Mangle jumps onto the steps, seeing Mancer knocked out from huge release of energy. She begins to cry as she hears the faint heart-beat of her husband.
Other Heroes and Pokémon arrive, also seeing the pain Mancer is in.
"What happened?!", asks Zohr.
"He was exposed to the armor!", replies Cornwall. "It made him scream out in pain!"
"*Oramorium...*", thinks Mangle.
"He then used 'Chaos Blast' to kill the Monsters that were on top of us.", adds Snake Snek.
"How did he not kill you in the process?", asks Xof.
"I don't know. Maybe it's because he saw me as an ally."
"He needs to rest for a while.", replies Fubuki. "Being near the armor and using Chaos Blast took a toll on him."
"What was the armor made of? And why did it make him scream bloody murder?"
"It was probably made of-."
Mangle slaps Fubukis arm, slicing her own neck. "Mm-mm! If people know his weakness, they'll stop at nothing to kill him!"
Fubuki groans. "You're just like Tatsumaki."
"I'm right here, Fubuki!", replies Tatsumaki.
"I remember this man from the Final Chapter War.", says FireStone. "He helped us defeat Fang and release us from enternal war."
"Wasn't he dead in our timeline?", asks BiFrost.
FireStone gasps. "Of course! The books! They all said he had died protecting his own from the humanoid Corrupteds! How was he alive in our timeline?"
"Remember when Shadow used Nuclear Chaos to kill Fang after Mancer used his Killer Move to help?", asks Zohr.
"Nuclear Chaos creates a black hole. And black holes suck in everything, including light. Mancer is no ordinary Mobian."
"No duh.", replies Bella.
"Shadow, even when he turned Hyper, could not escape the effects of a black hole because he wasn't fast enough."
"But, Mancer is. He's 25X faster than the speed of light.", adds Xof.
BiFrost whistles.
"The speed of light, by itself, is 176,000 miles per second.", replies Zohr.
"Multiply 25 to 176,000, you get 4,400,000 miles per second.", adds Helena.
"And that's with Prohibitor Rings. Without them, he's much more powerful. And he's now 75X faster than the speed of light."
The Lankursians become slack-jawed.
"Multiply 75 to 176,000, you get 13.2 million miles per second.", replies Helena.
"And that's only in base form.", adds Zohr.
"How many does he have?", asks Avery.
"Let's see... Base... Dark... Fleetway... Dark Fleetway... Base Version... Dark Version... Fleetway Version... Dark Fleetway Version... Base Version 5... Dark Version 5... Fleetway Version 5... Dark Fleetway Version 5... Holy... Adding all the Super forms... Duh, duh-duh, duh-duh, duh-duh... Ssssss... 65 forms in all."
"And each goes up another 25 or 75X, depending on whether he has Prohibitor Rings.", adds Helena.
"Shit...", replies FireStone.
"Doesn't he need a Chaos Emerald to help the healing process?", asks Bang.
"Yeah. But, the Emeralds are back in the castle.", replies Mangle. "We'd need all seven to help heal him."
"Or one Super Emerald.", replies Helena.
"Super Emerald?", asks Atomic Samurai.
"Oui. Super Emerald is 7X stronger than Chaos Emerald. One Super Emerald equal all 7 Chaos Emeralds."
"And the Master Emerald is a source of unlimited power.", adds Zohr. "The Master Emerald, alone, has enough power to lift an entire island into the sky, back on Mobius."
"Angel Island..."
"Wait. Did the Super Emeralds look like this?", asks Bella, grabbing an Emerald from her pants pocket.
Mangle gasps, grabbing it from Bella. "Where'd you find this?!"
"They were on Lankurt for as long as we can remember. Izzy told me that these Emeralds contain crazy amounts of power. So, she gave me one so that way no other person on Lankurt can use them for evil."
"Thank you, Bella. But, I'm gonna need 7 of the Chaos Emeralds to-."
Mancer sits up and screams, panting heavily.
"How the hell...?"
"Holy shit! Dat Super Emerald did the trick! Woo!"
Genos scans Mancer, checking the diagnostics of him. He gasps at how strong he is, now knowing that Zohr, Xof, and Helena were telling the truth. He takes his phone, calling someone. "Master, I may have found someone who is of the same strength as you. ... He looks like an Alien, but he actually Class S, Rank 1. Blast. ... I do not know. But, he strength is emmense, Master Saitama. ... We are at the City A Headquarters. ..." He hangs up.
"Who the fuck is Saitama?", asks Xof.
"Saitama's the one dat broke my records for the H.A..", replies Mancer. "But, they put his candy ass at Class C, because he failed the written test." He looks at Cornwall. "And you'll be gettin' an earful from me after I evaluate his strength."
Cornwall gulps down, hard.
Genos sees Saitama in the distance. "He is here."
Fubuki quietly moans.
Mancer kips up at his baby sister. "Are you shittin' me?! I can smell your hormones, baby sis!"
Saitama jumps on the steps, seeing Mancer and his team. "So, which one am I fighting."
"Me!" He decks Saitama into the ground. "Mangle, get into the secondary dimension! I don't anyone gettin' hurt!" He steps down to the ground.
Mangle charges herself, throwing the Super Emerald to Mancer just before using Dimensional Chaos.
Mancer catches the Super Emerald, putting it in his pocket. "Get up, Bald Cape! I wanna see watcha made of, son!"
Saitame kips up, glaring at Mancer. "You don't want to do this, Blast. I've killed more Monsters like you than you can imagine."
"I can take whatever you throw at me, punk!"
Saitama suddenly appears in front of Mancer, slowly throwing his fist at him.
Mancer almost had no time to react. He ducks the attack, letting the wind from the punch flow past him with great strength. He hops back a few times, creating space between them. "*Fuck! Dat was way too close. He almost had me. Now, I see why he's so strong. The determination, the-.*" He gasps. "*Holy shit. The aura's basically pourin' from this man. I have to go through my forms. Or better yet...*" He takes of his Prohibitor Rings, letting them land on eithee side of his feet. "Now, ya in for it." He rushes forward, clotheslining Saitama.
Saitama uses the moment to his advantage, donky kicking Mancer toward the mountains. He shortly follows by jumping.
Zohr and Xof run to the other side of the steps, seeing a small yellow speck flying through the air.
Xof whistles. "Shit. That dude's fast."
"And strong.", replies Zohr, crossing his arms.
"What did you mean by armor?", asks FireStone to Cornwall.
"And why was it making Mancer scream in pain?", asks Bang.
"Since, we're not in the open, I can tell you.", replies Mangle. "If the armor was making my husband scream in pain, it was made of pure Oramorium. And pure Oramorium is deadly to him. We were lucky that Bella had that Super Emerald on her, or else he would be in critical condition."
"Does the Super Emerald make him stronger?", asks Flashy Flash.
"Not really. It does with every other Mobian. An Emerald keeps Mancers Chaos levels normal, is all."
"So, the Emeralds don't effect his strength, anymore?", asks Fubuki.
"Nope. It's been..." She whistles. "Well over 10 years since the Final Version War."
"'Final Version War?'", asks Tatsumaki.
"Sybusky and Dransene had went haywire because they couldn't control the Versions, but Mancer could and can still control it, as long as he has those Prohibitor Rings on. Mancer had no choice but to kill them both. Which is why he's faster, stronger, and has more weapons."
Mancer hides in the shadows from Saitama, being sure to stay out of sight.
"Because of the time he's spent training and fighting, he's become a master of pretty much every weapon and technique in the world."
Mancer creates a 9-bang, cooking it all the way and tossing it near Saitama, hiding his eyes from the flashing.
Saitama groans as the lights make him see stars.
Mancer comes from around the tree, tripping Saitama and grabbing his back, forcing him into the ground headfirst. He then grabs one of Saitamas feet and tosses him through plentiful of trees, landing harshly into the mountain.
Saitama groans as he sits up. He then gasps as he sees Mancer coming at him. He slips the punch, jumping up and cocking back.
Mancer blocks the strike, feeling the immense strength of his rival. He grunts as he shoves Saitama back with his block. "Ya know... Just on your strength alone, you should be mid-high Class S. I saw your mental eval... Heh. I see why they put your candy ass in Class C. You's an idiot, homey."
"How would you know? You claim to be the mysterious Blast, but I see nothing that shows that quality."
"They call me Blast because of my Guns!" He grunts as he creates a large amount of Guns that float around him.
Saitama looks at each of the Guns.
"Killer Move: Oramorium Blitz!" All the Guns fire at Saitama.
Saitama swiftly dodges all the bullets, running to the top of the mountain.
Mancer makes the Guns disappear. "Get back here!" He follows Saitama.
Saitama stops at the opening, looking back to see Mancer right behind him. He gets ready for a strike from his rival, but he didn't expect Mancer to tackle him into the opening.
Mancer sees the magma boiling at the bottom. "Oh, boy." He creates a Sword and slams it into the wall. "Hang on!"
The Sword tries to get a good grip on wall, but it slides all the way through.
"Ah, shit."
"What now, 'Blast?'", asks Saitama.
"Quit ya bitchin'." He activates the rocket shoes, blasting them both to a floor that's near a cave.
The two grunt as they harshly land on the hard rock of the magma floor. They both stand up, stretching themselves to releave the tension.
Saitama looks up at the opening that him and Mancer came through, seeing how long the fall was. He then looks down, seeing magma bubbles pop as the heat start to get to him. He walks back to Mancer, beginning to faint from the immense heat. "Lava... Never trained my body for that kind of heat."
Mancer uses his elemental powers to cool Saitama down with wind and water. "I've done this with plenty o' rivals in the past. This has worked every time, brotha."
Saitama begins to stand, again. He shakes his head and grabs Mancer for balance. He finally regains his balance. "So, where to now?"
"Through this cave. This is the only shot we got at escapin' this fuckin' volc."
"Yeah, I guess so."
Mancer creates a two-handed hammer. "I'll take point. Just follow my lead, an' we'll get outta here, a'ight?"
"Tch! If you say so."
"*The armor...*", thinks FireStone, pacing in front of the entrance. "*If the Monsters are doing what I think they're trying to do... May the Lord have mercy on our souls. We fought him before. But, we got lucky on Lankurt. Things may be different on Hero Earth.*"
Bella and Avery watch FireStone pace frantically.
"What do you think is going through FireStones mind?", asks Avery.
"I... Honestly don't know.", replies Bella. "FireStones brain is like a damn maze. There's no telling what's going on in his mind."
BiFrost leans on the building, watching his three siblings thinking of other things. He scoffs, walking over to Mangle. He crosses his arms as he stands next to her. "You're worried about Mancer?"
"I'm worried about the fate of this world...", replies Mangle. "Pure Oramorium may be his weakness, but it is also his strength."
He looks at Mangles. "What do you mean?"
"Mancer isn't flesh and bone like you or Xof. He's like me, a robot, A.I.."
"Artificial Intelligence? How?"
"Mancer was cre-."
"I know about Mancer. But, how are you A.I.? You act like the rest of us."
"I'm an animatronic. I worked at Freddy's Pizzaria for a time. Mancer and I were built similarly, but much different in terms of the technology used to create us. I was built specifically for childrens entertainment. Mancer was built to become a beacon of hope for all of Mobius, bridging the gap between human and Mobian."
"Mm... I see. So, how long did it take for you two to become... 'Acquainted' with each other?"
"Not long, really. But, my older brother, Foxy, was livid that Mancer openly flirted with me during working hours. It was always at night, too. He had a way with words, before he humbled himself."
"He didn't act humble when I first met him."
"Here or on Lankurt?"
"Because, he was pissed off."
"About what?"
"About the fact that there's pure Oramorium on Hero Earth. That could kill him and release the Version hidden within his body."
"What is a Version?"
"A Version is a powerful, dark spirit that latches onto its victim, killing it from within if the victim doesn't have a strong will to deny it."
"And Mancer has that will?"
"Mancers Version can't do a thing as long as the Prohibitor Rings are on. But, if he has a long exposure to pure Oramorium the cracks in Mancers body would start to appear. All the battles he's been in has damaged his body to the point of no return."
"I still don't understand how Mancer was alive for so long before the Final Chapter War. Lord Fang was in his ultimate form and used Oblivion Wing. That should have killed Mancer."
"Oblivion Wing may be a strong Ghost-type move, but-."
"No, no. You don't get it. Fangs Oblivion Wing, while in his ultimate form, petrifies those who get hit by it and turn to dust, completely wiping them from existence. How did Mancer resist that effect for so long?"
"Effects like Burn, Paralyze, and Flinch don't effect my husband. But, something that is definite, like death, can effect him. Pertrification, then dust. That's definite."
"But, how did he resist?"
"How did he resist for?"
"Well over a full minute."
"He could've survived for 12 hours, if he wanted. After those 12 hours, the cracks would begins to form, which would release the Version. Once that happens, he'll let the process take over."
"What if he didn't have the Version?"
"Then, he could've stayed alive until the end of time, itself."
FireStone runs up to BiFrost, panting. "Brother. What is the process for the revival of Fang?"
"You need all the pieces of his armor, his skull helmet, and the blood of Harbinger, who was me at the time.", replies BiFrost.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Why do you ask?"
"Because you fell into my trap."
FireStone shape-shifts into Minerva.
BiFrost falls on his ass from the suddeness of the arrival. "What the hell?!"
Everyone else notices this, running or flying to aid BiFrost.
Minerva uses Psychic to hold everyone in place. "You will never see the light again..." She laughs as she grabs BiFrosts shoulder and teleports back to her cave.
The hold on everyone is released, allowing them to exclaim in their own fashion