashed near Cities G or H. Fubuki, I want you to find Katrina an' Warrior. They crashed near Cities P or O. Bang, I want you to find Zohr. He crashed near Cities R or L. I'm entrusting you to find my Pokémon. They all know who you are, so they'll follow y'all back here. An' make sure the other Class S' don't find them first. If any of them do an' kill them, I'll know."

"Of course, Mancer.", replies Bang. "I'll head out now." He takes his leave.

Fubuki hugs Mancer. "Welcome back, big brother."

"It's good to be back, Fubuki.", replies Mancer.

Fubuki lets go of Mancer and takes her leave.

Tatsumaki flies to Mancers eyes. "So... Married, huh? Alot has changed since you were here, last."

"I know.", replies Mancer. "And I also know that-."

"Mancer..." She sighs. "There's something I have to tell you..."

"I already know..."

"You-. You do...?"

"Yeah. Remember, I'm an anthropormorphic Hedgefox. So, not only am I able to smell the certain emotions, I'm also able to smell hormones. An' ever since I got back, I've been smellin' your 'crush' on me. Sorry, Tots. I'm married. Can't break my promise to my wife."

Tatsumaki sighs. "Yeah, yeah. I know... You're loyal to a fault." She begins to take her leave. "I'll go find your precious Pokémon."

"Thanks, Tots." He turns to Cornwall. "So, what's the sitch?"

"We have surging reports of Monsters popping up everywhere.", replies Cornwall, walking toward his office, which makes Mancer follow him. "And every time they have, they've been finding these odd pieces of metal. Something's going down, big time, with the Monsters. Just like when they captured Garou."

"Garou? Why Garou?"

"Garou is now a Hero Hunter."

"What?! Nah. Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. Dat's a huge load o' shit! I know Garou! He would never do somethin' like dat!"

"Well, he has and he did. He put Tank Top Master, Mumen Rider, Smile Man, and plenty of other Heroes in the hospital or in the ground. He's strong, Mancer. But, I know he's scared of you. You're the only one who he's afraid to fight."

Mancer growls.

The two enter the briefing room.

"There also reports of a new Monster.", continues Cornwall.

"There's new Monsters almost everyday."', replies Mancer. "How's this gon' be any different?"

"Because this Monster is civilized... Look." He pulls up a blurry photo of the new Monster.

"Really? This is all you got?"

"We analyzed the photo, and this is what we got after buffering the entire thing." He shows the process of the buffer, showing the new Monster in its true form.

"What the fuck...? Dat looks like... Like a Pokémon."

"That's what I thought, myself. But, I know nothing of these creatures. So, I thought 'Who better to ask than the 8-time Champion?'"

"Been keepin' tabs on me, huh?"

"Naturally. Are you able to identify what kind... Beast we're dealing with?"

Mancer studies the odd-looking Pokémon, looking for key clues to identify said beast. He finds traces of Ninetails and Houndoom, but nothing else. "Bart. Do you think you're able to find out what this Pokémon is?"

Bart looks at the photo of the Pokémon, seeing the same things as Mancer. "Half-Houndoom, half-Ninetails."

"Dat's what I thought, too. Thanks, bud."

"Do you know if this Pokémon is of any real danger to us?", asks Cornwall. "We keep seeing it-."



"'Her.' Dat Pokémon's a female. Female Ninetails have tufts of fur jutting off the tips of their ears. It's a minor characteristic, but it's a characteristic, none the less."

"Okay. We keep seeing 'her' with the Monsters as they find these pieces of metal. Do you know what they are?"

"Do you have any?"

"Of course. Follow me."

As the two leave, the photo glitches and shows the hybrid Pokémon turning her head.

Cornwall finds the room where the metal is contained. "Some of our associates kept getting weird transformations as they physically touched them. So, we had to get hazmats to pick them up. This is the room where we keep the material." He opens the room.

Mancer screams in pain, dropping his son and backing away from the material. "Close it, motha'fucka! Close it!"

"Daddy!", replies Bartholemew, flying near his dad.

"What's wrong, Mancer?!", asks Cornwall.

Mancer quickly turns at Cornwall, gaining viscious eyes and teeth. "Close it!" He returns to normal, continuing to scream in pain and agony.

Cornwall quickly closes the door.

Mancer pants as he begins to regain his strength.

"What the hell just happened?"

"Dat... Dat was Oramorium... Dat's the shit I'm made out of and it also happens to be my only weakness. And because it has dat nasty aura, my pain was turned up to 11."

Explosions can be heard from outside.

"What the hell?"

Cornwall contacts one the Heroes still the Headquarters. "Snake Snek! See what that was!"

"I'm on it!", replies Snake Snek on the coms.

"Dat motha'fucka' won't survive for long.", replies Mancer. "I'm goin' with 'im." He races outside. Once he gets outside, he sees many Monsters surrounding the building.

The Pokémon Mancer and Bart identified earlier walks through the sea of Monster. "I know the armor of Fang is in there, Heroes! If you do not relinquish the material, we will be forced to destroy you!"

"Ha! Yea', right."

Snake Snek sees Mancer facing the Monsters. "Are you in our side?"

"Yep. The name's Mancer."


"Let's do some damage."

The Monsters bombard the Headquarters, trying to get in.

Mancer and Snek hold them back, but there's too many. The Monsters begin to fall atop the two Heroes, allowing them to break in and grab the remaining pieces of armor.

Mancer feels the armor getting close, making him scream in pain.

The Monsters seize the opportunity to take action, bombarding Mancer with strike after strike.

Mancer begins to get angry. So much so, that his normal teal fir begins redden. His eyes also turn red, glaring through the hill of Monsters. He screams at them. "Chaos BLAST!!!" A large explosion destroys the Monsters atop him and Snake Snek.

Snake Snek sees the last Monster with the pieces fall into the large hole. He slams his hand on the ground. "Damn it! They got away!"

"MANCER!!!", exclaims Mangle, running up to them with Helena, Genos, Bella, and Fredrick.