Chereads / Legends of Lankurt / Chapter 25 - "A'ight! Let's Check the Hero Scores."; Legends of Lankurt Hero Testing

Chapter 25 - "A'ight! Let's Check the Hero Scores."; Legends of Lankurt Hero Testing

*Mancer POV*

*A'ight, y'all. After dat lil' run in with dat beast, which Xof, Zohr, FS, BF, an' the others chased off, we was able to find the necassary ability to bring Tots' powers back. With Xofs help, she's now back to her normal self. Luckily, FS kinda humbled her candy ass after their lil' fight. So, she's decided to not take her powers for granted. Anymore...

*As for the Pokémon, I asked Cornwall to have them tested to join the H.A., to see what Classes an' Ranks they'd all be at. Oh, an' I also asked him to further Saitama up the list Heroes an' to give him a different Hero name.*

"What do you want the new Hero name to be?", asks Cornwall.

*Since the main set-up is on Hero Earth* One Punch Man.

"I can only get the latter part finished. As for the sooner... Sorry, Blast. There's nothing I can do. You know, as well as anyone, you have to make Rank in your own way. One Punch Man will be his new Hero name, yes. As for furthing his Hero status... There's nothing to be done."

(sigh) Fine, I guess... Will dat Hero name stick, though?

"Of course. I will personally make sure of it."

Good. I don't wanna have to come back in here an' start throwin' shit.

"Neither do I."

*Tch! Dat makes two of us... I walk out the room.*

*3rd Person POV*

The grown Pokémon now have their chance to show the Hero Association that they mean business. Much like Saitama rushing through the testing montage in S1, E4 of the One Punch Man anime, the same tests apply to the Pokémon. The following list shows the Pokémon that will be tested in order: FireStone, Xof, BiFrost, Helena, and Katrina. And up first, Zohr.

Zohr walks up to the first event, side jumps.

"Okay, Zohr.", starts the coach. "You have one minute to complete as many sideways jumps as you can. One rep is two jumps back-to-back. We also have sensors to follow your movements so we know just how many you've done. Does that sound good to you?"

"Of course.", replies Zohr. "Let us get started." He crouches down, making sure to concentrate.

"Ready... And begin!"

Zohr uses all of his Speed attribute to race through the first event.

Within the minute that's elasped, the coach has tallyed Zohrs first test. "*Nice job, animal.* Alright, next up. The speed test. We have an Olympic-sized track for you to run on. You have to complete 10 laps in order to finish. Take your mark, Zohr."

"I'm on it.", replies Zohr, getting set. He stretches his legs, making he's limber. He sets his legs up, readying himself.

The coach fires a blank skyward.

Mancer stands by with the ribbon, using his speed to watch Zohr race through the laps. He pulls the ribbon just before the 10th lap, making sure Zohr knows when to stop.

The coach keeps a straight face, letting a bead of sweat roll off his temple as he tallies the result. "Okay, Zohr. Weight test. This will test how strong you are against a heavier opponent. You must use your physical strength in order to complete to the task. How much weight do you want on your bar?"

"500 lbs.", replies Zohr.

Xof whistles, kissing his teeth afterward. "He's pushing his limits..."

The other coaches set up the bar.

Zohr grabs the bar in a switch grip, lifting the bar with all his legs can give. He could only get the weight just under his chin before he drops it, panting heavily. "Damn it...!"

The coach tallies the numbers. "Fourth test, Zohr. Reaction. It's a fast-paced game of whack-a-mole."

"How fast?"

"The only ones to complete this event were Blast, One Punch Man, Demon Cyborg, Silverfang, Puri Puri Prisoner, Drive Knight, Metal Bat, and Tank Top Master. Everyone else either failed this or just squeezed by."

"Okay... Let's get this started."

"*I thought Zohr was a pascifist.*", thinks FireStone, watching Zohr walk to the next event. "*Looks like the events of Sshuushuru have finally changed his mind. Good. We'll need his skills to even have a chance at killing that beast.*"

Zohr grabs the mallet, nodding to the coach. He hears the game turn on, making him get prepared. The game was so fast, that he could barely keep up. He just got under half of the moles whacked.

The coach tallies the number. "Alright, Zohr. Jumping. We wanna see just how high you can bound. You ready for that?"

Zohr pants heavily, looking at the coach. "Bring it..." He pugges along, stopping just under the wings. He raises his right hand, letting the coaches measure the length to his tallest finger tip. Zohr crouches, jumping 2/5ths of the way to the ceiling. "What next?"

"True strength. This final test will show us how strong your strikes are. Give this everything you got."

"*That's all I've been doing...*" He walks over to a large silver machine, putting his fist on it to test the resistence. "Can I use any of my moves to further the strength output?"

"No. You have to use your natural strength, no extra moves. Just punch it will all you have."

"Hoo, boy..." Zohr cocks back, yelling as he lets loose a strong punch. To his surprise, he moves the machine back a few yards. "*I did that...? I'm a ranged Pokémon. How did I do that?*"

"Well done, Zohr. Now, head for the door on my right. From there, you will be given a mental eval test. Answer each question truthfully and get the right answer on the others."

"That I can do." He walks off to the door behind the coach, walking inside.

He walks back to the Pokèmon. "Next up: FireStone!"

Here are the physical evaluations for each of the Pokémon in order from the list above. (All were in their ultimate forms.)

Zohr: 39

FireStone: 50

Xof: 50

BiFrost: 50

Helena: 42

Katrina: 40

Katrina is the last of the Pokémon to walk into the locker room, seeing everyone else talking as she puts her Prohibitor Rings back on. "Hey, guys. Sorry I'm late."

"No biggie, babe.", replies Xof. "You get your paperwork, yet?"

"No. I just finished my mental eval, actually."


The coach comes with envelopes having of the names of the Pokémon on them. "Alright. Come up to me when you hear your name. Zohr."

Zohr walks up to him, grabbing the envelope.


FireStone walks up to him, grabbing the envelope.


Xof walks up to him, grabbing the envelope.


BiFrost walks up to him, grabbing the envelope.


Helena walks up to him, grabbing the envelope.

"And, last but not least, Katrina."

Katrina walks up to him, grabbing the envelope.

Mancer, Mangle, and Bartholemew walk in just as the coach leaves.

"So. How'd y'all do?", asks Mangle.

"We haven't checked, yet.", replies BiFrost.

"A'ight! Let's check the Hero scores!", exclaims Mancer, clapping his hands.

Zohr opens his first. "Okay... They have me at a 39 for the physical and a 50 for the mental. That puts me at Class B."

"Dat's... Actually pretty good, all things considered."

FireStone opens his next. "They have given me a 50 for the physical and a 43 for the mental. I am in Class A."

"Nice job, FireStone.", replies Avery, walking in with Leanne.

"Congratulations, daddy.", adds Leanne.

"Thank you, sweetheart.", replies FireStone, kissing Leannes head, then Avery on her lips.

Xof chuckles as he opens his. "Ha! Boo-yah! 50 outta 50 in the physical! Could you expect anything less?!"

"Check your mental scores.", replies Mangle.

"Ooh! Right! ..." He shrugs. "Not bad, not bad. I got a 41 in the mental. Class A, grandson 1."

"'Grandson 1?'", asks Mancer. "Wha'...? What, are they Thing 1 an' Thing 2?"


Mancers snorts.

BiFrost opens his with uncertainty. "50 out of 50 for physical..." He sighs in disgust. "34 out of 50 for mental... D'aw, man..."

"Hey, it's better than Class C.", replies Zohr. "Babe. You're up."

"Oui.", replies Helena, opening her envelope. "Okay... 42 for physical... 42 for mental. Class B."

"Grandmother?", asks Leanne. "What's your scores?"

Katrina opens her envelope. "40 for physical and... 50 for mental. Class A."

"Just by the hair on her chinny chin-chin.", replies Mancer.

"Shut up.", replies Xof and Katrina.

"Now, since the 6 of you are now part of the Hero Association, you have to start making names for yourselves.", says Bang, walking into the locker room. "You can work together, if you want. But, be mindful of the Classes of Monsters. Here's a brochure to help get you started." He hands the brochure to BiFrost.

BiFrost opens the panflit. "There are four Classes for Monsters. The 1st and most common Class is Tiger Threat. A Tiger Threat is a Monster or event can kill a small part of a City. The 2nd Class is Demon Threat. A Demon Threat is a Monster or event that can destroy a full City. The 3rd Class is Dragon Threat. A Dragon Threat is a Monster or event that can wipe out more than half the life of the planet. The final Class is God Threat. A God Threat is a Monster or event that can destroy everything on the planet."

"We almost had an event with aliens a bit over 3 months ago. It wiped out most of City A and most of the citizens."

"*Tch! Boros...*", thinks Mancer.

"At the time, it was considered Dragon Threat, border lining God Threat."

"Wait. It was that bad?", asks FireStone, whistling afterwards. "Damn..."

"Wait, Master Bang!", says BiFrost. "I have a question to ask."

"I might have an answer for your question.", replies Bang.

"Is there any way I can learn Fist of Flowing Water-Crushing Rock? My grandfather, Xof, has learned it under his Trainer. Is there any way I can learn it?"

"Of course! But, you must be dedicated to learning this Martial Art, BiFrost. Mancer knows everything about Fist of Flowing Water-Crushing Rock."

"Way more of a mouth-full compared to Jeet Kune Do or Wing Chun.", jokes Xof.

"Basic compared to what myself and my brother know."

"Your brother?", asks BiFrost.

"Master Bomb. He is the master of Fist of Whirling Wind-Slashing Steel."

"Uh... Flying-type moves don't effect Steel-types all that well, Master Bang.", replies Zohr.

"Pokémon have different rules compared to the real world, Zohr. Bomb and I were able to make Centichuro molt with our combined strength. In our collective primes, we probably could've killed the Monster, ourselves."


"A'ight, y'all.", replies Mancer, clapping his hands. "Time for y'all to head over the 'classroom' as I call it. Class A, Rank 44 Snake Snek'll be waitin' for y'all."

All 6 of the Pokémon make their way to the room Mancer mentioned, seeing Snake Snek at the front.

"Sit down, everyone.", says Snake Snek. "I hear you've all been evaluated on your physical and mental abilites. Half of you got into Class B, the other half Class A, like myself." He checks who is in either Class. "Zohr, BiFrost, and Helena. You three just started in Class B, which you're at the bottom of the Class B barrel. Even though two of you are Blasts Pokémon, don't expect Fubuki to go easy on you. She tries haze the newbies in Class B, so be careful."

"Duly noted.", replies Zohr.

"As for FireStone, Xof, and Katrina, you three also just started Class A. Like myself, you're at the bottom of the Class A barrel."

Xof raises his hand. "Uh, question."

"Go ahead."

"Did Genos go through Class A pretty fast to get to where he's at?"

"No. Demon Cyborg was a POI, person of interest, who destroyed a TOI, target of interest. Because of him doing so, he was boosted to Class S on speciality. Going through Class A Rank 1, Handsome Kamen Amai Mask will be a tough order. He's Class S worthy, but no one knows why he won't make the jump."

"I have run into Amai Mask before.", replies Helena. "I would not say he is friendly type. He assumed the worst of Bella and I from start. Genos was able to sense our hearts, so he didn't attack for long."

"There has been some complaints about Amai Masks behaivior, whether it's capturing or otherwise. No one knows for sure as to why he acts this way, but no one questions his Heroics. It's his ability to carry out orders is the problem."

Xof scoffs. "I'll take care of that asshole, if it comes to it."

"I would very much like to see that."

"Bella and I have.", replies Helena.

"So, why isn't Bella here?"

"Because I told her to.", replies FireStone. "Yes, even with her Corrupted form she can survive. But, I would rather not see my baby sister get hurt by these Monsters. If they are as brutal as you humans say they are, then I would rather have my sister stay out it. Same goes for my wife and all the children we collectively have as a family."

"That's a respectible reason. But, Bella seems to be at the age where she can make her own decisions. Why not let her be a Hero?"

"Did you not just hear me? Are you deaf, Snake Snek? Or are you that stupid?"

"Daaaaaaaamn!", exclaims Xof and BiFrost, leaning to the their right. (Ha! Friday reference.)

"Watch yourself, FireStone.", says Snake Snek. "You may be new, but don't go throwing any metaphorical punches just yet. You still need to earn the respect of your peers."

"We already have with a few of the Heroes.", replies Katrina.


"Tank Top Master, Puri Puri Prisoner, Blast, One Punch Man, Demon Cyborg, Terrible Tornado, Hellish Blizzard, Superalloy Blackluster, Silverfang, Atomic Samurai... Just to name a few."

Xof snorts.

"Very funny, Katrina.", says Snek. "When you kill a Monster, call the Hero Association and tell them what occured. There will be eyewitnesses, so the higher ups will know if you're truthful. Now, get out there be Heroes."

All 6 of the Pokémon get up and take there leave, meeting up with Mancer and Bang.