Chereads / Legends of Lankurt / Chapter 27 - "Using That for an Excuse is Tiresome."; FireStone & BiFrost's First True Test

Chapter 27 - "Using That for an Excuse is Tiresome."; FireStone & BiFrost's First True Test

The alarms begin to blare in the Headquarters. Two Heroes run down the hallway, ramming their way into the room.

"What's the problem?!", asks BiFrost.

"Two Dragon Threat Monsters in City F!", replies one of the Directors. "Get to the Watchdog Man Monument, now!"

"We're on it!" He runs with FireStone to the City F tunnel. He begins to take off his Prohibitor Rings as the hangar door begins to open. "Hang on to these, dear brother. We must be at full strength."

"Of course.", replies FireStone, taking the Prohibitor Rings from BiFrost. "Two Dragon Threats, she said?"

"Yes. We will need all the power we can muster, if we're to destroy these Monsters."

The two jump into the transport, riding all the way to the Watchdog Man Monument. They hop out, grabbing their Weapons.

"Woah, shit!", exclaims BiFrost. "Those guys're huge!"

"I agree.", replies FireStone. "Let us Mega Evolve." He screams aloud, going into his Mega Evolved state. He jumps at one of the Dragon Threats, knocking it away from the Monument.

BiFrost chuckles, also screaming as he goes onto his Mega Evolved state. He jumps at the other Dragon Threat.

FireStone begins his assualt on the first Dragon Threat. "Flamethrower!" He jumps and blasts the Dragon Threat with a massive amount of heat, burning its skin. He lands away from the Dragon Threat, running around it. He didn't notice the tail of the Dragon Threat, causing himself to get blasted into a nearby wall.

BiFrost jumps back, dodging the strike by the other Dragon Threat. He uses his Scythe to slash at the chest of the Dragon Threat. "Thunderbolt!" He makes a clash of lightning strike the Dragon Threats back. He jumps up as he sees the paralyzed foe drop to its knee. "Take this! Corrupted Gigavolt Havoc!" He sends a large bolt of lightning at the Dragon Threat, scorching its chest until the beam drives itself through the Monster.

FireStone runs past BiFrost. "My turn!" He jumps up, charging his energy. "Spiritual Inferno Overdrive!" He sends the large fireball at the other Dragon Threat, just missing the head of the Monster.

"Let me help! Use yours again!"


"Are you ready?!"


"Corrupted Gigavolt Havoc!"

"Spritual Inferno Overdrive!"

The two moves meet at the middle, but reflect upon contact.


"That's impossible!", adds BiFrost.

The two moves hit the arms of the Dragon Threat, removing them completely, making the Monster roar.

The two Heroes grunt as they jump up, dodging the tail.

"What the hell happened?!", asks BiFrost.

"Our moves are complete opposites!", replies FireStone.

The two land in a building, away from the Monsters sight.

FireStone looks at the Monster, seeing it regrow four arms. "*Great... Now, we must deal with more instead of less.*" He stands up, facing BiFrost. "It appears we must destroy the heart if we are to kill this beast."

The Monster grows wings, flying into the air.

"Great.", replies BiFrost. "Now, it can fly. What is with this place?" He jumps onto the tail of the Monster.

"I agree. It is much too prohibitive." FireStone jumps onto the tail, as well, climbing up to where BiFrost is. "Shall we kill this beast the old fashioned way?"

"Ha! You never sease to surprise me."

The two Heroes jump high, swinging their Weapons. The two drive their way through the heart of the Monster.

The Monster roars, dropping to the ground and bringing up the concrete as it drags onto the ground.

FireStone and BiFrost walk atop the Monster, reverting back to their normal forms. They see the crowd, sliding down the Monster and shaking the blood off.

"Woof!", exclaims BiFrost, replacing his Scythe. "That was a rush."

"Indeed.", replies FireStone, replacing his Swords. "I have not felt this way since The Final Chapter War. It's exhilarating, brother."

BiFrost brings out his phone, calling one of the Directors. "Hello, this Class B, Rank 128, BiFrost. My brother and fellow Hero, FireStone, have just killed two Dragon Threat Monsters in City F near the Watchdog Man Monument. ... Of course. ... Thanks be to you, madam Director." He hangs up.

"Did they increase our Ranks, brother?"

"Of course. I am now Class B, Rank 109, while you are now Class A, Rank 35. Quite wonderous how the Classes are affected in this world."

"Yes. It is truly strange how this society works compared to many of the others we've visited over the years."

"Indeed. Halo, Bantoo, Injectious-."

"I, myself, have visited the planet, Lydera, Averys home world."

"I have always wondered why Avery was different compared to others. She's not of Lankurt."

"Indeed. I was smitten by her, at first glance."

"It appears so. She is quite the beauty."

"Hey... Watch yourself, brother. She may your sister-in-law, but that does not mean you can say things like that. Besides, aren't you infatuated by Minerva?"

BiFrost blushes. "I must admit, she is beautiful."

"Using that for an excuse is tiresome. Just admit your feelings for her, BiFrost. You know it to be true."

"Okay, okay. I admit. I am infatuated by Minerva. She is very beautiful, but I have no idea as to how to attract her attention. Ever since she has taken her normalcy potion, she has all but forgotten about me."

"Her feelings for you are probably just as strong as yours. Search your feelings. You know it to be true."

BiFrost lightly Flair Chops FireStone. "Enough with the Episode V references, brother. It becomes quite tiresome."

"Coming from the C-3PO fan."

"I like his speech pattern. That is it. Otherwise, I am a Darth Vader fan."

"Fan of the Sith, are we?"

"Of course! I have also heard from Bella that you're quite the fan of Yoda."

"Wise, you are, brother. Fan of Yoda, I am."

"Oh, sweet baby Jesus..."

FireStone laughs at his younger brother. He wraps his arm around BiFrosts shoulder. "Come now, brother. I am only joking. Besides, the Force is not a true belief. It is made up for the movies. Even if it were true, all those things happened in a farther galaxy in a different time stamp."

"Those famous 10 words, 'A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...'"

FireStone starts reciting the opening theme of Star Wars.

BiFrost follows suite.

The two continue this act, laughing as they turn the corner.

"Oh, my...", coughs FireStone. "Hoo! I have not bonded with you for quite some time, BiFrost."

"Indeed.", replies BiFrost. "It has been much too long since we have reminisced about the good ol' days."

"I agree. We must have these chances more often, my young Padawan."

He playfully shoves FireStone. "Shut up."

FireStone laughs more.

"I'm not a Padawan learner. I am a Jedi Master."

"Knowing in the Dark Side of the Force."

"Only to use these for the greater good! That is why my Force Lightning is Corrupted!"

"'Force Lightning?!'" FireStone begins to guffaw, stopping near a storefront.

"Is that not what the Dark Side calls it? 'Force Lightning?'"

"It is." He tries to calm the laughing. "But, I never thought you would use it in a conversation such as this. You were becoming serious, but said otherwise."

"Maybe. But, that doesn't deter me from anything else, FireStone. My Electric-type moves are Corrupted. Same as my Poison-type moves."

"Which, might I add, Lycanrocs of any time of day cannot learn Electric- or Poison-type moves. Well, Electric-type moves, for we can learn Poison Fang, but that is it for our Poison-type knowledge."

"I suppose so. Do you think Mancer has knowledge upon this?"

"He's a Pokémon Master, he is well versed in all things Pokémon. (Not in Fairy-types.) I am sure he can delve into his knowledge of Pokémon and our typings."

"I hope so. Because, I do not want to be wrong about this subject. Hell, we are Pokémon. We should know about these things."

"I concur, but even the smartest of beings do not know certain things. Only those who study all things natural and unnatural can have true knowledge and wisdom."

"Like knowledge and wisdom of the Force."

"Precisely." FireStone continues to walk.

BiFrost follows suite. "Where do you suggest we go next, FireStone?"

"Perhaps we can perform reconnaissance, ask the locals if they have seen or heard anything that is disturbing."

"Are you sure? Asking the humans about any trouble? They may think we're the trouble because we don't look like the average Hero."

"Look at Watchdog Man. Look at Drive Knight and Demon Cyborg. One is a human who fights like a dog, the others are robots who are designed for situations such as these. The locals near the Monument saw us kill two Dragon Threat Monsters. I am pretty sure they can trust us."

"I hope so. Some of these humans still don't trust us. Almost everyone in the Hero Association does, but that's another matter, entirely."

"What's another matter?", asks someone behind them.

The two look back, seeing another Hero.

"Ah. Class C, Rank 1. Mumen Rider.", says FireStone. "It is good to finally meet you, sir. How long have you been a Hero?"

"Since the Hero Association first started.", replies Mumen Rider. "3.5 years. Man, does time fly by."


"I hear you two are new recruits."

"Yes. I am Class A, Rank 35. My brother is Class B, Rank 108."

"First day on the job and already making waves. Nice." He dismounts his bike, walking with the Pokémon. "So, where are you two from? Probably nowhere I'm familiar with."

"Of course not."

"We're from the future planet of Lankurt.", adds BiFrost. "In this timeline, Lankurt has yet to be settled upon. It's currently a baren wasteland of deserts and poisoned waters."

"How did 'Lankurt' become livable if its current conditions are so poor?", asks Mumen Rider.

"Careful locations of specific items."

"Our ancestors knew that they would need to relocate.", adds FireStone. "They just didn't know it would be so soon. The technology used is much more advanced than you would think. Have you seen the movie series Star Wars?"

"Star Wars...?", asks Mumen Rider.

"Brother. This planet does not have the same movies as others.", says BiFrost. "Remember, they do not have the same quality or quantity of things that we take for granted. Regardless of timeline or planet."

"Wow. You two speak really weird."

"That is because we have studied the old English.", replies FireStone. "We are well versed in it, but we do revert to the modern English... From time to time."

BiFrost raises his arms and slaps his own thighs.

FireStone snorts.

People start to scream as they run past the three Heroes.

Mumen Rider stops one of the people. "What's going on?!"

"A Monster Robot just showed up out of nowhere!", replies the citizen.

"*A Monster Robot?*", thinks BiFrost. "*This should be interesting.*"

"Where is it?", asks Mumen Rider.

The citizen points in the direction she was running from.

"We're on it." He lets the citizen run off.

FireStone and BiFrost see the Robot falling from the sky.

"Ah, shit. We'll need to call in-."

"Not yet!", replies FireStone. "Let us test our mettle against this opponent!"

"Just get the citizens out of this area!", adds BiFrost, as FireStone runs at the Robot. "Do it! Now!" He quickly follows FireStone.

Mumen Rider nods. "Alright, everyone, move! Get out of here! Heroes at work! *Godspeed, you two. You're gonna need it.*"

BiFrost runs past FireStone and uses his Scythe to trip swipe at its feet.

"Fire Punch!", exclaims FireStone, uppercutting the Robot, making it stumble back.

BiFrost grunts as he uses Shadow Claw to break open the inner workings of the Robot.

"Fire Blast!" FireStone sends a large clash of flames at the Robot, melting its insides.

BiFrost absorbs the electricity from the Robot, powering up his moves and giving him more health. He chuckles to himself. "*This Robot must have been a Demon Threat, at best.*"

FireStone takes out his phone, calling one of the Directors. "Hello, this is Class A, Rank 35, FireStone. ... Yes, sir. ... Of course. We worked together to defeat the Robot, while Mumen Rider evacuated the area. ... Thank you, sir." He hangs up.

BiFrost walks up to his brother, replacing his Scythe. "Ranks?"

"I am Rank 30, you are Rank 99."

"We are rising with great pace. I'm quite surprised at our progress. I wonder if Zohr and Helena have progressed."

"I am sure they have, brother. Come. Let us enjoy this double victory."

"Where shall we go?"

"We can ask the locals if there is a good delicatessen in these parts."

"A deli? A sub deli?"

"Mayhaps. Only if the reviews are good."

BiFrost nods, grabbing his Prohibitor Rings from FireStone and replacing them on his wrists, returning to his normal form.

The two walk along the sidewalk, searching for a place to relax and eat.

From the skies, Shhuusshuru watches the two brothers. "*I must admit, Collusion has become stronger. No doubt this is that brats, FireStones, doing. If I am to become a force on this pityful world, I shall acompany myself allies who share my interests... This 'Monster Association' can truly become my cup of tea.*" He flies toward the horizon in the east. "*Perhaps, I can join these Monsters in their quest for dominance over these humans... And eventually these simpletons that Lord Fang wishes me to destroy...*"