Chereads / Legends of Lankurt / Chapter 23 - "Enlighten Me on How."; Minerva Explains Her Plans; FireStone Wants Revenge

Chapter 23 - "Enlighten Me on How."; Minerva Explains Her Plans; FireStone Wants Revenge

Minerva lets go of BiFrost, making him see the armor and helmet of Fang. She walks over to her cauldren, stirring her potions.

BiFrost stands up, gazing upon the armor and helmet of Fang. "How...? How did you proclaim his items? They were supposed to be destroyed."

She lets go of the handle, allowing her to talk. "On the contrary, my dear Lycanroc."

BiFrost gulps.

"Instead of destroying the armor and helmet, your techs accidentally sent them to this planet. And, after careful manipulation of these odd creatures, I finally proclaimed all the pieces and his helmet..." She looks at the holdster for Fangs things. "Now... I can finally rid myself of this curse."

"Curse? What curse?"

Minerva nods her head to another part of the cave. "Follow me... Collusion..."

BiFrost hesitantly follows Minerva into the next room, seeing the viels she has created over the years. "What are these?"

"These are my potions... At least half of them are. The other half, the ones behind you, are my poisons."

"Why create poisons instead of potions?"

Minerva uses Psychic to bring an old book to BiFrost. "Don't touch it. Unless you want the same thing happen to you."

"I don't even what happened to you." He walks closer to Minerva.

Minerva sighs, looking down, then back to BiFrost. "Sit down, young prince, for my tale is long."

"I must say, you speak the old English very well."

"Time in exile will make one think of the past deeds and troubles..."

"What did you do before touching that book?" BiFrost sits.

"I was, but, a young potionologist, others would say a witch. I was fascinated by what the natural minerals in the ground could do to aid others in their pain and suffering. So, I began creating these potions that would cure poisons, burns, paralyzations, what have you. I found many ways to create the potions I need to help others. After a time, you Lankursians gave me the name 'Cure All', for I could see and hear the problems of a sickly one. I would, then, naturally find one of my many potions that would cure them.

"But, I was merrily walking through the Limp Woods, one day, trying to find supplies for my potions. That's when I saw it."

The two look at the book.

"That dreaded book was cursed to force the brandent to create poisons instead of potions, all against my will. And I couldn't stop myself. So, I asked for the help of a soothsayer. She foretold that a great warrior of royal descent would soon help me in my tribulation."

"What else did she say?", asks BiFrost.

"She said nothing else, except for one other detail..."

"What is it?"

"The royal warrior... Would later become my husband, bearing the fruit to create children of our own."

"I wouldn't put it past the man that would willingly help you. There is no doubt, you are, indeed, beautiful."

Minerva blushes.

"But, there is the fact that you forcfully dragged me here! If you were to tell me-!"

"No, you would not."

"And why is that?"

"Because, yourself, nor your brother, would believe a word I just said, unless I were to show either of you. I had to take drastic measures in order to bring Fang back. He is the only one who can break the curse that has been laid upon me. And in order to bring him back, I need your blood to finish the revival ritual."

"I am not bringing Fang back to life. He was a pain in my ass and a bane on society."

"Please, Prince BiFrost! I need your help... Fang is the only one with the power to release the curse. I beg of you... Please, help me..."

BiFrost groans, grabbing his eyebrows. He looks back to Minerva, seeing the tears in her eyes. "Let me think about it, ma'am..."

"Please, hurry..."

FireStone punches, kicks, and destroys many things inside the Hero Association building. "That damn witch! She kidnapped my brother!" He grunts as a vase is chucked against the wall.

"Would you knock it off?!", asks Xof. "Bitchin' and moanin' isn't gonna fix shit! If you wanna find BiFrost, you have to scour the fucking area!"

"He could be anywhere on this God-forsaken world! Why should I even try to worry about a plan once we find him?!"

"We don't need a 'fool-proof' plan to renab BiFrost.", replies Saitama.

"Enlighten me on how."

"Just have Flashy Flash bag and drag him. He's fast enough to get in and out undetected, from what I hear."

"Watch yourself, Bald Cape.", replies Flashy Flash. "I'm not one to sit idly by and hear my name being dragged through the mud."

"So, you're suggesting a night op, Saitama?", asks Katrina.

"Are you mad?", asks Avery.

"What?", asks Saitama.

"Minerva is a witch. She can kill you with the simplest of spells."

"Like you couldn't.", replies Tatsumaki.

"And what's that supposed to mean?!"

"That's my wife, you little ingrate!", adds FireStone, getting in front of Tatsumaki.

"Aaaawwww, shiiiit...", replies Mancer, slapping his forehead. "You shouldn't've called her dat... Shouldn't've called her dat..."

"What did you call me?", asks Tatsumaki to FireStone. "Did you call me...? Little?"

"If the shoe fits, bitch!", replies FireStone.

Fubuki and Mancer exclaim in their own ways.

"Daaamn!", exclaims Mancer, turning to Fubuki. "This Lycanroc's got some balls on 'im."

"Definitely.", replies Fubuki.

"Call me little... One more time.", threatens Tatsumaki to FireStone.

"Oh, dear God...", complains Mancer, slapping his forehead. "Did someone show her Hancock? I swear, someone did."

"You are a little bitch.", says FireStone to Tatsumaki.

Fubuki and Mancer jump back comically, hugging each other. "Oh, shit!"

Tatsumaki uses her telekinetics to raise the ground under FireStone.

FireStone looks at the ground as he begins to float a bit. He jumps between the rocks, trying to get the jump on Tatsumaki. He Mega Evolves, raising his speed and attack. He races through the barrage, finding a crack in Tatsumakis defenses. He uses one of the Swords to cut her back.

Tatsumaki screams in pain, falling to her hands and knees.

Mancer and Fubuki rush to their sisters side, seeing if she's okay.

Tatsumaki gets up and growls, shoving her hands at FireStone, but nothing happens. "What the hell?!"

The two siblings gasp.

Mancer rushes at FireStone, stopping just in front of him. "You fuckin' jackass! What did you do to my sister?!"

"I negated her telekinetics.", replies FireStone, replacing his Sword. "She can no longer lift things with her mind."

"Well, you better fix her, or I'll off your ass, right now!"

"There is no way to fix her... At least that I know of."

Mancer backhands FireStone into the wall. "Well, you better find a way, an' pronto! Tots is a pivotal player in the game of Heroes an' Monsters! An' if I so much as find out dat you ain't tryin' shit to fix her, I will personally read you your death warrant! Do I make myself perfectly clear?!"

Bella fires her Gun at Mancer, purposely missing his head. "Get away from my big brother. I won't warn you, again."

Xof rushes by Bella, grabbing the Gun in the process. "The next time you fire at my Trainer, I'll be sure to drop your candy ass like a rock. Got it?"

Avery uses Flamethrower, hitting Xof in the back. "That's my sister-in-law, Xof. Watch it next time."

Zohr uses Shadow Claw, purposely stopping short of Avery. "And Xof is my brother, Avery. You watch it next time."

Helena and Katrina growl, taking off their Shiny Charm and Prohibitor Rings, roaring at everyone. "Would you all knock it off?! I get it! Each of us have family! But, last I checked, we're all family, aren't we?! Each of us is related through blood, marriage, or adoption! Knock it off with the fighting!"

Xof scoffs, tossing the Gun back to Bella. "Regardless of us being family, that still doesn't give you the right to fire at my Trainer. If it wasn't for me, Bella, you'd be nothing but a stain on that wall, over here. You don't want to piss him off."

"Well, next time tame your Trainer on his temper.", replies Bella. "Or next time, I won't miss."

"You wouldn't hurt me, even if ya had your Prohibitor Rings off.", replies Mancer. "None o' you could. The only one dat could possibly do some damage is Saitama." He turns back to FireStone. "An' you. You better get to work about fixin' my sis."

FireStone scoffs, reverting to his base form. "Fine. Zohr, follow me. We need to go back to Lankurt in order to find the book to fix lost telekinetic powers."

"Why do you need my help?", asks Zohr.

"Because most of those scrolls and books were made in sanscript. I need someone who's fervent in that language."

"You mean 'fluent?' And I never said I understood sanscript. It was Katrina who said that."

"Then, Katrina, you're with me."

"Don't be trying anything funny with my wife... Grandson.", replies Xof.

"I won't. We may both be married to Delphox, but I only find Avery attractive."

"Heh. To each their own."

Katrina puts her Prohibitor Rings back on, using her World Rings to return to Mobius with FireStone.

"I said Lankurt. Not the Ancient Colony.", says FireStone.

"Mancers teleporter has the capability to travel through both space and time.", replies Katrina. "Our World Rings can only travel through space."

FireStone groans. "Fine... At least I'll be able to see the Ancient Colony, first hand."

The two walk through the World Ring, having it close behind them.

Tatsumaki forcfully gets to her feet, pushing Mancer by his back. "What now, dread-head?! If I can't use my telekinetics, the Monsters'll run rampant!"

"Would ya calm ya candy ass down, Tots?", asks Mancer, crossing his arms. "If what Xof an' Zohr told me about FireStone is true, then he'll be back with the process to give you your esper powers back. So, just sit tight an' be patient. They'll be back."

"Great. I'm putting my hopes in a Delphox and Midnight Lycanroc. What else can go wrong?"

BiFrost returns to Minerva, tapping her shoulder. "I've finally made my decision, Minerva."

"And what is your decision, young prince?", asks Minerva.

He sighs, puttig his hands on his hips. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but... I'll help you revive Fang."

"Yes! Thank you, BiFrost. I will never forget your generosity."

"Just remember, once we revive Fang, he'll try everything in his power to kill us. We'll need a trap to make sure that he doesn't try anything funny."

"Ha! You seem to forget, young prince. I create poisons, now. All I need to do is throw all paralyze poison on him."

"Are you sure Fang can cure you? He has many powers, but healing is not one of them."

"This is the only way. I've read every book there is on this curse and subsidizing Fangs powers will cure me."

"Subsiduzing? What the hell? Don't you mean siphoning his powers to reverse the effect of curse?"

"Subsidizing is just a fancier way of claiming as such. Now, remove your Prohibitor Rings, BiFrost. The blood of your Corrupted form is what I need."

BiFrost sighs, taking off his Prohibitor Rings. "How much do you need?" He goes into his Corrupted form.

"Just a drop of your blood. Much like the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie."

"When in the blue hell did you have time to watch the Pirates movie series?"

"Before I became a potionologist. I had a life when I was but a child, BiFrost."

BiFrost facepalms. "Oy, vey."

"Now, hold still." She uses Psychic to bring a small needle to BiFrosts hand. "This prick will only sting." She jabs BiFrosts hand, making him exclaim in pain. "Sorry, young prince, but the prick must be strong in order to draw the blood." She brings the needle back to the cauldren, releasing the energy needed to revive Fang.

BiFrost growls as the smoke brings the armor and helmet into the air. "That paralyzation poison better work, Minerva. Or it's both our heads on the chopping block."

"Do not worry, Collusion. The paralyze poison works every time. It has never failed."

"*Let's hope so. We're gonna need that poison to slow Fang.*"