Chereads / Legends of Lankurt / Chapter 26 - "I Wouldn't Give it a Second Thought."; Xof and Katrina Start Their First Day

Chapter 26 - "I Wouldn't Give it a Second Thought."; Xof and Katrina Start Their First Day

Xof snorts as he wakes up from a weird dream. He takes off the covers, leaning over as he sits on the edge of the bed. He shakes his head and sharply inhales. "Damn... That was weird..."

Katrina turns to face Xof, still laying in bed. She grabs Xofs arm. "Are you alright, hon?"

"Huh?" He turns to Katrina. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a weird dream, is all." He checks the tableside clock. "Heh. 7:28. Might as well." He gets up and puts his clothes on. "Come on. Time for the daily grind, babe."

Katrina also gets up, putting her clothes on.

The two walk out, seeing Zohr and Helena take their leave, as well. They each say their greetings and continue their partol.

Xof and Katrina make their way to City D, hearing about a few Monsters in the Tiger and Demon Threat categories terrorizing the locals.

As they turn the corner of a bakery, Xof spots the Monsters, killing one of the humans. He runs at the Tiger Threat Monster. "Hey, lay off, asshole!" He pulls out one of his Bone Rush and slices the head off of it. "Anyone else want a piece of me?"

The Demon Threat Monster roars as it punches Xof into a building.

Katrina gasps, using Flamethrower to push the Demon Threat away. "Xof! Are you okay?"

Xof groans as he sits up from the rubble. "I'm fine. The Demon Threat isn't even that strong. Woah!" He dodges an attack by one of the other Tiger Threats. "Take care of the other two! I got this one! Hey, fugly! Come catch me if you can!" He runs off.

"Why you little-!", replies the second Tiger Threat Monster, chasing Xof.

Katrina looks at the other two Monsters, seeing their advance. She swiftly dodges the Tiger Threats attack, using Psybeam to blast it back to the Demon Threat Monsters feet.

The Demon Threat scoffs, firing a large shot of water at Katrina.

Katrina dodges the attack by jumping over it.

The Demon Threat aaw this opportuniy to strike at Katrina.

Katrina didn't have the proper Speed to see the Demon Threat in front of her.

Just inches before the Demon Threat reached her chest, Xof threw one of his Corrupted Bone Rush to bash the hand of the Monster. "Stay away from my wife, asshole!"

The Demon Threat grabs at his own hand, turning to Xof. He gasps as he seed in his Corrupted state and the head of the second Tiger Threat in his hand. "How...?"

Xof catches the Bone Rush. "I'd be more worried her than anything else, bub."

The Demon Threat turns back to Katrina, also seeing her in her Corrupted form.

Katrina evilly grins. "Hello..." She sticks her Wand the Monsters chest. "Fire Blast..." Her move turned critical, making the Monster turn to dust, turning to Xof. "Are you going to care of the other Monster, love?"

"Gladly.", replies Xof, popping his knuckles and making his way to the third Tiger Threat.

The last Tiger Threat Monster wakes up, seeing Xofs fist halfway to its face.

Xofs fist goes straight through the skull of the Monster, killing it instantly. He forces his hand back out, bringing his Prohibitor Rings back to him and putting them with Psychic.

Katrina also replaces her Prohibitor Rings. She takes her phone, calling Cornwall. "Yes, Director Cornwall, this Katrina, the new Class A Hero."

"Ah, Katrina.", replies Cornwall. "I'm quite surprised to hear your voice. Are you calling to report any Heroics?"

"Yes. My husband and myself have just killed three Tiger Threat Monsters and one Demon Threat Monster in City D."

"Hmm. Impressive. You two've done well, your first day on the job. Let's see... Three Tiger Threat Monsters and one Demon Threat Monster... You both want credit for these kills?"

"Yes, sir."

"Okay... So, according to these calculations... You and Xof have increased your Ranks by 4, each. Meaning you, Katrina, are now Class A, Rank 43. While Xof is Class A, Rank 42. Is that all for today?"

"Yes, sir. And-. Actually, where is our grandson, FireStone? Has he Ranked up, yet?"

"Uh..." Cornwall checks the reports. "Not as of yet... But, much like you and your husband, I'm pretty sure he'll report his Heroics, soon."

"Of course. Thank you, Director."

"You're quite welcome, Katrina." He hangs up on her.

Xof walks up to her. "So, what'd he say?"

"We both Ranked up 4 spots, each.", replies Katrina.

"That's it? Damn. I thought it would've been alot more than that."

"Not really. In Class C, Tiger Threats are 100 Ranks, Demon Threats are 200 Ranks, Dragon Threats are 400 Ranks, and God Threats are all Ranks in that Class. In Class A, Tiger is 1 Rank, Demon is 5 Ranks, Dragon is 10 Ranks, and God is all Ranks."

"What about Classes B and S?"

"Class B, let's see..." She logs onto the Hero Associtation website, seeing how the Ranks work for the other two Classes. "Tiger is 2 Ranks, Demon is 10 Ranks, Dragon is 20 Ranks, and God is all Ranks. Class S..." She checks Class S. "Class S is none, 1, 2, and 4... Same order as the previous Classes."

"Fuck me sideways... Class S really is the hardest of all the Ranks."

"I actually talked with Genos, yesterday. He said getting into Class S is now even tougher because of Amai Mask."

"Wait, Amai Mask? Isn't he that blue-haired entertainer with the crazy power?"

"That's him."

"Why would Amai Mask cause trouble like that?"

"Amai Mask doesn't want other Heroes to join Class S because he thinks Heroes like Metal Bat, Puri Puri Prisoner, Pig god, and Child Emporer are a disgrace to the Hero Association. Amai Mask is Class S material, but he doesn't like the other Heroes for some reason."

"Jeez. He sounds like real wife material, doesn't he? Even with that attitude, I'm surprised people still go to his concerts."


The two start walking to a local eatery.

"What concerts? I haven't heard of any concerts around here? Hell, I never thought they had concerts on Hero Earth."

"Almost every planet with sophisticated life has concerts."

"Speaking of life..."

"Hm. What's up?"

"You know how women have that moment where they realize something is off?"

"That's like... Mothers intuition, right?"

"Not like that."


Katrina pulls out three different pregnancy tests, showing all three as positive.

"Wait. What? Are you-?"

She nods, beginning to cry. "I'm pregnant... We're having another baby..."

Xof hugs Katrina, laughing, lifting her up, and spinning around. "How long ago did you find out?"

"I had my suspicions about it... I missed my period a couple weeks back and I wondered why. That's when I got these tests in secret. When all three said positive, I knew..."

"I can't believe it... We're having another baby..."

"If it's a girl, this time... Sonya. Another boy... Christain."

"Nice choices, babe. And that's why I married you."

"Bullshit." She replaces the pregnancy tests in her pocket. "You married me because of my looks."

"That too. Marrying you? Heh! I wouldn't give it a second thought. You've been the love of my life since I can remember, Kat. I can't think of anyone else I'd spend the rest of my life with."

Katrina bashfully chuckles, blushing wildly. "Thanks, sugar cube." She quickly covers her mouth.

"Ha! There's your old accent! Damn, I didn't think I'd hear that again."

The two finally arrive at the eatery, seeing Bella and Avery with the Pokékids. Warrior and Rowdy run up to Katrina and Xof, hugging their legs.

Katrina and Xof pick up their children, sitting with Avery and Bella.

"So. What's for lunch?", asks Xof.

"I'm having a chicken salad with blue cheese.", replies Avery.

Xof retches.

"I'm gonna have a t-bone steak with a baked potato and green beans.", replies Bella.

Xof tilts his head in approval.

"That actually sounds pretty good.", adds Katrina.

"What about you, Freddy? What're you havin'?"

"Hot dog and fries.", replies Fredrick. "Aunt Bella's gonna help me eat, because... You know."

Xof chuckles.

"Warrior got lucky with his hands."

Warrior sticks his tongue at Fredrick.

"Leanne?", asks Katrina.

Leanne sets her drink down. "Hm? Yes, ma'am?"

"What're you having?"

"Same as mother. Except with ranch dressing."

"Again.", replies Xof, retching.

"I take it you don't like salads.", replies Avery.

"Naw, it ain't that. I don't like ranch or blue cheese. It doesn't sit right with me."

"Ah. I see."

"What about you two?", asks Katrina, looking at Warrior and Rowdy.

"I'm having chicken nuggets with fries.", replies Rowdy.

"Hamburger with mashed potatoes.", adds Warrior.

A waitress brings a couple of menus to Xof and Katrina.

The bell on the door rings, making the Pokémon look back. They all gasp, seeing Minerva look completely different.

"Well, look at this.", says Bella, leaning back. "That potion you took really hit the spot, didn't it?"

Xof and Katrina order their food and drinks, handing the menues back to the waitress.

Minerva walks up to the others. "BiFrost was able to help, a bit. Instead of having half-Ninetails, half-Houndoom, I'm back to being half-Ninetails, half-Flareon."

"You're half-Flareon?", asks Avery.

"I know that it doesn't show much, but it's mostly the tails, ears, and chest that show it compared to the rest of my body."

A loud crash can be heard outside.

Xof groans. "Are you serious? I, literally, just got relaxed." He sets Rowdy down. "Let's go, babe. Save our food, guys. This might take a while."

Katrina sets Warrior down, quickly following Xof outside.

Once the two make it outside, Class B, Rank 7, One Punch Man, has already killed the Monsters.

Saitama looks at the two. "Oh. Looks like I got to the party earlier than you two. My bad. But, they were weak, anyways. I'm sure you two could've taken them."

"Are you going to report your kills?", asks Katrina.

"Yeah. It is mandatory, OPM.", adds Xof.

"Oh! Thanks for reminding me.", replies Saitama, taking his phone. "Yeah, this is Class B, Rank 7, One Punch Man. I'm reporting a few Monster kills in City D. ... Yeah. Both, with a single punch. ... Really? Wow. Well, am I able to tell you a kill that happened a days ago? ... A giant centipede. ... I think that was it. Either way, I killed that one, too. ... Really? Wow. Thanks. ... I'll be there." He hangs up.

"What happened now?"

"I made it ot the top of Class B. And because I killed "Centichuro', they'll bump me to Rank 38 once I gain Class A Hero status."


"See what happens when you tell the Hero Association about a Monster kill?", asks Katrina.

"*I just hope I can tell them about those aliens that I killed.*", ponders Saitama. "*If they accept the kills, I just might be in Class S. Maybe even Rank 1. Hm. Only way to find out...*" He runs off without showing sign of movement from his body, making Katrina and Xof hold on to a nearby light pole until the wind dies down.

Xof scoffs. "Fucking maniac. Doesn't he know there's people around here that can be hurt by his take-offs alone?"

"He must be the absentminded type, babe.", replies Katrina. "He's stronger than most people we know, but he knows when and where to take things to another level."

"Let's hope he can become a smarter fighter. All he knows how to do is punch. He needs to broaden his fighting techniques, or else he'll die if he doesn't."

Saitama finally makes it to the Headquarters in City C, walking into the interview room. He sees the previous administrators from before, but he also sees Mancer. To his shock, Mancer stands behind the admins, arms crossed and glaring, slowly wagging his tail. "I thought was the interview to bump me to Class A..."

"It is...", replies the lone female admin. "Blast is here for provisional support."

"He's going to run through your memories to see what Monsters you have killed, and what other Threats to humanity you've destroyed.", replies the chubby admin.

"Run through my memories?", asks Saitama. "What, is Mancer is psychic or something? Is he gonna read my palm?"

"Just sit your candy ass down, son...", replies Mancer.

Saitama scoffs, reluctantly sitting down in front of the admins.

Mancer walks around the table and grabs Saitamas head. "I've heard about your exploits from Demon Cybord. Let's see if what he says copies what you remember." He points the palm of his hand at the tablex replaying Saitamas memories of the Monsters and Threats he's defeated. He gasps as he sees an old adversary. "*Boros... His jabroni candy ass killed Boros... Damn...* What the-?!" He watches Saitama punch the beam in half. "Are you fuckin' serious, dawg?! You punched a beam in half?! Alpha's friend, Kakarot, can't even do dat!"

"Who?", asks Saitama.

Mancer groans, grabbing the bridge of his nose. "Nevermind, dawg. Nevermind. But, dude... Just one the shit since after your introduction into the H.A.... Tch! You should, at least... be Class S, Rank 13."

"I concur.", replies the female admin. "We shall submit these findings to the Directors. We will, personally, make sure that you're of Class and Rank by days end."

"Really?", asks Saitama.

"They don't do this for just anyone, dude.", chuckles Mancer. "You's got a type o' ability that they haven't seen in a few years, homey. You's somethin' special. And all four of us're gon' make sure you get the Class and Rank you deserve."